If Bernie gets the nomination he is going to destroy the fat orange slut and this board is going to implode

If Bernie gets the nomination he is going to destroy the fat orange slut and this board is going to implode

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Cred Forumsernie.

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and then put you to work and keep all your money because hes a socialist

Booty judge will have the over whelming moderate vote and Bernie wont win, nor will he ever amount to anything in his entire life.

>thinking a commie will ever be POTUS

You aren't going to cope with the results of Nov 3rd, you poor baby. I'm sure the screeching will be heard around the world.

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>Bernie getting the Democrat nomination
Stop, I can only laugh so hard.

hope so

But I'm already working, with 30% of my income taken immediately, and healthcare premium taking another 15%. And Trump's 2017 tax "cuts" resulted in me owing the IRS money

They're both faggots

Hell yeah he is. Bernie will crush Trump.

Bernie guarantees a Trump win. That's why the DNC keeps doctoring primary results.

Funny how the capitalists try to make you think it's this way round, when they siphon off all the money to the 1% and leave the country on the brink of collapse; what possible reason could there be for homelessness in the richest nation on Earth? Healthcare only the rich can afford? Children in poverty?

Cred Forums is full of paid Russian shills trying to destabilise the West by promoting the right wing. Trump is an incompetent, sociopathic, proven liar.

Bernie is going to announce support for UBI within the next few days and hire Andrew Yang as Secretary of Labor

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Sanders/Yang ticket would be dope

Yang would be better as Secretary of Labor, but I could still get behind a Sanders/Yang ticket

I would argue reason and logic, but you seem to be completely oblivious to facts, logic, and common sense, so in turn I'll just say please don't reproduce and spread your deficient intellect among humanity.

This old kook will never be president. Some people think that they want socialism. They are deluded. Want to get a professional degree, get a good career and make money? Ok. But the more you make, the more the government will take. Free college? Then you devalue the strength of a degree compared to a private “have to pay” college. Socialism disincentivizes almost everything.

>Bernie guarantees a Trump win
Bernie wins in every swing county Hillary lost in. Sabotaging him in favor of a bland centrist is exactly what got Trump the nomination and Trump’s strategists know this. That is why they’re making a huge push to make it look like they want to run against Bernie and the DNC is taking the bait

Not gonna happen.

>I would argue reason and logic
but you can't

No, Cred Forums will. But fuck Cred Forums

Bernie missed his chance. I would have voted for him in 2016. But watching him roll over and let "she who is without merit" become nominee was fucked.

Also a further left democratic party turned out to not be progressive policies but aggressively divisive queer social normalization no one asked for any everyone hates.



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>>thinking a commie will ever be POTUS
Dont you fags already think one was?

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Maybe so. But he isnt trying to turn my kids gay.

>this board is going to implode
shills and bots never get mad and no one else on the board gives a hot shit

>Bernie is going to announce support for UBI
I wouldn't doubt this. Bernie is a fucking stupid as you can get. Kek

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Don’t feel like typing it all out. One thing that debt forgiveness does is weaken the dollar then inflation occurs. Aside from excessive greed, banks and lenders are a business.

>One thing that debt forgiveness does is weaken the dollar then inflation occurs.
LOL This faggot thinks he knows what will finally cause inflation after 40 years!

Bernie wants to nationalize and destroy that part of the economy too. He literally has no chance at winning. When the ads go on the air exposing what he really believes and how it's far to the left of europe and any modern society people will have to think do they really want to take a chance with their 401ks and quality of life. I'm not a trump fan, I'm open to the other side just not bernie or warren.

If Bernie gets the nomination, he'll lose 49 states (like the last progressive Democratic nominee) and Democrats will lose the Senate because Republicans will say, "If you can't vote for Trump, at least vote for Republicans in Congress so that there is a check on a socialist president." Bernie=Big GOP win.

>he is going to destroy the fat orange slut
Will never happen. Bernie's support consists almost entirely of Millennials and Zoomers who will never put down their game consoles and get up off their asses to actually vote.

Man, I never thought about using that when talking to these conservatards. Thanks for this!

I guess I won’t really care. Bernie could be a net gain for the middle class and I’d win, or he crashes and burns taking the country and we start over, in which case I win

Lol you are wrong. Sadly they are good at organizing and voting. It’s the fudds that live in trailers that don’t get out and vote

Oh the screeching, music to my ears.

Or he contributes to the slow burn of the country while more migrant flood in and you lose
Though to be fair so far trump isn’t any better so w/e I guess

I’ve been a criminal most of my life. The worse off society is the better black markets and crime rings do. Now I know you are thinking ...look at this larping faggot!!!! I’m not proud of parts of my life but it’s been fun.


Socialism=Regulation=Less Freedom=Controlled

Lol not filing your taxes as a 1 or a 0 is your fault you retard.

poor ol guy needs to calm down. hes getting all worked up over nothing. of course he will get the nomination, but he will never beat The Don. to little,to late

I bet buttiewhatever beats him in the other states

Black people won't vote for a gay white man.

You still likely paid less in total taxes that year . Your refund is not relevant .

hitler could get the nomination and would be trump lol... anyone against trump is going to win because that cheeto dusted fool has already shown what an incapable sack of shit he is. .. wheres that fucking wall at?

