Flat earth theory is the ultimate test to see how open minded or closed minded someone is...

Flat earth theory is the ultimate test to see how open minded or closed minded someone is. It's the ultimate redpill when you realise the truth.

If you grow up believing that we live on a ball (that you literally can't escape from), floating in an infinite vacuum among other balls that are millions & billions of lightyears away, then a sense of inferiority and pointlessness is instilled into you. You don't matter, nothing matters. It is like a conditioned off-kilter version schizophrenia that is so normal because everyone experiences it - it is everyone's 'reality'. People don't have any power over their domains anymore because resources have already been claimed and we are 'stuck' inside our cage (ball) - trapped. We are forced to play the game of being (tax) slaves.

Beyond the icewall there are probably more continents, rich with resources and bounty. We can't be controlled if we go there. We aren't allowed to build our own world and our own realities, we are trapped & forced to conform to this distopian hellscape dimension where at this point we are just domesticated apes who aren't on the same wavelengths with eachother. Divided, and conquered.

What is amazing is that if you ever bring up flat earth with people, they will instantly shut the idea down because we are conditioned to "be correct", shun 'distruths'. It's like being in a prison where everybody thinks it's normal, and if you try to say to a prisoner that they are inside a prison, they will say "No we're not." If that isn't a branch of schizophrenia then I don't know what is.

The more you try to disprove flat earth, the closer you get to the truth.

Time to wake up cucklets.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Flat earth theory is the ultimate troll or sign of stupidity.
>The rest of OP's post is meaningless bollocks

it honestly is an interesting theory, i'll give it that. but i just don't believe it.

>it honestly is an interesting theory
You're teetering on the edge of stupidity....
>but i just don't believe it.
Oh, just in time. Good save!

Have gravity been integrated into flat earth theory yet or are we still at things-fall-down-wuts-de-problemo?


That's the problem right there. People believe the earth is round. It shouldn't come down to belief, it should come down to hard facts.

ill go if you go

>flat earth theory has supporters all around the globe.


There is no such thing as gravity. Gravity is just another theory. What you are observing is buoyancy through the density of objects.

This is literally what you are proposing

They haven't got past the "Reports and photographs from ISS are part of a global conspiracy", so don't expect them to explain actual measurable phenomena

But I have a telescope so I know you're wrong.

>What you are observing is buoyancy through the density of objects.
No. That's what you think you're observing - I'm observing trolling or stupidity on a colossal scale

The greeks proved the earth was round more than 2000 years ago with two sticks. You are retards who believe something because it makes you feel like a special snowflake with a world made just for you.

Forgot pic

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>just another theory
And that right there discredits any scientific background or knowledge you might claim. The word theory doesn't mean a guess in science, it means a robust and expansive framework of ideas that explain an observation. It means something that describes past events, identifies current events, and can predict future events, and has also withstood the emergence of alternative or competing theories. A theory is the highest level an idea can achieve in science (no a law does not count, look up the difference). The fact that you dismiss anything as "just a theory" proves you're just another smoothbrain trying desperately to be something you're not.

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Check mate flatard

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Oooh someone doesn't understand what the term theory means in a scientific conext

flat earth pasta doesn't explain the sun & moon's changing path across the sky during the year.

Bouyancy is real and testable by anyone using any objects of their choosing.

Gravity is not testable. Open your eyes pleblet and do some reading. Sad.

>flat earth
The very epitome of antonyms

You claim there's an advantage to knowing the 'truth' so why wouldn't your government enlighten your people by telling them the truth to gain an advantage over other more 'ignorant' countries?

What you just described is literally allowing other people to think for you, and to come up with answers and explanations for you. Schizophrenic indoctrination at its finest.

>Gravity is not testable
Yes it is. It was demonstrated by Cavendish back in the 1790's

I gotta suspect the correlation of flat earthers and Trump supporting is near 80%

> Not testable
> Can be used to predict the position of every moving body in the sky and the acceleration objects fall with on Earth

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Well, when its physically impossible for one man alone to collect all the evidence needed for a solid theory one must trust in others. But I have a challenge for you. If the north pole is the centre of disc earth and the south pole is an ice wall, how come the circumference of the south pole isn't several orders of magnitude larger than that of the north pole?

What's funny is the flat earthers can't understand the math it takes to calculate that stuff so it just falls right back into the "science voodoo" category, they are litterally too stupid to argue with

Still explainable by buoyancy and density of mass. Newton saw an apple fall from a tree and made up the concept of gravity.

Except that an apple has a more dense mass than air, so it falls through the air. Not some magical voodoo star wars "force" that pulls everything down. Really dude, it's time to wake up.

If you believe the earth is flat you also accept that man is literally dirt that's been given sentience.

If you believe the earth is an oblong spheroid, you accept that we're made out of dead stars, bitch.


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i have a hard time believing these people breathe the same air I do, but they unfortunately do

The 'circumfernence' of Antarctica is easily 60,000 miles. The only problem is that there is a global treaty forbidding anymore to fly over it, sail round it or even going onto it. Next question.

>Not some magical voodoo star wars "force" that pulls everything down. Really dude, it's time to wake up.
You need to give up on this "gravity isn't real" troll line and move to number 2 on your list of "stupid concepts that aren't real" - how about you start introducing the non-curved horizon?

I'll help by asking how would buoyancy explain horizontal attraction between masses, as well as pointing out that something must hold the liquids/gasses down for things to be buoyant in

>Just seeing how good your trolling is

Go to the nearest pier. Look at a boat going away. Watch as the bottom of the boat disappear on the horizon before the top of it. Understand earth is curved. profit of being near the sea to drown yourself and your stupidity.

