“Just rob Peter to pay paul!!!”

“Just rob Peter to pay paul!!!”

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Other urls found in this thread:


like cutting social nets for tax breaks?

Fuck niggers and single moms

Um actually they'd be left with $7.5 an hour. Checkmate crapitalists

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lmao what is a progressive tax rate

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But then that 50% would go to programs that benefit people who work minimum wage.

That's not how marginal taxes work.

This opinion is wrong.

"I'm not a communist! I just supported Fidel Castro because I like Cuban cigars!"

>people dont change
okay retard

Must have hit a nerve. It's called a joke, buddy.

Found the single mom with a nigger baby

He said even low income taxes will be around 42%

They already do

sounds good to me. I now have free healthcare and no more student loans.

agreed, Bernie has my vote

It’s not free you will still have to pay about 600 a month in taxes. Bernie even said so, don’t get me wrong I support M4A but please don’t call it free

>doesn't understand taxes
I don't know why you faggots reply to this shit.
I don't know why I did.

And the student loans might * come from a Wall Street speculation tax. If it passes congress who are imho are owned by Wall Street. Both side of the isle

You know better. We know better. Stop wasting our time. Post porn or fuck off.

I’d assume it’s because you are an impulsive faggot ?

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As opposed to the republican manta of “rob both Peter and Paul”? I’ll take it.

He thinks he is Robinhood
Only poor fuck ups would support a system like this. He wants to break up DHS and let all sorts of filth just walk right in and get handouts

Your understanding of taxes and calculating explains your choice of voting

How about the mantra of taxation is theft?

I voted for Gary Johnson. Fuck taxation
Fuck banks and bailouts too.
Legalize cocaine and prostitution too

That's better. Now everything is better.

I agree with you. He's casts himself as a robin hood figure.

The idea that he’s going to tax my stock trades and income to pay for some faggots sociology degree and healthcare, especially when college is a genetocracy.... If you have any money you’d be insane to support Bernie, this is why he thinks literal children are going to put him in office

So this was my fear too and I looked into it, if you make under like 50k a year from trades you will get a tax credit that will be a full refund. We will see I guess

Are politics, the very governance ruling your life a joke, friend? Is your life a joke?

He doesn't want to tax minimum wage people. He wants to tax billionaires.

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This is why we need to shrink government to the smallest size possible
Or someone will always be ruled over by something they hate

As a person who gets paid much more than minimum wage, that does not appeal to me.

If minimum wage is 15 and hour that’s just over 31 k a year. He will in fact tax that bracket. If you work part time and only make 15k a year you are safe....but poor

But white people are the majority’s of welfare users, but you did say niggers so that makes sense

no one's going to tax 31k at 50%, retard. stop talking out of your ass. youre either a troll or a moron.

Trump 2020

Trump 2024

Trump 2028


Y'all ever get sick of watching the hobos pile up on the street? Y'all keep a gun in the drawer in case some one breaks in to rob you?

Then the status quo won't help you. How much damage can you do in 4 years? It's not like he's going to start a war. Who knows? He may end up making a difference. And f*CK Peter! Paul's my boi!

Lol you are a fucking tool, you shouldn’t be taking politics or any part of life this seriously. Eventually everyone will die and being a democrat or republican won’t matter. In fact, it probably scares you that you’ve wasted so much energy with politics instead learning that guitar you bought and never played, or that drawing you never drew. Yup, when you look back at life just remember you argued for people that never noticed you, glad you took it seriously

I agree white people are niggers

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And the part that's always forgotten is that the people already making $15-20 aren't getting a raise so the percentage of workers sitting on the bottom increases.

it's funny how hard you guys are trying to villainize him....it's clear you're scared.
Your orange cult leader is in trouble...

Wow, you really think taxing the billionares club for their hard earned robot work also means taxing the low class? Fuck, all extremely rich like Bezos and Gates are for a robot tax. Who should buy products if nobody has the money.

This economically makes sense, why would a business bring you up when they could hire someone else that just started making 15 an hour

Do I need to post the YouTube clip of him at the debates admitting it? Or are you capable of looking for it on your own ?

Plus they have an unlimited supply of cheap Mexican labor coming in

>Who should buy products if nobody has the money
Europe and Asia, they like our products. And we like capitalism and working for the CEOs good (irony)

Where has bernie said he wants to raise taxes on poor and middle class people?
Why do republicans think the only way to have anything in this country is to raise taxes?

Hes said time and time again that payment for these ideas will come from more heavily taxing the ultra rich(jeff bezos paid 0 in taxes last year)
And by redistributing our current spending. No more giving trillions to help big bussiness, that money will go to helping the middle class.

