Name my militia

Name my militia

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Stupid Americans Living in a Pretend Military Fantasy World
>but muh second amendment...

The 7 loser army.
We are snowflake unit.

White jews

Mommy pay attention to me.

Black cock down

There is ALWAYS that one choad in the group *Last on the lower left

So you're the Mississippi national guard?

this so much. and also, when shit really goes down: >muh ptsd

lower left's suckiness cannot be debated, but that soup sandwich at lower right isn't much better.

samefag. weak bait.

You weakly bait to your mom's picture.

Civilian Casualties

look at all these scared no guns pussies

sick burn, user. you should screen cap it.

look at this autism post

The Short Bus

Clown patrol

Soup sandwich Hahahahahahahahaha

dunno, dude in the back with the beanie on looks like pure weapons grade autism

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Sons of the Second Amendment

I wouldn't be too scared, they all have three-point harnesses.

learn how to identify a samefag at least first you cockroach
scared of what? mr. ear protection and the tacticools? fuck outta here

Thé fags


The rejects.

Drop the Arab towel and CoD Mask and you could be accepted into the international Kool Kidz Klub

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Fagband

The Fortniters