Russian and chinese ICBM are not flat earthers.

>The only problem is that there is a global treaty forbidding anymore to fly over it, sail round it or even going onto it.
Are you really going to try to explain contradicting physical phenomena with the old "it's a conspiracy" line? That is shit-tier and you lose - must try harder

First of all buoyancy alone can't explain why all objects on earth fall towards the same point (that is, what in the minor scale is perceived as down). Buoyancy has no direction, it is a counter force.

Second of all, I don't think you have any idea of the complexity of gravity at the major scale. I would love to hear you explain the trajectory of Mercury with buoyancy.

Well, you can do something just as good. Take two places in the northern hemisphere on a certain latitude and see how long it takes to fly between. Then you take two places in the southern hemisphere the same distance from each other and from the equator and see how long that takes. If flat earth is true it will take longer because the distance will be longer than on a globe model earth, but if the earth is round it should take ca the same amount of time. Go ahead and look up some flight times, I'll wait right here

Why do the sun and the moon appear larger at sunrise and sunset?

>current year
>taking the bait

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>literally every flatard

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Is english your 2nd language? Phrase your dumb question better and I will answer it.

>the truth
Fuck off, sand cult christcuck.

Are all the planets flat, or just the earth? Is the sun flat? Is the Milky Way flat?

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Just seeing how good the troll is before he has to resort to "it's all a conspiracy". The answer is "not very", as it only took about about 34 posts. I've seen guys maintain an argument that is quasi logical and requires no belief in conspiracies for nearly a whole thread

Anybody can observe this. If you have a high-zoom lense or a telescope, you can bring the boat that supposedly vanished beyond the horizon back into view. This is basic level perception of objects that are far away. Atmosphere plays a role in this too.

I still can't believe we're not living in a simulation; or that we are. I could almost believe flat earth but there's too many questions they can't answer.

compulsory euthanasia is in order. It is clear that you are not completely insane, by the way that you can put sentences together and attempt an adult discussion. But dude , your beliefs are plain and simply incorrect. Unscientific and irresponsibly preachy in your delusion. I think its too late for you and you will go to your grave believing this nonsense, because your pride and huge investment in this crazy concept. I hope that one day it dawns on you that you wasted your life and intellect in this pointless endeavor.
But I think that even if your intellect wakes up, your ego and pride will maintain this delusion in denial for the rest of your life.

Sad that in this day and age, tragedies of this kind still occur. Your delusion is equivalent to the religious extremists that kill themselves and others in the hope their God ( who they claim is the only real one) will provide an after life with virgins for sex and eternal peace.

> Reasonable question using basic scientific words
Weak trolling dude. The only thing you got was doubles.

Show me one experiment that provides evidence that the earth is flat. Protip, you can't use the bedford level experiment, as it can be explained on a round earth.

Voodoo star wars force "gravity" doesn't explain it, but bouyancy and density of mass does.

Here I'll explain the concept of gravity to you.

Big object is so big that it pulls things towards it. It can hold down an entire fucking ocean but not a butterfly.

You are clutching at straws here with this gravity bullshit you zombie brainwashed pleblet. Next question.

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>Is english your 2nd language?
No, but it looks like it might be yours if your comprehension is that bad. That or you're a flat earther....oh, wait.

OK, broken down.
1. How does your theory that gravity is merely buoyancy explain horizontal attraction between masses?
2. What holds the gasses or liquids in place for objects to be buoyant in?
3. If we can measure the buoyancy in a static system, what is the force that is opposing the buoyancy force that stops the object floating away

Atmospheric magnification. Next question.

>Gravity is just another theory
Jump off a building to explain how.

Serious question: are all Flat retardearthers American, or not?

Flatfags already PAID to disprove themselves. Next.

That's retarded. If gravity isn't real, how do you explain the predictability of celestial motion? How do you explain gravitational time dilation? How do you explain GPS?

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There is tons of data on flight paths. One of the top of my mind is a flight from Rio to Sydney goes all the way up to Africa before heading back down. Why not just fly straight? Also I don't have a plane. Next question.

>tfw flat earth was just a testing ground to figure out how easily lied to and manipulated people are

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Sadly not. There are some Brits as well, to my everlasting shame for my country's education system. There may be others - stupidity is contageous

There is no such thing is planets or space. All you see is lights in the sky. NASA gives you CGI images of planets, no real images. Next question.

Well, my question is do the flight times coincide with a flat or round earth model? Does Australia to South Africa take several times longer than moscow to LA?

>NASA gives you CGI images of planets, no real images
Oh, back to the "It's a conspiracy" defence? You lose again. Need to move to No. 3.

I mean, space travel is pretty unbelievable stuff, but the idea that this many people are capable of coordinating such a hoax, and keeping secrets from the general population is even less so.

LOL dude,
I've *seen* Jupiter through my telescope, you're grasping!

Go buy a telescope

omg dude , really?! you believe this?

>"gravity" doesn't explain it, but bouyancy and density of mass does.
Oh "it does", wow thanks! That's some damn solid proof you got there.

I mean, yeah, how does it keep the ocean to the ground but not a butterfly? It's not like the force gravity is 100% proportional to the weight of the objects and it's not like air streams would affect a 1 gram butterfly way more than the entire ocean.

OP your bus is here

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An an experiment done by "scientists" who tell you the answers or an experiment you can do yourself?

Latter: You can zoom in on boats that have disappeard over the supposed curve. You can do this with cities too. Next question.

