New Shota thread
New Shota thread
You are the hero our time needs.
>tfw your only "boyfriend" as a shota wasn't interested in sex because gays go to hell
>tfw the most we did was kiss and hold hands
Life is cruel
He is suppose to be a Pokémon trainer. I think it’s someone’s OC not sure
Once boys pass the age of eleven
it is likely that they need to enjoy an orgasm at least twice per day.
I certainly did.
I mean, kissing a boy sounds pretty nice too... How old were you?
That’s not true at all what the fuck
I'm almost 20 and I still need an orgasm at least twice a day, hell twice would be conservative, I jerked off 4 times before I even got out of bed this morning.
we became "boyfriends" when we were 7, lasted until 14. Never had sex once, not even oral sex, just kissing and hand holding and once and once only jerking off together.
...dang, you have some stamina.
And yeah, 7 years and only _one_ fap would drive me absolutely insane too. Especially at 12-14 where hormones are rampant.
I'm not sure that he had started puberty. When we first got together we were about the same height but by the time it ended I was over a foot taller than him. I think he was a late bloomer.
Ah. Entering puberty might've played a part in your break up, if he initiated that.
You would've had to deal with the rampant hormones though, since you did go through puberty :S
Breakup happened because his parents found out about us and made him break up with me. It was pretty horrible, he didn't want to break up and neither did I but he was a goody two shoes that always did what his parents said. When he broke up with me he was bawling his eyes out and apologizing.
Awww D: Oh man. That's so sad.
Does he live anywhere near now?
He doesn't, I think hormones when he finally did hit puberty combined with not being allowed to date me messed him up mentally. We actually had planned to get married when we were old enough, we had a proper proposal and even a fake wedding that his sister helped with that was just the 3 of us, but when he was a junior in high school and technically old enough for us to get married and even for him to not live with his parents anymore, he cut his wrists and bled to death. I wasn't even allowed to go to the funeral because his parents blamed me for it not themselves. I thought about killing myself a few times after that too, but could never bring myself to do it.
you absolute madlad you finally went and made one
Yeah... I'm gonna need some sauce...
I think it's from Natsuyasumi.
it's from natsuyami
shota and trap hentai
man, other than that one hentai with two femboys and a salaryman, forget the name, starts with an O... we really havent got very many shotable porns.
Do you mean Otokonoko Delivery?
Omg. No wonder you got badly hurt by the whole deal.
Where are you in your life now? Any plans?
Just a depressed user that visits these threads for nostalgia and for something I can never get back. I've had guys and girls both ask me out or try to set me up with one of their single friends, but I just haven't met someone that I feel the same for as I felt for my first boyfriend, so I pretty much just have casual drunken sex, sometimes the guy it's with even thinks I'm a prostitute and gives me money after we're done. Of course I take the money and don't correct them, but it just feels empty.
I mean, I wouldn't expect to feel the _same_ with someone else if I were you. You had bonded over long time with your childhood boyfriend, and you grew up together.
I'd recommend looking for someone who I enjoy being around, and work it from there.
Who is this character? Hes adorable
tyvm that was driving me nuts..
im mean
I don't know if I can ever have a "normal" gay relationship. The last time I tried we had sex twice before kissing even happened and when he kissed me it just felt disgusting. I haven't gotten over my first boyfriend yet, even though he's gone and I'll never see him again anywhere but in my dreams, it felt like I was cheating on him, like I was doing something that he wouldn't like.
>Be me, 13
>Staying in cousin's house for one week during summer vacations, he is 12
>Aunt is divorced and she works all the morning. Cousin is mature enough to take care of himself
>We stay alone all the morning and play ps2 until we get bored
>We try Mame on pc and find tons of ero games
>While we play a poker game we start to talk about jerking off
>Him: user that's turning me on, I really want to jerk off now haha!
>Me: Do you know how to do that?
>Him: Of course I do, you do know don't you?
>Me: Obviously I do, moron!
>Him: I can't hold it, you keep playing and don't look back!
>He goes behind me and grabs the back of my seat
>Starts moving and moaning while I keep playing the game with a poker face, feel ashamed to look back. My heart beats
>He finishes. Him: ngh... I'm done. Me: You didn't do that you liar!
>He puts his tiny hand covered in cum in my face, soo close... it smells. My heart beats harder
That makes sense.
I... figure the experience was so bad that you even might be kinda traumatized by the whole ordeal.
You realize that... what happened was really tragic, but not your fault.
You might be afraid of something like that happening again, but relationships as an adult are really different. You and a future partner would be much more in control of your situation.
And... weird question, but do you think you 'deserve' a boyfriend?
