Why are modern video games trash?

Why are modern video games trash?

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how so?

there's something for everybody

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They aren't. You're just a nostalgic boomer

They release unfinished, and then price gouge you to play the rest of the game like its a quarterly subscription mostly. Kids today are too ignorant to know any better.

I think the extremes have just moved further apart and people are more polarized in their opinions. Feels like nobody ever talks about the average games, just the absolute best or the absolute worst, and it's definitely more common to make a shit game than a good one. But that doesn't mean good games don't exist anymore, you just have to look a bit outside of the big budget corporate titles.

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can you fuck off? i dont think theres ever been as much diversity

In other words, late-stage capitalism makes them dull, formulaic, flashy monstrosities, complete with DLC and skins for the extra profit generated from induced FOMO.

Been an xbox fan boy since early 360 days.
No exclusives at launch?
Microsoft is focusing on xbox one x and pc being able to run the same xbox s x games?
Bought a new ps4 for $200 with spiderman two years ago and resold the spiderman so I got it for $160. Just gonna buy the ps5 and not bother with xsx

Also, DOOM eternal looks amazing. There's great games far and few in between the shitty ones

'late-stage', what comes after

a transitional phase that includes a lot of hardship, hopefully (but not guaranteed at this point) followed by an organisation of the economy that better caters to the need of more people, and not wealthy oligarchs who can corner a market by producing flashy products with no substance.

Way too many hipster 'developers' who spend all their time trying to convince people that 8 or 16bit games are the ultimate gaming experience. This way they can continue to be lazy as shit, ripping off old games with RPG Maker instead of actually learning how to create/innovate programming code.

TL;DR: - "I'm a game dev!"
- "ah, yes. I too got rpgmaker on steam sale."

Go back.

Because graphics and gimmicks sell overall more copies by hitting a much wider demographic in shallow swaths rather than narrow demographics with deep cuts.

It's why everything is easier as well. They would rather spoon it to more people than frustrate many away.

There was a decent indie game revival, but now those have become cash grabs of temporarily supported product.

Because lootboxes. That is all.

Ok zoomer

Fortnite is pretty fun

Games used to sell because of good plots, likeable characters, interesting ideas.

Now it's all about impressing people with visuals.

OK Zoomer.

I mean horizon zero dawn, dark souls 3, kenshi, breath of the wild, rebel galaxy, outer worlds, kingdomcome deliverance

All these don't follow your description, sure you could list some other games back at me but they will be from the same hand full of developers if you don't like it don't buy it look elsewhere for your games

I guess before it was just a bunch people wanting to make something they dreamed of, and making it an enjoyable experience. Now that all these big corporations took over, they're just means for them to make more money via loot boxes and DLC or whatever.

They are mostly made by fans of videogames and made to sell and turn a profit.

Retards preorder games for no reason. Used to be you had a demo for every game,so you could test it before buying it. Now you pay in advance for a demo with good graphics...