>space travel is pretty unbelievable stuff,
Wat? All my fucking wat? It's only unbelievable if you happen to be a chimpanzee or an Amazonian tribesman, it's perfectly comprehensible by normal, educated humans

>not understanding the difference between weight and mass

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Dude your telescope was a NASA plant. Just eat the red pill already.

You’re fucking retarded to believe in a flat earth. It’s the most lazy contrived bullshit excuse for a conspiracy theory ever. Go fuck yourself.

Trying to debunk flat earth here, eyes on the target, ya dingus.

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Look up "the firmament". Next question.

This shit thread got shoa’d on Cred Forums in about 30 seconds. The fact anyone gives these retards unironic (You)s and bumps is pathetic

All fields every time these come up you stupid niggers

If it's all density and bouyancy, why don't I float upwards? Surely I'm less dense than the air above me?

OK...you know, there are many, many stupid people all over the world, I asked to know if it was specific to the USA and how it could be explained by a cultural factor

> Not understanding the scientific method

You have denser mass than air so it won't hold you up. You will fall through the air. Buoyancy.

Poe's law
dismissing trolls isn't easy or glamorous, but somebody's gotta do it

Scenario 1: There is no intrinsic benefit to knowing the flat earth model - therefore it doesn't matter which is 'truth', argument is moot
Scenario 2: There is a benefit to knowing - Why would a government conceal it, knowing an enlightened population would have an advantage over other nations?

I only trust my eyes to tell me the truth...

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Our down is towards the center of the Earth. If there is no center there is no down

All that bullshit you said are concepts made up by NASA that are akin to the nonsense spoken in star trek. Time dilation? LMAO news flash - 'time' isn't real either.

GPS is operated by cell towers. Next question.

You believe nasa. Lol oh boy you have much to learn.

Obvious beta troll but - why don't you book ticket for spacex trip and show us you are right ?
Pro tip - you can't, because you are no low level beta fag with no money, no education and no life. Earth model changes nothing for you.

ITT:Trolls getting trolled while trolling a troll

It's a global conspiracy at this point. nasa, roscosmos, jaxa, australia, india, to name a few, all participate in providing data and images

I don't know.

Nor seasons being completely different during the same months in different hemispheres

Why - what's the benefit?

You saw a fuzzy orange point of light. Congratulations. Next question.

> Hurr Durr muh trump and sheeeit
Back to the field nigger

You seriously believe NASA? My sweet summer child.

bro go to the doctors and take the pills.

your paranoid as fuck, can't or refuse to answer the basic questions presented to you, and clearly have a failed understanding of the mathematics.

oh and a question for your buoyancy issue, how come I can hold up iron and it doesn't just fall right through me ?? its far denser than i am so it should.

I built a telescope as a child. I was able to find mars in the night sky. It was exactly where NASA predicted it would be. It looked like the images. How do you explain that.
Also, how do you explain this?
What experimental data do you have to demonstrate your idea?

Well look it up, since you trust noone else to do your research for you

I can't beleive people still don't beleive in space because of one shitty video footage SENT FROM THE MOON in the 60's

you know it was so fucked up that Australia had to relay the signal ..

You know its a damned shame LARPERS like you have infected /x/ like a disease. Why are you posting here on Cred Forums? You stupid fuck the earth is round. Get over it.

I don't believe that it is a conspiracy, just pointing out that for a flattard to claim "conspiracy" they have to believe in a greater global conspiracy, rather than *just* NASA.

Ah so it couldn't be that you're just a megalomaniac, there's gotta be a world wide multi continent conspiracy to... do some thing

Nigga ive seen the spot and saturns rings

And what tabloid do you get your information from

>Big object is so big that it pulls things towards it. It can hold down an entire fucking ocean but not a butterfly.
So professor, riddle me this: what happens when the butterfly stops flapping its wings? Does it become “denser” or does air suddenly become less “buoyant?”

At this point, the Earth being flat is the most believable part of the theory. My dude has claimed that NASA built the sky as a hoax. That is some concerning shit.

Because the surface tension of your skin is enough to stop the iron from going through you. If it were falling and hit you on its way down it probably would go through you if had enough mass

Oof. Big yikes there

>global conspiracy
I see what you did there!

"Prove the earth is round"

*picture from space*

"Omg i didnt take the picture, fake news, proves nothing, holohoax holohoax"

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everyone knows that god made the dome so that people wouldn't try to escape untill they were ready, same as the ice wall.

No. We do not shun the idea of us being wrong because we're prideful or conditioned.

Nope. That's evasion. You said you'd answer the questions - you need to explain how something called "the firmament" explains the measurable phenomena I listed
>In biblical cosmology, the firmament is the vast solid dome created by God on the second day to divide the primal sea into upper and lower portions so that the dry land could appear
So your response relies on that well-known scientific, peer-reviewed work known as he bible? You lose again.

You're not too good at this, are you?

oooooh boy. +2 interwebs for reeling in all those fags with that nice bait.

I don't think you understand the concept of surface tension or physics, maybe you should go back to the school you dropped out of

>I asked to know if it was specific to the USA
I know. And I answered by telling you it isn't

>if it were falling.

so exactly how does this object accelerate ? should it be falling at a uniform speed ? and not increase in speed over time?

>'time' isn't real either.
So we’re all newborns? Fucking amazing... this answers everything

>There is no such thing as gravity.

You're literally retarded and too stupid to grasp a basic law of nature. So why is just the Earth flat but not any other planet? I'll tell you, because it's not. We've known and been able to "prove" this since about the 3rd century AD.