What does Bernie know about labor?

Wishful thinking . No one that voted for trump last time will vote for socialism. There are lots who voted for trump because he was lesser of two evils. A moderate has more chance of getting that vote. Even some Democrats will not vote for Bernie. They will stay home . Trump wins. Biden and bloomburg are their only hope and trump torpedoed Biden and the Democrats threw Biden under the bus by the impeachment bullshit.

"to little,to late" -A learned Republican

>they gettin scared boys

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LOL, keep on dreaming, gender neutral faggot

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It really comes down to this. Economy looks good, 401k looks good, employment looks good, stock market looks good... Stay the course or throw it all away and roll the dice with Bernie. That's what the choice will be.

Another retard who doesn't know what socialism is

>Economy looks good,
Which means dick to the majority of people, who don't have capital.
Yes, the rich are getting richer even faster than before orangeboy, huzzah.

You're forgetting that people on this board will argue against anything, even if they actually agree with it, they'll still do nothing but badmouth it.

>bUt sOciALiSm

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All that looked good 4 years ago too.

lol no dem can win because bloomberg is gonna split the vote

and all of that has nothing to do with Trump...it was that way before he came into office. It will be that way after he leaves.

They will if he got booty in his name


Total strawman. Most GOP voters hated the bailouts for exactly that reason

Fucking right on, even everyone here that hates the government might as well accept their money if Bernie keeps it no strings attached as Yang had it

It isn't going to make any difference if he does get elected. He has been in politics since 1962, in Washington since 1991, and has accomplished dick. What makes you think that he is going to all of a sudden become productive and change anything when he has been fanning his balls for almost 60 years?

Waaaa...Gimme gibs.

That fucking kike is going to catch a heart attack and die. He couldn't handle the stresses of his campaign and you think he can handle the presidency?

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>no that was all him libtards
>also he deserves a 3rd term because the Dems stopped him from doing anything real by opposing him
>except all the amazing shit he has done
>but the dems still stopped him
Republicans want to eat their cake and have it too user.


Bernie getting the parties nod to run is handing the election to the GOP.

He isnt electable... everything he stands for has been demonized and vilified. He can get the SJW vote, though that group is famous for attending caucuses en masse and not turning up to vote.

Middle America, where the majority of votes come from, has been made frightened of what he represents.

Bernie is the new Ralph Nader.

You mean the middle class? You don't know shit. Just because you and your loser friends don't contribute to society and have anything doesn't mean no one else does. Go upstairs and ask your mom about her 401k.

The only thing that matters, is that most people prefer him to more Trump.
Out of the Dems, he is currently the most preferred to Trump.
If even Hillary was able to get more votes then Bernie will wipe the floor with him

Doesn't matter .

Trump lost NH by 3,5% in '016. Yesterday, Trump set an all time vote record for incumbents in the primary.

If Bernie were to win the nomination, he might not even carry NH.

Yo, please tell me who a ubi would hurt?

I live in the Netgerlands, the file name is correct

>imagine fervently defending fuckers with a million times your power because CaPiTaLiSm gOoD
Lol keep shilling for the billionaires you boomer sheep, I am sure they appreciate it.

You miss the whole point . Everything is fine. People want status quo over roll the dice with socialism. You can plug your ears and screech it's not fair, it was her turn, 1% is bad, orange man bad all you want , doesn't change facts.

Keep telling yourself that. Asshole

If you take a step outside of your echo chambers full of other marijuana, Truvada, and phytoestrogen-addled fucktards you would realize that there is a good chunk of Democrats who have not completely lost their minds who do not support this old commie grifter.

Not a Bernie fan but he hasn’t gotten anything done because his agenda has been out of line with other members of Congress. As President others are more likely to follow him. That happened with GW Bush’s big government programs and Obamacare. And he can do things with executive actions that don’t require any cooperation from congress.

Yup, president only gets to sign or not sign bills. The real power is Congress , Bernie should run for Congress so he can get things done, oh wait, nevermind.

Anyone who pays taxes and their children. UBI can be done right, but it requires eliminating other welfare, which is never going to happen

No I don't need to convince myself that the things I believe aren't batshit, that's a Rightie thing bro.

ya but he wont get the nomination so get fucked commies

>ancient jewish communist destroys master debater trump

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It's also why Gore won the popular vote but not the electoral... The "machine" cant afford to have someone radical in charge, and will do whatever is needed to prevent that (like breaking from tradition and not casting electoral votes based on popular results).

Looks like I won. You resorted to "hur dur, you defend billionaires , Hur dur, " .

>who don't have capital
You mean niggers and spics right? So give them your house if you feel so bad for those monkeys

It's funny that they don't even understand why even the DNC is against Bernie. Even they know he does not stand a chance. But Bernie bois keep dreaming.

He won't stand a chance. Like before the msm can rant like he has it in the bag then blame it all on when he fails. Trump will take another term then be replaced by similar republican for another two. Dems party is a joke at this point and will take them at least one and a half decades before they work out what there doing wrong.

t. dipshit that's paid zero attention to any election since 2016

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Correct. But the bernie cock sucking brigade is soo far up each others ass they dont see reality. They really believe rules and laws dont apply to their shitty feelings and moral high ground.

you must be from a state where you can no longer claim your state tax. good for you