Honestly, I don't think I do deserve a boyfriend. I mean the first one I had killed himself, and since then I've had sex with more different people than I can remember, most of whom I didn't even get the name of, and a fair few of whom paid me for it, can someone that's done that really "deserve" another person to be faithful to them and to love them in spite of that?
here comes the 3D fag, kys nigger
Frankly, my answer to your question is "Yes".
You cared deeply for your first boyfriend.
As for your non-romantic sex, that doesn't sound like something you enjoyed, but it's certainly legal. You didn't harm anyone (other than maybe yourself).
You showed great loyalty and faithfulness to your first boyfriend. If you enter a new relationship, I'm sure you'd still be perfectly able to be loyal and faithful.
So yeah, I still think you could make a great boyfriend.
Lewd yet cute
Based, I jerk off maybe once a day and I’m 26
Sauce plz!!!
Heck yes
I'm straight and even I find this hot
Did you and your buddies make good use of this principle together back then?
Oh. Thought you had more responses.
Yes, that is hot, please continue.
Thanks to for pointing this out.
> pic related
fucking disgusting
How far did you all go as a group of horny, hormonal shotas together?
any love for best boi?
I think I'll start a shota folder today.
I wish I had grown up with a cute fuck sister
>I wish I had grown up with a cute as fuck sister
fixed. or was it?
Siblings can be really hit-or-miss... my older sister and I never got along :P
Any blond shota's riding cowboy style?
: checked ;
> " " How far did you all go as a group ..." ;
mostly just :
pretty frequent simultaneous orgasms
while "play-fight" wrestling.
It was good fun and we knew exactly what we were doing - even though we hadn't really discussed it in detail.
Based taste, love shota Goku too.
Vic knows all about that
Vic Montagna from the leaked Funimation Goku special.
Hmmm.. I call fake and gay. Cutting wrists is one of the hardest way to kill yourself even if you've done research... But it does sound hot :p
Do boys really do this?
flash people?
yes lol
>on a shota bread
Cred Forumsro, I have bad news for ya
There's something about boys with curly brown hair and fair eyes that just makes me so erect. Boys of other appearances are actually quite repulsive to me.
I wish there was a good shota anime without trap shit
That leaked special includes lewd shota Goku?
super lovers is pretty cute
Thanks for the boner-killer, user. I'll be leaving now.
You forgot about Boku no Pico but yeah.
Kati is always boner murder.
I remember coming across that set with the loli and the hooks without even knowing that it takes a massive turn in the middle.
What's this about a leaked Goku special?
DB Shota Goku was just the right amount of thicc for me, that you could tell he was still strong.
Love the definition on bottom right two, perfection.
Would be easy to boycott that junk food garbage on my own, saving the Shota would be a bonus.
this shit sucks
Are you kidding me?! That was hot, artistic, deep and thoughtful! 11/10 for sure.
7 year old video... What did I just watch?
duh... some pedo faggot shit
So, Giga Charizard undies this time. Cute!
Back when I was 11 my mom had to work abroad for half a year so I moved in with my aunt and her son. My cousin was 15 at the time, we used to do a lot of playful wrestling, always ended with him on top of me, holding my both arms in one arm and tickling me with the other. He wouldn't let me go until I begged, called him master and offered him "ransom" for setting me free. Many things could be a ransom, sometimes it was making him a sandwich, doing his house chores, nothing too strange. When we played console together I usually sat on his lap. He'd tickle me out of blue or nimble on my ear. It felt really awkward when he put his tongue in my ear but back then I didn't know it was sexual, I just took it as a form of bullying. Once he said he's a werewolf and he gonna eat me, pulled my shirt up and made a lot of hickeys on my belly. He was pretty scared after that and promised to not bully me for some time if I won't talk about werewolf thing. While I was bathing he used to come in with bullshit excuses like brushing teeth or checking if there are any fresh towels. Also he quite often pulled my pants down as a prank. Despite all that I still loved being around him, I was even sneaking to his room at midnight to sleep in his bed. He hugged me tightly from behind and I fell asleep in seconds. Now as I think about it he must've had terrible blueballs because of me. The thing is if he wanted to do anything sexual to me back then I'd probably say yes and told nobody if he said so.
stfu he ain't naked you sensitive bitch
sorry for the censors the uncensored version requires payment and the artist is Japanese and selling on a Japanese website and also i’m poor. You guys get it, right?
Dude, dw i do the same thing, saving it, it's a toss up, if post cause it's actually new, or but best to just save from these threads cause it does look so weird, or not and suffer more reposts
Yeah, he is based.
What about now?
I actually wouldn't miss any of those if they where gone.
Ugh I need a mouth