The simulation theory or Matrix theory is more promising than flat Earth.

In our simulated reality ( digital physics) it really doesn't matter what shape it is.

However flat eathers would have to provide scientific data for the theory to have credibility???

cant escape from? we have left our planet physically. also all the robots we have flying about out there. i get if you cant think past the ball idea your not allowing possibility's, but if you dont look at facts then your just dumb

At least there's math to support these. There's no math whatsoever to support flat Earth and that's why you don't ever see any academia support this theory. The math doesn't check out.

top fuckin kek. dear flat earthers: buoyancy as you describe it would also need to be attributed effectively to gravity. in other words: explain buoyancy, you half-monkeys xD

Because gravity is acting on it, simple as that. If there were less gravity the object would fall as fast, but its still picking up momentum. Maybe you should take a physics course if you're so unsure of the world around you

you realise simulation theory is just the same as any religion, God programmed the sim etc. Facts are its flat dont get mad get educated try DITRH on YT

>You don't matter, nothing matters. It is like a conditioned off-kilter version schizophrenia
That's what YOU did with the hand you're dealt, how YOU decided to look at it.
100% voluntary

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Cameras with long enough zoom disprove curvature, onus of proof is on the globe, no photos ever. A strange thing happened on the way to the moon.

* IE that the earth is is flat, not that we live in a simulated reality because the data is already building up, and that started 90 years ago with the Double slit experiment.

If you believe flat earth your mind is so open your brains leaked out.

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>I don't think you understand the concept of surface tension or physics
> the concept
>of physics
Kek. Flatearth retards will never answer direct questions. I wonder why. Oh yeah, because they can’t.

Case in point: next question professor:
Please explain how faulcouts pendulum swing proportionally in equidistant lengths away from the equator, and why it’s motion is consistently (tested and easily verifiable) limited at any point on the equator?

you understand I'm arguing for gravity right ??

maybe you should take the time to read the chain before chiming in and making yourself seem like a douchebag ?

Gravity is a theory you brainlet, ask any 'scientist' what gravity is, they cant tell you its anymore than a name for a force. if that's enough for you, you really are a cum brain maybe a midwit with slightly above average iq that thinks hes a genius on the inside, gamma fag.

You can humor an idea without believing it. If people didnt do that we wouldnt be where we are scientifically now. Stop being an elitist. Thanks

What ever came up with the idea of a VR had to evolve itself, therefore can't be a god.

Only Consciousness is fundamental, Consciousness is the computer.

Gravity is a mystical invisible force we know nothing about and cant prove is anything other than that. It's beyond idiotic to argue its more because it isn't, there are actual arguments against flat earth and gravity is not one of them, you're education is flat wrong for real.

Ever heard of a believe trap...think of religion, and scientific dogma!

only way well know that the world isnt simulated is when we design a simulation that replicates our world properly. if it's a simulation, POOF we turn off when that happens

You're just saying Consciousness is God bro. P brain theory, just accept the bible and give up fake space.

Can you see Ireland from New York?

I said without believing it. Learn to read mongoloid

its not mystical at all, your education is the one thats missing mate.

we know what gravity is
we know when gravity is,
we know how gravity is,
we know where gravity is
The only thing we don't know is why gravity is.....

get your head out of your ass and into some books you fucking pleb.

flat earthers are educated stupid

You can see beyond the curve, 8 inches per mile squared is the curve based off official measurements of the globe, we can see further than we should be able to with technology. Not to mention most lighthouses disprove the curve as you can see them from much further than you should be able to, again based off globe math. all sorts of architecture cannot work on a globe, such as train tracks and bridges.

My post will still be immensely helpful to you


Ask them about buoyancy however and they will look straight into your eyes full of fear and the last words you'll hear before you fall dead to the ground is "Call NASA, he knew to much".

We actually dont know the what and why. Please do your research before you post stupidity so you dont make the people that use the scientific method look retarded.

Total bullshit, we know fuck all about it, you don't understand understanding if you think we have any knowledge of gravity beyond the most derivative basic shit.

light refraction yo, the path light takes can bend, the whole premises behind the pink Floyd cover,

all of these images taken beyond the curve of the horizon and ALWAYS somewhat blurry, this is because the light is retracting and dispersing causing interference and loss of data.


I'm saying everything must evolve, and that the Word God comes with limitations

Didnt answer my question, with no curve the whole world should be visible from the roof of your house

Lmao ok narcissist

The equatorial tracking mount on my telescope would not work if the Earth was flat, please explain this fact

No youve got it twisted, we know there's a force acting on everything around us and has to do with the mass of an object influencing everything, we (as in you at home, right now) can run hundreds of scientific examinations that would prove over and over again that there is this force. We just call it gravity

How could we not be controlled if we got over this ice wall to these allegedly untouched continents? If we could get over there I imagine itd be infinitely easier for the people who run the show to get over too...

what: it's a force that causes attraction between other forces
When: consistently
Where: interacting between x forces
how: by having mass.

y'all are just fucking stupid.

look up gravity waves ya fuckknuckles

Ever heard of a guy called Einstein? He pretty much answered *what* gravity is. Go back to elementary school if it doesn't sound familiar.

>Because Bridges are impossible on a spehere planet

did you not do the year 7 science experiment of shining a light through triangle shaped glass? its easily recreatable, why are you this stupid ?

Facts? Like gravity? Satellite images? Viewable curvature of the Earth at multiple places on Earth?

