Whos getting the flute?
Whos getting the flute?
Lol, B.
Obvious answer is obvious.
B. The others have fictional claim where as B made the flute with their own materials during their own time. The other 2 can fuck off.
the obvious answer is that I give all three the flute if you know what I mean ;)
Why isn't C black?
l mass produce the flutes and get child A to sell them for me child B to make them for me alongside child C and they all buy the flutes
B. It's her fucking flute, man. She literally made the damn thing. This post was horrible and I'm quite disappointed in you, OP. No wonder dad never came back.
because who REALLY wants to fuck a black cunny?
Give the flute to child B. Doing so will motivate C to learn to make their own and improve their life themself. It will teach child A to not be entitled to other people's labor and learn humility.
kick child B in the stomach and beat child C with a length of rebar until he stops moving. Child A's Dad is paying me to make sure she gets it
If B didn't receive something for making the flute as a payment, then he shkuld be the owner of the flute and the only one to decide he's fate and even if he doesn't play it he could learn, expose it, or put in his ass ball deep. Otherwise A is the second better choice because the factor that he's a musician and the only who have the knowledge to play, he uses the flute as a flute! Third choice is the worst choice and the choice of the fucking faget poeple who can't use their brain!
Your thoughts OP?
I'd tell them to shut the hell up cause if they can articulate their reasons this well then they should have the maturity not to fight over it
OP just likes to put flutes in animated children
and you don't?
Maybe, and?
This was the answer I had in mind.
Do you not like to hear your actions
You take it away from all of them for fighting over it so they don't grow up to be self-absorbed sociopaths like the "libertarian" who made this shitty meme.
Obviously A.
I'll give the flute to all the kids they just have to share
They can even invite their friends over to play my flute
>Whos getting the flute?
>Child A can okay the flute
Have her play propaganda for the state
>Child B provided the materials and labor to create the flute
Confiscate the materials for the state. Or the child to work at the state clarinet factory
>Child C is useless
Send her to the gulag
What do I win?
There's only one appropriate response that's equally fair.
Break the flute in half, scream at them about how you watched the Vc slaughter your friends in 'Naam so that your damn kids could argue over that flute and storm off to watch late night television.
B. Also, A is a fucking liar. If B made the flute, she'd have to know how to get it to sound right. That implies she at least knows the basics of playing it.