In 2020 you don't need to kill animals to eat good burgers anymore :D

in 2020 you don't need to kill animals to eat good burgers anymore :D

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no need to hate
just be happy you can eat tasty food without killing animals anymore, we're not living in the stone age anymore.
the future is here :D

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fuck your PETA bullshit, I eat what I want

Dont worry beta, ill raise the amount of stakes i eat, just for you


why so mad? just because you want to eat dead animals it don't mean everybody wants to do it. some people want to enjoy nice food witouth dead animals in it. chill man
wow edgy boii, why is meateaters so obsessed about throw their meateating in other people faces? just relax man :)

>being triggered because some people don't want to eat dead bodies

relax and enjoy food instead of being angry at people who don't want to eat dead bodies... many people say '' i could never eat veganfood because i love burgers''
well now you can eat burgers etc even if you are vegan

I love eating meat. I plan to eat more dead animals in 2020.

>in 2020 you don't need to kill animals t
I haven't killed an animal to eat in decades.
I have people to do that for me.

I'm with You OP. Haven't eaten a carcass in a year and I am healthier than ever. Plenty of great vegetarian food.

You're right, i don't need to kill animals. I just want to!

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I'm not a savage, I buy my meat pre-killed from the market, use half of it, then throw the rest in the trash.

You realize theres literally carcinogens in those "plant-burgers", they produce many. Proteins with gmos

bugs are sentient you fucking hypocrite.
>Eat bugs instead of cow = nigger aren't human
You fucking racist, sexist, xenophobic, ableist scum. No jazz hand for you.

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Everything is a GMO, you dolt.

>being triggered because some people want to eat dead bodies.

relax, animals are tasty

im okay with this future.
Ah hell, we dont even gotta give up meat, just most of it.

Even if the cows were about to extinct, i will eat meat until the end of my days

Yeah no I like my meat ,kek. A vegan burger shit

Go back to Tumblr!

Agreed OP.

I don't even like meat substitutes really, it's still processed crap. I'd rather have a tasty bean burger, potato and chickpea curry. Celebrate the vegetables for what they are. The flavour comes from the spices. Meat is so bad for you, for the animals, and the planet. Going plant based is a win, win, win.

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