So we can observe our Galaxy quite well with even cheap $30 Amazon standard optical telescopes, let alone Hubble, observatories, etc. So every other planet, moon & star are spherical but Earth is the ONE exception in a Universe of physical laws & patterns?

Lemme guess, Trump's a great President too right?

>they will instantly shut the idea down because we are conditioned to "be correct"
no its because theres photographs of the round earth and dont even try to reply to me I wont listen

We all have our moments young man.

the Cavendish experiment isn't emphasized enough
FEs can't explain the HORIZONTAL forces in opposing directions with any kind of "buoyancy" bullshit

Your what is an explanation of what it does not what it is you colossal nigger. Pull your head out of your ass and smell some fresh air for once

>Gravity is just another theory.
when did this retarded bullshit ever start? why do so many retards misunderstand what a theory is

Yours is now I guess

Edgy middle schooler award

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just because youre too retarded to understand maths and physics doesnt mean everyone one else is too


The "WHAT" is comprised of all 5 of the when, where, what, how, why.

The point was to demonstrate that we know virtually all there is to gravity apart from why is occurs, which may alternatively lead to another "what" in terms of the medium it uses to interact

You're a faggot. You were on to a great post then you got all cringy.

The election was a joke. Douchebag beat turd sandwich. Get over it. The games rigged and our options are the illusion of choice.

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At least I got that far

Where did gravity come from?

Gravity is not a byproduct of earth's shape, its yhe other way around.
>What is a sun dial
You can't /thread yourself, nigger.

The only flat thing is your brain.

So you're wrong thanks for admitting it.

>GPS is operated by cell towers

Damn, just look at all those cell towers!
Your troll fu is weak

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I don’t think that you understand science as well as you think you do

How is that even relevant? We know how it works and have used it to explain allot of phenomena.

And how do you know that?

Stop acting like an elitist dude it's ok to admit we dont know what something is. We know alot about it yes but to act like we got it on lock is disingenuous.

Lmao describing thought experiments is somehow not knowing science?

Well, the only mystical assumption science is prepared to sweep under the carpet is that nothing starts from nothing except the BIG BANG?

Science can't explain time let alone gravity...unless you were thinking about an Apple lol my sides.......

Learn what a theory is and there is a force there. We know there is. That's a fucking fact.

How does the Earth being flat and gravity not existing explain the origin of the universe?


ERM the universe exists user, its origins are some we are trying to discuss, just don't ask a scientist


Cool story bro. Please travel beyond the icewall as soon as possible.

Well good, we both agree on the fact that the universe exists. We did however never discuss its origin.

You claimed that gravity can't be exist since we don't know the origin of the universe. I did not see that connection and asked if it would be possible to explain the origin if it was not for gravity.

Let's follow this, purely from personal observation. So I can't answer the question of where it ends, nor did I get a clear view of curvature when I've flown. So really the big snag, assuming all photos are conspiracies, is gravity. Why would "buoyancy" only work vertically? The only explanation would be... I guess if Earth was accelerating upward?

Point being, the origin of the universe does not matter. What matters is that the theory of gravity explains allot of the observable behavior of our universe.

> People don't have any power over their domains anymore because resources have already been claimed and we are 'stuck' inside our cage (ball) - trapped. We are forced to play the game of being (tax) slaves.

And that's different from being trapped under a dome,,, how exactly?

You're not even trying, are you? Good attempt at bait though, caught some plebs.

Anyone ever seen the video of the astronaut stirring a clear sandwich bag filled with water and sugar? The smaller sugar crystals stick to the bigger ones and them hitting each other causes the clump to keep spinning. Is that gravity related?

No that's actually cgi

Not a flat earth but yes. You are correct. That's what my so called friend who believes in this shit told me.

Lmfao describing what it does doesnt equate to what it is holy fuck lmao


Lol right the truth is that is how they explain the moon with that sugar experiment but it is cgi in both aspects

>I guess if Earth was accelerating upward?
If the earth were accelerating upward at 9.8 m/s^2 then, starting from rest, it would reach the speed of light in a year. But... that whole relativity thing is probably just NASA disinformation. I mean, it's just a theory.

The effect of the curvature of spacetime caused by mass.
It's observable and testable, Einsteins predictions have been vindicated by observation of frame dragging. It's not a point of contention unless you just don't understand it.

Are all flat Earthers Christian?
This sounds like some jew gypped yu tactics

Nice curvature...

ya'll ready to accept the shape of the observable and easily provable flat earth yet? we see too far, no curve, water seeks its level, horizon always rises to eye level proving its flat. gravity is an unproven theory. no proof but what authority says and what you see on tv screens. come on guys, lets use our critical thinking skills and not be mindless gullible sheep. escape your forced indoctrinated satanic god killing religion since birth. the scientific method will always win over pseudoscience cult beliefs only existing within your imagination. its 2020. this is sad guys. wake up

Imagine being so brainwashed by (((Them))) that you think you live on a spinning ball flying around a fireball in the emptiness of space with 0 evidence

On the other hand, the evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment performed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach.

I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
1. Fake JEW math
2. Fake CGI images/video
3. Hearsay 'witness' accounts from PAID government employees
4. Talking points from a HASBARAH Troll

Fuck the Jewish (((dominated))) 'scientific' community.

The earth is flat. Deal with it

discord gg/MqmCVfM

You're smaller than you think.

Learn to meditate, learn to reach and hold point Consciousness, untill you can hold that state for as long as you like, then use your intent to project your awareness anywhere you want, become your own scientist in the larger reality.

