Do women enjoy sex more Cred Forums?

Do women enjoy sex more Cred Forums?

After 19 years of shitty virginity and 1 month of gf I finally had sex and while I felt mostly nothing -unless doing cowgirl- she had a constant look of pleasure

I mean Jesus, I had difficulty getting hard and cumming tbh

>Did too much porn and wanking desensitize me?
>Did I focus too much on pleasuring her to hide my virginity?
>Is it just that women get more from sex?

>inb4 my thread is shit, it is, but at least I ain't a virgin faggot

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Porn probably desensitized you

no man, dont worry bro. even i had this problem at the start with my girlfriend. I think it has to do with expectations and fear/stress. Do not make it condition you. Before i had troubles cumming or staying hard, but due to more understanding and experience of sex and relationship, everything felt in the right way.

Honestly OP? It means you are gay.

This. Put it in a dudes butthole and it will be 1000% better.

Ok now what

Is it gone? Did I fuck up?

I don't even watch that much, Last 2 years was like, 5-6 times a week

also yes, women have more nervous receptors on their genitalia, and can have multiple orgasms without stopping sexual activity, so i would say that for them sex is generally more pleasurable, but it can also be more painful due to their anatomy

That's pretty reassuring, thanks user

ew, they poop from there

nahhh bro, just the first experience are often worse than expectations, dont let it ruin the rest of your sexual life.

youve desensitized your self i had the same problem couldnt cum for like 45 mins and honestly even great sex feels about as good as a great masturbation session

It's always nice to help someone. I hope things will become better for you soon

Were you nervous at all? I was nervous my first time and had the same issues. It gets easier as time goes on.

yes to all of this

but most likely girls "feel" more but it's not like it makes sex so much better, sounds like op was just straight up not having a good time, probably because he's fucking gay

underrated post

Well I couldn't get it up for a while so yeah I guess. Next morning it was pretty much better, so I guess if i stop porn it will keep getting better

Women have less of a sex drive, but they have way more pleasure nerves or whatever they're called. So yes, they do enjoy it more. That's why rape is so unfair. It's much more enjoyable for the woman being raped than it is for the male rapist.

man... this is retarded on so many levels. I truly hope this is bait

wank, be happy

I had issues too my first actual time. Although a literal faggot, chronic masturbation alone was a thought that hindered me but I realized it was just me being nervous and thinking to much. The best sex comes when your not thinking about shit and just empty your mind and enjoy the experience.

Wise words

if youre from usa chances are high you got your dick jew´d which means you have an butchered dick that fucking sucks ass.

cutfags are the worst

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