why is the uneducated allowed to vote?
Why is the uneducated allowed to vote?
Haha. So true. Libtards and conservacucks are all sheep's of society. Never a thought of their own in their entire life
>why DOES the uneducated allowed to vote
Because the Republican party would absolutely crumble if they weren't.
Have to keep a balanced system
Trump supporter here and this shit irritates me too. Fucking idiots.
>delicious irony
Damn, turning the power. What a power move
How come education rates are going up yet dumber things happen every day?
That's the question
That's clearly not a rental property, so right off the bat we know they're a land owner so not doing too bad. Personal choice to have the place look that trashed as cleaning a house is practically free.
But who cares about the stock markets? Unemployment at a 50 year low, if it goes much further it'll be a 70 year low.
The poor are making more money then ever, so what if the rich are also getting richer.
Economically, it's hard to find a bad metric. And even if Trump isn't the cause of it, he's certainly not making it go away.
So get fucked.
Exactly, the middle class are the ones getting fucked at both ends.
because the authority of the land has governance over the uneducated just the same as it does over those who are educated. Therefore, no matter how misguided and shit their opinions may be, everyone has one equally weighted vote. Shouldn’t be that difficult a concept to grasp
Because they say it's racist to have a test to vote.
But orange man bad
God damn Facebook memes are the reason
So the left has a chance
Ironic that someone bashing Trumpeters as "uneducated" cannot use is/are correctly.
what genius gets himself impeached over the 5th place finisher in New Hampshire primary
up we go
>rich people make money
>poor people make money
>middle class getting fucked into the dirt
I hate the Orange Hitler too but people like (You) are 3/4ths of why people vote for him. Good job idiot.
No matter your political beliefs Neoliberalism is cancer, all the cons of ancap but the taxman still fucks you and there are a shitload of non-NAP laws.
Because you're gay
Are you referring to all the falsified "proof", the circumstantial evidence, or things that were never crimes to begin with?
I learned that cutting off your penis is totally normal and even if it hurts america we have a moral obligation to have both open borders and free healthcare for anyone that wanders in when I went to college. Uneducated trumptards BTFO, first we are gonna win the White House and then we are gonna force you to pay to fly back previously deported immigrants for committing small crimes like DUI or rape or child sexual abuse.
If they weren't, then niggers couldn't vote and the Democratic party would collapse.
it's pretty easy to grow the economy when you run a $1.10 trillion deficit.
Nothing was falsified lmao
Not sure, lets ask all the witnesses that the Republicans fought tooth and nail to make sure wouldn't testify.
Because they still have to pay taxes.
Now, why non-taxpayers are allowed to vote, I don't know.
It is called executive privilege and every President has used it dumbass. The purpose is to protect national security secrets.
Holy fuck are you just the perfect little sheep
If you're getting everything handed to you like a child, then let the adults decide the policies. The people working and paying to improve this country should get to decide how. Welfare cucks should take what they get and say thank you.
No, just intelligent enough to study history and judge things for myself.
Oh really? Does the name Susan McDougal ring a bell, by chance?
because dems need spic and nigger votes to beat whitey
Yes, and also Eric Holder. If the Dems wanted those witnesses so bad, why didn't they go to the courts to enforce the subpoenas? Because they knew it wouldn't help their case.
Cut it out with your bait
Ah, the golden ratio.
More education =/= better schooling
because it will be racist otherwise
>we feel the president is a danger to our country, but we'll wait years in court before doing anything about it
As if Trump won't pardon all his cronies come January.
The point about McDougal is that she served years in prison for refusing to testify, before being pardoned.
Rump never used executive privilege as the reason for refusing to allow witnesses (apart from twitter etc, which somehow don't count). The reason his lawyer gave in court was that at the time the subpoenas were issued, the house had yet to vote on impeaching him - making them illegitimate. All based on some judges ruling decades past..
If he is so bloody innocent, why could he not take a couple afternoons off from tweeting about the hearings, and actually show up and answer questions?
That is the way the founders set it up to prevent a coup.
You think the Founders envisioned the Presidency being able to squash all congressional checks of power via attrition in court? Interesting.
He told them, if they continued to issue subpoenas that he would invoke executive privilege and they just dropped them all until it was already in trial and then brought it back up. They never wanted him to come testify.
Hell even George Washington used executive privilege, so yes.
That's a nice alternative reality you live in.
In the real world, his legal argument was that because Nancy Pelosi launched the impeachment process without first having a vote in the house the subpoenas were unlawful..
His lawyer even made a big deal about him not using exec auth to block them.
Same reason niggers and spics are allowed to vote.
Ah here he is
and so democracy dies when people like you are allowed to vote.
ya but dumbshit, even though you appear to be right about unemployment, wages are still flat and home prices are still rising, which means the amount of work you have to do to buy a house or even pay rent is still increasing. American life is still becoming increasingly unaffordable for most folks.