What's outside of consciousness, we will never know the answer to this because we are consciousness, but there's a lot we can.

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It's an attempt to discredit Christianity

Attached: flight_6-1-19_flat_earth.png (1424x966, 672K)

Gravity isn't a theory. It's not a perfect sphere nothing is. You Flatt Fucks explain shit away by saying it's made up by immortals because I can't see how else it could be kept a secret for this long considering how easily anyone can obverse

Yes dude we know how it reacts in the world but we dont know what it is. Those are 2 different things and you are a dumb nigger for not understanding that.

>gravity is an unproven theory.
the Cavendish experiment has been pointed out in previous posts, but FEs always ignore it

I'll bet you'll argue that NASA planted Cavendish in late 1700s England to fool us silly sheeple

You should probably google what the definition of a scientific theory is. Just saying.

I'd love to take that dick honestly

Yeah, we do, gravity is the name we give to the effect of mass warping space time.

OK Retard


that was 300 hundred years ago how could you even know what he actually did

Actually, the entire flat earth thing is a conspiracy for Russians or Jews invested in mind control to find people with a specific personality type of disagreeing with authority to do their bidding for them.

It is how trump got elected.

Every asswipe who spread the flat earth theory on facebook was targeted for political ads and other kinds of messaging whether they realized it or not.

They are drones.

And now they elected a president

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Some people are over before they even start. OP is one of them ...

Draw a perfect circle on the ground 500 miles across with a marker and you will begin to see why the earth isn't flat. You won't be drawing any straight lines

From the nigger lips of NASA himself you brainlet nigger

Attached: Screenshot_20200212-092807_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 341K)

Lol watch more Star Wars you brainwashed cucklet. There is nothing that can be explained by gravity that the rules of buoyancy can't.

Density of mass is what you see when things fall. Not some fairy "force" that pulls things towards bigger objects.

It's not dumb ass

I don't think you understand the difference between not knowing what gravity is and what causes mass to create a gravitational field, i.e. what causes mass to give rise to gravity.

I get that you're a bit simple, but there's a fundamental difference.

Gravity is not testable.

Immediately trips falls on face and shatters nose. Blood ensues in gallons as person still adamantly insists gravity is not a thing.

Why does it only work in one direction.

ITT: pleblets still unable to prove that the earth is round. Every question asked about flat earth has been answered. People still "believe" in gravity.

You guys are literally asleep.

>that was 300 hundred years ago how could you even know what he actually did
well, it was closer to 220 years ago, but to answer your question, scientists often publish their work, so it can be accessed at a later date. In this case, Cavendish published his results in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

You're either a troll or so wrapped up in your own delusions you cant think. I showd you proof from a reputable source. I'm the one being honest and factual while you are trying to win an argument

> What is einsteins theory of relativity?

It's a theory,,, that explains gravity.


A cogent and well-reasoned response®

I hate that band of poofters

Because the only thing above us is air which is very low density. Next question.

I wonder how many of you zoomers are blowing up wiki right now. I miss when I was a kid and people would say the moon wasn't real.

Not knowing WHY mass creates a gravitational field isn't the same as not knowing what gravity is you utter pleb.

If your position is that science isn't real because you can't trust others to give you accurate data, where the fuck did you come up with your own flat Earth data? Do you have a space ship and you're a mathematician so you did it all yourself? You need to be gassed, man, you are a disgrace to the self-awareness and power of the human brain.

>Beyond the icewall there are probably more continents, rich with resources and bounty.

Sp you are saying that the powers that be were powerful enough to build an incomprehinsively large and complex ice wall to trap us, but neglected to colonize and exploit the untold and infinite resources beyond.......

Have you considered jumping off a tall building to see if gravity is a shared schizophrenic reality?

So we're constantly moving upwards?

it was literally a troll/joke website that got out of hand because people are stupider than anyone could have imagined

Dude I showed you an article from nasa saying we dont know what it is. Now your the one denying science.

OK see. Yeah. That's a theory. Gravity isn't.

Ahahahhhhhhh good troll bringing this to Cred Forums

Gravity IS the force. Please, you are making this way harder than it should be.

And honestly, with your standard of explaining what something is, we don't know what anything is.

You're a moron. That's a massively oversimplified badly worded explanation for people who don't understand the subject.

Why would we move upwards? We are denser than air.

Yeah here are your "answers"
>There is no gravity
The circumference of the Antarctic circle is 60,000 miles
Gravity is actually buoyancy caused by "the firmamant"

How embarrassing to be such a blatant retard, so stupid that you brag and boast about your stupidity and make fun of others for not being as stupid as you are.

Go watch star wars you faggot. Calling gravity a "force" out of sheer convenience is the highest order of cuckery.

Because the notion of up and down stems from the fact that we are pulled towards the center of the Earth. Without gravity there would be no up and down.

strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.

Pretty sure it fits

Explain this then faggot:

>Why does it only work in one direction.
it doesn't. The Cavendish experiment shows lateral forces in opposing directions. But you don't have to rely on a 220 year old experiment. You can buy a Cavendish balance and prove it to yourself.

>every question about flatearth has been answered
Lol. No. Referencing Star Wars and it being fiction, and other “look up firmament” type retard responses are not answers you fucking idiot.

Also you never answered this:
> Case in point: next question professor:
Please explain how faulcouts pendulum swing proportionally in equidistant lengths away from the equator, and why it’s motion is consistently (tested and easily verifiable) limited at any point on the equator?

Speak up chimp. Let’s hear it

It really gives me insight in your educational level when you believe I could learn a thing or two about science by watching Star Wars.

