Why would a young, cute girl with all the chanses in the world, with her life in her hands...

why would a young, cute girl with all the chanses in the world, with her life in her hands, willingly choose to do porn for a living?

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It pays the bills? Why does anyone do anything for money? It's not rocket science.

are there no other options for paying bills than becoming a cumdumpster for all the world to see?
what about getting a "normal" job.

because they are possessed by satanic forces

It seems like easy money and then they get pulled in.

a) she's not insecure like you are about sex
B) you seem negative bout her being a cumdumpster but will still watch her porn and cum to it.

what if they enjoy being cumdumpsters?

Because you beat off to trannies in secret. See, there has to be balance in life. It’s yin and yang, Simba.

One would venture to guess they make more money doing porn/enjoy it more than a shitty 9 to 5 if one wasn't a complete retard

Because she loves my dick

What if it was your daughter? Will you be a proud parent because she's stronk and independand like that

English, motherfucker... can you type it?

sure, because all those 100000000 wannabe pornstars that enter the industry every day doing videos with their phones or camwhoring will surely build solid careers.

... says this incel from his mothers basement.

>expecting Cred Forums to not want to watch porn of their own daughter

Being this retarded, he typed it like that on purpose.

Probably due to some sort of childhood sex trauma. That isn't always the case, but it is extremely common. A lot of pornstars are broken people who need help.

Am I not fluent in incelenese?

you don't even know what incel mean user
do not degrade yourself any further

Go white knight somewhere else faggot. These are broken damaged girls doing this shit. No wife material.

she doesnt want a regular 9-5 job. /Thread

Drugs and they have been abused in the past.

They dont see that.

Yeah because it's normal and empowering to degrade yourself on camera for a few dollars right. Only naive women think this way. She tanks her sexual market value right there and no decent guy wants a porn whore especially when there are better women to choose from. Why not just be a waitress or teacher or something why does she need to be a public cumdump what exactly is so empowering about that

so the reason is they're not that smart?

The girls that I have known who became sex workers had a unique combination of emotional problems, drug problems and stupidity. They couldn’t ever hold down a 9 to 5. They couldn’t manage money. They always needed more drugs. Sex work was the best they could do. Pic related.

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>The girls that I have known
do tell

Because shes intellectually hollow and the only thing she can provide to the world to make money is her body. Incels do something similar. They have nothing to offer physically, so they become programmers, engineers, gamers.

Blame all this on the Jewish.

Standing around naked for 2 hours while people pander to your 'needs' and blow sunshine up your ass is fucking cruise street compared to... well almost any job out there tbqh

yeah but it's not a career. 99.9% of the girl you see doing porn on the web just vanish

Who's she?

Porn is sex between professional you are paid to make a sexual representation.

many feel bord and wamen are all about feelings
and money

see? point proven

I’ve known girls who have failed at life. That one is a stripper, has been on chaturbate and posts many escort ads. Not much more to say beyond that.

>why would a young, cute man with all the chanses in the world, with her life in her hands, willingly choose to do porn for a living?

It makes you a lot of money and it's fun

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girls do porn for the money and enjoy having sex.

some are fucked up before, some aren't.

some come out of it ok, some don't.

kek. where do you draw the line between whores and professionals?

OP because porn pays infinitely better than most careers short term and better than most regular jobs medium term, and college is stupid expensive due to underwater basket weaving/gender studies shit.

I have a friend who is useless at controlling money and keeping a job. Got about 12k of debt and climbing. I offered her a sugar baby type deal but she'd rather struggle lol. Trust me to find the only Thot who won't take the easy route.

How much you offer her?

A grand a month.

I used to be friends with a girl who has been a major porn star since the early 00's. We've actually had this talk before. She feels that she's a LOT smarter than she is, and that she's liberated being degraded or degrading others. Her head is filled with retarded quasi Marxist shit. It's FAR worse nowadays because the level of quasi Marxist programming in modern society is astronomical. Anyway. She felt it was easier than working a real job, and she's paid very well for being a loophole prostitute. They don't need to be smart, wise, knowledgeable; they just need to be able to perform sexually, which, for females, is a lot easier than it is for men in the industry

I'd take that offer if I was a girl tbh. Is she hot? Obviously thinks she can do better.

>Perform sexualy
Lie there and moan?

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Whats her name? Need my morning wann

Pretty much. Hence why it's much easier for women. She does some dominatrix stuff, so she gets to be mean to people for money. She's also 5' tall, so that was a lifelong fantasy of hers

That shit is comedy gold and perfectly sums up why girls do porn. She's got a below average IQ and desperately craves constant attention. She feels that doing porn and acting in films is tantamount. She can't even spell basic common words or string together coherent sentences.

Pretty much this

>What it looks like when someone is wrong but too proud to admit it, so they just resort to ad hominem and think they still won

She would still struggle even if you gave her money.

Also, since you’re clearly Mr NSA I’ll point out that I wasn’t trying to be her sugar daddy. I tried to marry her but she was retarded. I can’t fix stupid.


No doubt. Nulka much?