Where are all the motherless links to real videos of actual rapes? Where are the Scientology raids and activist sensibilities? What happened to the old Cred Forums I knew and loved?
Where are all the motherless links to real videos of actual rapes...
>Cred Forums
gtfo newfag
They grew up, got married, had kids, and moved on. It's over. Cred Forums is now trap porn and faggotry, especially you OP, you massive faggot.
But we were building something special! It was different back then. There was a reason, a motive for the madness. When we invaded Habbo hotel, it was on principle. When we crowned Boxxy queen, it was on principle. When we decided to make our last stand and spend our lives and reputations for the good of all mankind it was for A REASON.
I look around today and I only see virgins- not merely virgins of the body, as we all once were, but virgins of the soul. And I weep for what could have been.
Its gone... fucked to oblivion by flaccid tranny cocks and nigger shlongs
Is it really too late? Did the zoomer coomers win?
please do the needful
Unless we rally somehow
Be thankful you were even around to have witnessed it at all. The early internet was a great thing, magical even. Now it's all shit.
>show rape please haha any incest stories where's the pizza lol?
>what happened to bee?
People like you.
>I cba to use the search function on top of the catalog function along with google, can anyone summarize the internet for me? brb watching videogame walkthroughs
inb4 haha no great joke nice bait
the activists moved to Cred Forums
the other autists moved to /r9k/
the degenerates stated
Cred Forums was always like this
Should we physically occupy the Cred Forums campus? What happened to Moot? We need him to put his foot down and declare partial law.
martial law*
Motherless cleaned house some years ago.
Remember that whole net neutrality thing we were trying to protect?
Yeah me neither.
m00t now works for Google/YouTube.
>digg collapsed from power users abusing the site
>its users migrate to reddit
>4channers check it out
>Cred Forumstard culture gets introduced to reddit
>reddit becomes the new meme powerhouse of the internet
>meme culture gets turned into a cultural phenomenon ($$$)
>reddit gets whitewashed of all its frontpage race bait, gore, etc that 4channers brought with it
>they return to Cred Forums
>remaining 4channers begin resenting meme culture as a whole and turn them into a faux pas
>troll culture goes unchecked
>it goes from being 'lol look at me i'm being retarded' humor to 'fuck you i'm going to manipulate your emotions so you argue with me for an hour'
>meanwhile /new/ gets raided by stormfront and becomes a neo-nazi outlet
>moot decides its in this websites best interest to make a containment board for these faggots
>Cred Forums is created
>stormfront makes Cred Forums their new home
>they co-opt this brand of troll culture and use it to inject far-right ideology on Cred Forums
>trolls lap it up and turn Cred Forums into a cultural phenomenon that attracts all the boomers and edgy zoomers that were introduced to the internet post-social media
>Cred Forums becomes a porn & gore & political bait dump that keeps users addicted to coming back
I guess you're right.. it really was magic. What's the fucking point any more?What a sad tragedy. God damn it. I thought I knew what cuckery was, but that takes the cake. He abandoned us in our moment of greatest need. Pure cowardice.
i had no idea it was this bleak... we really are doomed
You forget. The lurkers still lurk.
We will always be here.
Yeah, this is a startlingly accurate history.
The rise of Cred Forums in the media was it's downfall. It was a slow death of YLYL threads with bananas and shitty trolls that thought pretending to be stupid was some kind of art.
You just called it Cred Forums
>>Cred Forums becomes a porn & gore & political bait dump that keeps users addicted to coming back
Not even good porn. It's mostly traps and rate my shitty looking dick threads.
*sigh* what went wrong?
calling to band together or for a raid gets you banned nowadays.
your best bet is to make a time machine and go back to 2003
Global rule 1 retard
We are always watching
newfag just gonna ask it - what’s motherless?
It used to be an uncensored, unedited website. It's still out there. But its a shell of its former self. Kinda like
awww what a shame. will there never be another place like the Cred Forums of yore?
Since when is nostalgia illegal?
Welcome to the new and improved Cred Forums
Welcome to the internet, friend.
I dodge the faggotry and focus on the wincest, secrets, chubby/slampig, YLYL and Femnon threads.
Why do my pics always rotate?!?
don’t forget trap threads!
because you’re a faggot phone poster
I hate those threads. I never go in there. Got tricked a few times years ago, never again
kill yourself
>I dodge some shit
>I focus on pretty much the same level of shit
Cred Forums is a containment-board for these fucking retards, don't send them there
condescending reddit-tier reply, UNIRONICALLY KILL YOURSELF