Great movies though.

Do you to say Star Wars ain't 4reel?

If you cannot see the sublime beauty of the nigh infinite cosmos and be amazed and humbled by your place in this universe then you are truly lost.

You can choose to feel inferior and choose to feel devoid of meaning at not being at the center of the universe, at Earth not being a special place, privileged and different from all the other trillions of planets in the cosmos, or you can choose to feel awed by this realization, by the profound truth of our place in the cosmos, by the sheer scale and number of planets and stars and galaxies and feel humbled by it all

There are more galaxies in the universe than people on Earth

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Holy shit your unintelligent.
I bet your life is a painful experience.

No I'm alluding to the fact that you base your own knowledge of our reality & the gravity concept on Star Wars movies.

"It's a force" does not explain what gravity is, nor does it prove it. Gravity cannot be proven.

Also you never answered this:
> Case in point: next question professor:
Please explain how faulcouts pendulum swings proportionally in equidistant lengths away from the equator, and why it’s motion is consistently (tested and easily verifiable) limited at any point on the equator?

Speak up chimp. Let’s hear it

Explain this star appearing south for every observer in the southern hemisphere with the flat earth model.

GG flatards.

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Space isnt a vacuum dipshit

>flatearth is real and my arguments are valid cuz typos

We know what it is, that's why it has a name. You can only be truthful in saying that we don't know why concentrations of mass CAUSE gravity.

It's pretty simple.

Flat earthers, how is night even possible with your model?

If the sun is hovering over a flat earth, it should illuminate everyhing?

Your model seems to be flawed.

Do you know why flat earth theory is dumber than any other stupid ass shit like this? Because the majority of controversial conspiracies involve a profit of some kind...

Plz explain what in the ever loving fuck anybody has to gain from telling us the world is a globe and not flat.....?


Even we discount relativity, we'd still need to explain how any atmosphere could protect us from that speed. But hey, maybe our understanding of the atmosphere is a NASA conspiracy.

(I think we're long past the point where Occam's razor is back on our side)

They think the sun is a spotlight.

Not even joking.

Pendulum swings don't explain anything about our reality, gravity, or the shape of our earth. A pendulum swing would behave the exact same way regardless of whether we live on a ball or a plane.

No it wouldn't. You have to account for angular momentum.

If you don't understand why, then you didn't understand the meaning of the experiment.

Aaaaannnnnd... you have lost. Not that you hadn’t objectively lost previously.

You can’t hide low iq; I’m sure this truth and your constant battle has been made self evident to you.

> "It's a force" does not explain what gravity is
Except for that it most certainly does. Gravity is a force. That is a true statement. Your right in that that statement alone does not prove gravity, but either way, the statement holds.

The fact that this is a concept I need to explain to you also makes me believe that the proof and exact definition of gravity would be way to hard for you to grasp currently.

A razor is flat, no? Check mate NASA plant

>A pendulum swing would behave the exact same way regardless of whether we live on a ball or a plane.
ahem... Mr. Foucault would like a word with you

>A razor is flat, no?

Attached: Gillette.jpg (1260x560, 100K)

That is clearly not Occams razor

The NASA man is saying that we still don't understand the deeper meaning behind what Gravity is to the universe and why all objects attract each other. We do however know how to calculate, predict, and observe gravity.

You are literally saying the same thing about buoyancy. Like we know how to calculate, predict, and observe buoyancy but you can make the same fucking argument here. We don't really know "why" objects that are less dense fall through objects that are denser, its just observable. Can you explain to me on a deeper philosophical level why denser objects should fall instead of less dense objects? Why shouldn't it be the other way around?

We can't explain anything in this world as an absolute since we don't know why were are here or what the origin of the cosmos is. You are just being retarded making a nonargument then saying your proof is the exact same thing as what you are disproving, but its different so I am right.

When you can't blame NASA, just dismiss physics. Easy win

Flatards BTFO


I wish the Flat Earth theory were true because that's a world I'd love to live in but it just isn't.

Flat guy....

You can see beyond the curve when your fucking on a high elevation and most images on sea level always only show part of buildings and never full buildings. Yet most of the time you will be on high elevation looking at the ocean [which is lower elevation] and you don't grasp that youd see more.



I gave you a scientific link from nasa keep being science deniers

> Scientific link.

We already established that you're retarded. No need to reaffirm.

u dont know what "openmindedness" is

It doesn't necessarily have to mean that the earth is flat for most of your reasoning to apply.

We could very well be a sphere, but a simulated one of some sort (computer sim/sphere created by an artificial gravity field/whatever) inside a planet-scale Truman Show, false skybox type sort of situation. Or maybe what we see out in space is "real", but those stars and other planets could be likened to the purposefully inaccessable lower-polgon building models you'd find in the distance around the main level in a video game. Simplified graphics to fill in the background and save processing power where they want you to see, but you aren't meant to wander. But in this case, the "graphics" are matter that eventually falls off completely when you reach the true nothingness at the very edge of the simulation map.

I don't fucking know, I'm just spitballing, but you get my point. If there's something outside of the known Earth that's being hidden from us, just under our noses, I highly doubt its literally level with the very ground we're walking on. There's just too much evidence to support that the thing we live on is, in fact, a sphere. Whether or not its existence and implications seem too convenient to you to be true is irrelevant evidence to support flat Earth theory, especially when we've seen as much of this planet and near space as we have and everything checks out inside the scientific laws we've observed along the way. Theres no denying the evidence of the space that we can see and the world we live on.

