Go vegan, faggots

Go vegan, faggots.

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As long as I'm not immortal I won't forbid myself any kind of pleasure.


So if you were immortal you would go vegan?

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veganism is just a ancient 90s fashion trend (straight-edge), revived as prepackaged sub-culture marketed at edgy teen rebels. it will die out, just like the last time

>So if you were immortal you would go vegan?
Why not? The fact is that my time on Earth is limited and I value my own pleasure over the death of animals. If I had infinite time to enjoy anything else, THEN it'd be morally wrong to cause infinite pain.

If you come and prepare me good vegan food for free everyday I'll do it.

>caring about what others eat
man, isnt your life a little too exciting?

I've been out of work for a few months dude, literally got nothing better to do.

I'm just trying to make a change you know? I don't so much care about what others eat (though going plant based will do wonders for your health). I care about animals suffering. I care about the planet and the meat industry contributing to global warming. I want to leave the planet a better place for my daughter, not just be a selfish prick who destroys the earth because I don't give a fuck about the next generations to come.

Can't be the top of the food chain if you're a vegan sissy.

you know that cowspiracy has be thoroughly debunked, right?

Or don't

Eat meat faggot

I love impregnating cows.

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No need for the food chain to exist in this day and age user. With an overpopulated planet we are just raping the resources by producing enough meat and dairy to feed everybody. If the whole worl went plant based we could save the planet and end world hunger. What are you scared of? Try it. Do a meat free Monday, try Veganuary, every small change helps. Maybe you'll see it's not so bad after all.

I haven't seen cowspiracy user, sorry.


cowspiracy is the source of the idea that eating meat is bad for climate, which is alex jones-tier bullshit

being a fat virgin wizard isnt top of food chain aswell


ok chad

>No need for the food chain to exist in this day and age user. With an overpopulated planet we are just raping the resources by producing enough meat and dairy to feed everybody. If the whole worl went plant based we could save the planet and end world hunger.
You simply do not understand.
I belong at the absolute top of the food chain. It is why I am training myself to be able to eat every plant and animal in the world.
Overpopulation is of no concern to me. It just means I have more humans to eat.


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yeah, the idea that methane ruins climate is bunk

ok boomer

If we cannibalize most of the human population there won't be any overpopulation anymore.

i'm not 60+

Not gonna happen though is it m80

Not with that attitude.

Enjoy your disease friend.

That's why you have to thoroughly cook the meat.
Same as with chicken.

The fedora is strong with this one.

Um straight edge came way after veganism dipshit.

Not that it doesn’t suck; Just you also suck.

veganism was rebranded from being a psuedo-religious dogma associated with the hippie movement in the 60s, into straight-edge in the 90s

It's just milk, philosofag. Kys.

ok moron

Listen, jackass, they had scientists in the 60's, too. Acting like most hippies weren't atheist or christian. New Age spirituality got big in the 80's. You have no fucking idea what you're mumbling about.

Doesn't matter if you boil it you still get it from the protein. Takes decades to know if you have it so it will take a while.

No thanks.

Have what?

You're going to die too, friend.
Everyone dies.

If the whole planet went plant based? You really are dumber than a door knob.
At this moment, with this many vegans and vegetarians farmers in UK, Mexico and some other south american countries are stating that they have problems with erosion and the soil that is becoming overused and it won't cultivate plants any longer. Now imagine the whole planet going plant based.
Eat a steak, your brain is lacking some protein

You do know how mainy plants/grains it takes to feed the livestock right?

Vegans are deficit in B12:

Vegans have weaker bones due to lower calcium intake and vitamin D3 levels:

Vegans have a worse memory compared to non vegans due to creatine deficiency in vegans:

Vegans have less gains compared to non vegans:

Vegans are deficient in omega 3s:

Vegans are deficit in carnitine:

Vegans are deficient in iodine:

Vegans are deficient in iron due to the fact that iron from plant sources is less bioavailable than iron from meat sources:

Vegans are deficient in vitamin A:

new age started becoming popular in the 60s with the hippie movement. veganism is essentially the new age belief that not eating meat makes the world a better place

So your math tells you that the livestock we breed consumes more greens than humans would if we all (or even most of us) went vegan?
You are right, that must be the reason for those problems. I suggest we stop killing animals, let them eat, fuck, and spread as much as they want to, that will surely lower their needs for plants and we can all live happily ever after. Everybody will be eating greens and the plant life will be so happy for it, it will start mass producing itself for us.

go on

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>veganism is essentially the new age belief that not eating meat makes the world a better place

So "basically" you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Veganism, while it had always been around, didn't really become a popular distinction from vegetarianism until the late-80's.

There were so many bullshit hippie christian churches back then. You have seriously overestimated the adaptation of non-monotheistic religions by people in the 60's.

We get it, you have a hard on against vegans.

oat milk

read up, you lose

The animals suffering is blown hugely out of proportion. We sell about 250k pigs a year and each one of those fuckers are happy till they die


only vegans are alphas

Plants cant run. My live hunting meat had a chance to run.