I'm responding in this level of detail because I find theories like yours about the existence of a grander scheme fascinating. No matter your spiritual or scientific beliefs, if you go right back to the beginning of it all there is no denying that the very source of complex, evolving organic life as we know just cannot be explained by any single living person with 100% certainty. The origin just does not make any logical sense inside the know laws of the universe.

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This post already addressed it .

And it is called a quote, there is no such thing as a scientific link (at least not when link is synonymous with URL).

That's right. You people literally believe we're in a glass dome. I get the stupid now.

but how do you know that was actually him bd not the jews retconning when they realized their shit doesn’t add up. just because something happened a long time ago doesn’t mean it’s true

I love all the arguments about NASA using CGI and hiding the truth for all these years. If you calmly and rationally think about it, who are the type of people who want to work for NASA? Extremely curious, intelligent, and science loving space nerds who want to advance the field. These are the type of people that want to work and end up working for NASA and you are telling me that hypothetically, all of this shit is fake, and upon learning this fact, over all these years, not a single person was so disappointing in the fact that is was fake that they they made it their mission to expose NASA? Just thinking through things does wonders right flat earthers

Pleas guys go watching the knowledge of the forever times it’s so greatness

The stars move about on the dome during the day. So an observer standing in Australia looking south can see it while an abserver in Chile can see it as well in the south some hours later.

OP I'll go with your probably more bible loving religious self. Others can speak science better. I'll just ask you this

Some flatties [you hinted this] believe God made the Earth flat and we are in a dome and we are the only beings of meaning and space is either fake or just really small.

Usually I hear flatters believe this because to them the devil tricked us into thinking we are on a sphere in space and that we are small tiny things compared to the universe. while god supposedly made flat earth to make us special ....SO

1: Why does the size and place of Humanity have anything to do with how important you are

2: Doesnt the bible say things about being humble and honest? Isnt thinking youre the only special thing pretty arrogant ?

3: Why do you think being a tiny thing in the big universe as some attack on your meaning on this planet. You have no meaning to people in other areas. You only matter to the people around you. Your meaningless to more than 99% of the world. Being in a vast space does not change that.

4: Couldn't God himself being so powerful and beyond our understanding explain how a planet could spin and all those odd questions you ask? ...

5: Like isnt saying God could only make us, a flat disk and no space really fucking weak and beta tier? Wouldnt you want to believe God could make Earth spinning and round and an entire universe with millions and millions of planets and stars ?

Without reading the previous post I bet you went to Google and took a screenshot without checking any links at all and that's your proof. I'm trying to get into the minds of zoomers. We were taught to be skeptical of anything online and check multiple sources.

you have no idea how powerful the people in charge are. there’s no such thing as live media and all leaks are approved before being released.

Here's a better question. Why is the earth flat and everything else isn't?

Basically. You got
The Virgin "I can only make tiny flat things" God


The Chad "Make so much shit humans still can't understand it all yet" God

>just because something happened a long time ago doesn’t mean it’s true
It's not science if you can't replicate the results.
YOU can build a Cavendish balance (although I'd recommend buying one) and prove the results. You can buy one for a US$3500. Flat Earthers famously (infamously) spent about US$20000 to buy a ring laser gyro so a Cavendish balance is chump change.

In the words of the great Kanye West, "No man should have all of that power", and he doesn't. Again using simple rational thought, you would clearly find it quite impossible to suppress the amount of information in the age of the internet and smartphones to claim that all "live media" is fake. If a school gym teacher in a backwoods town in the south is found to have sex with a kid, the entire world knows in 30 minutes via the internet, but hey the Jews, NASA, and the Illuminati have been manipulating all the of science and media we have known our entire lives

Hey zoomers. Look up the flat earther who proved himself wrong by water. Him saying "oh" made me laugh hard

I've been online since the 90's, spent a lot of time on conspiracy forums and the like, never in all that time have I seen a theory attacked as often and as hard as Flat Earth is.

The earth is flat in the 2nd dimension...in computer animation all objects are 2d with an illusion of being 3d...angles and lighting..the sun, the angle of perception...you can all see where I'm going with this

"thats interesting"

Dude. Shut up.flat earth is fucking dumb. If has been proven wrong. all of your counter points have been beaten. Most of your points are just "lol that's fake man" which is dumb faggot 101 shit

Like listen Pedo rings. The Finders. Small group of people ruling some part of the world . And other , even some religious and more special conspiracy theories are either real or a lot more possible

Why do you want to live in that fantasy? I don't get it. What 45 minute documentary on Youtube have driven you to this world view?

yeah right I‘m totally gonna spend a fortune to do a hundred years old science experiment get fucked mate

why would they want to hide something like that? in fact they only released that info to make you think they aren’t actually in charge and it worked

Pretty much this. People won't even consider it.

Flat earth isn't a theory, a theory requires it to be substantiated with evidence. It has to be able to make predictions that can be later observed, and it needs to be testable. FE doesn't tick any of those boxes.

Nobody has yet presented a flat earth model that can do those things, so it's not a theory.

cavendish devices go for 200$ online, nigger bitch

>yet I'm going to deny the results because Jew

Honestly. That sounds exhausting as hell. You would have to be born and raised thinking that doing all of that is for the greater good but even then some woman would sell the whole family out because she was hungry at the time.

Everything else is just lamps or some shit. At least that was the answer some 100 posts ago.

seriously, where?
I seriously want to buy one
the only ones I found were from science education suppliers

You know, I really tried with you mate. Enjoy the rest of your day.