>trump: lets build wall
>the right: how you pay?
>trump: mexico pays for it
>the right: that makes sense

>bernie: lets make this country better for the middle class
>the right: how u pay?
>bernie: redistribute how government spends moeny, and tax the ultra rich
>the right: TAXES RAISED !!!!!! IKDFH ~~~~SOCIALIST~~~~~

He said 5% more. Not that it matters McConnell calls himself the grim reaper for a reason

what clip?

he says under 30k no taxes. from there taxes will have a progressive increase, so the ultra rich pay the most, and people with 30k income pay the least.
no one is going to be heavily taxing middle class

Again, in response to question “how will you get this past McConnell?” He says “the people will demand it”. He’s in fantasy land.

Nigger detected

and trump is a realest

Found the 13 year old listening to cnn too much

Maybe you want to post some facts against those communist fags?

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Trumps good for the stock market and economy fuck the rest. Free childcare and college can Duck my b-ball’s. Govt run healthcare will be brilliant I’m sure.

found the retard that doesn't understand tax brackets

Ok, you dun goofed, trump announced that everyone above 20k annual earning was upper class and should be happy to be so.
Is Trump lying or is Sanders not taxing middle class?

Nice straw man

Um read the thread sweety

What straw man? Trump declared upper class to earn more than 20k, Sanders now wants to tax "upper" class the same way they were before trump decided to remove all taxes on them because they were all business owners. Hope your business runs well if you earn more than 20k, because Trump expects it to.

Trump being an idiot does not absolve Bernie from being a retard

Ok, true that, but I had to show that user what kind of retard he was.

The straw man is this thread is about bernies tax plan being implausible. It has nothing to do with drumpft so please leave your what about isms at the door

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And the other 50% would go to people who don't work and illegal immigrants.

What is there being implausible? He wants (at least anounched) the old obama rich taxes that trump removed. And even thinks about reestablishing old taxes that Bush I invaded Irak for nuclear weapons Junior removed for Wallstreet companies.

Free Healthcare is worth it

Hunter Biden
Etc. Etc.

Trumps good for stocks for the wrong reason. Companies have paid less tax and have been showing more revenue profit from it. Stocks are better on a slow steady incline.

And no chance of ever buying a house because of high taxes. No chance of ever saving up enough to retire early because of high taxes. No boat, vacation home, or nice car because of high taxes. You will be dependant on the government.

That guy is too joung to know the debacle "I sell all housing to stocks" Bush was doing during his periods.

Not if your making $15 an hour stupid.

Not if I already have free healthcare basically because I have a job I had to get off my ass and work for. Youre lazy and deserve nothing.

Lol everyone pays 600 a month regardless? Sign me up poor fag. No one thinks any of bernies policies are free. That’s a republican meme tier scare tactic. Bernie is proposing taxation with some motherfucking representation.

i am quoting the video you are replying with lol
he says progressive increase starting at 30k. if he did 1% more for each 10k earned that literally does nothing to the middle class.

Post a link. It will still suppress the stock market that will effect my investments and 401k. Pretty much be responsible, pay your debt, invest for your retirement. Good job, now we will take what you worked for and use it to pay for all the dumbfucks who made bad life choices.

You do know doctors will have to take a pay cut and overhead will have to be cut right? You do know it’s projected to run at a deficit right? You do know the USA is in a lot of debt right?

Not all that glitters is gold

I remember him and his execution of global economy. Yet I miss him, he was hated by all people because he was just a retard. Nobody after him was as able to unite people as much as him.

Thing is, more money changing hands more rapidly actually is good for the economy.


Lol I get tricare. I was referring to low income people

How does that hurt you though? Your jealousy and the inability to come up with an idea to start a successful company shouldnt infringe on their right to earn money.

He has said he will tax everyone. You don't even know what he stands for. You just heard one of your loser friends tell you uncle Bernie will take care if you as he passed you the joint. Don't forget to vote on November 11th.

Trust me I’m with you on that. I was just bringing up something I read this morning

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How is it fear, that’s exactly what would happen. My investments would pay for María to get a Chicano studies degree and then cry that she can’t make ends meet working at pet smart

Can you post a more low res image? This one is almost readable

Cool. Too bad everyone else has votes too, you dumb shit. If you want to lord over people, you better disenfranchise them.

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Still, Bernie would clench assholes on wall st, a slow decline inevitably

Post a link, not a meme

Naw dog that’s the only one I had

"Lord over people" because I have a good health plan? You bottom feeding unemployed fucks have lost all touch with reality. Bernie doesnt stand a chance in hell against Trump anyways he most likely will get shafted by the DNC again before all that because even the liberals in the US know hes just talking shit and making empty promises.

It’s literally from his website

you sound scared

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Hes not a communist. Hes actually for capitalism, just controlled capitalism where coporations cant fuck over the little guy. Socialistic programs does not make us a socialist nation. (Social security, medicare, welfare, corn subsidies, corporate bailouts are all socialistic programs)

You're literally saying people don't get access to things they need to live because you think the resources are better spent on yourself.

that's not a link

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Typical Bernie supporter....to fucking lazy to go to his site. I can’t help you

>I can’t help you
well that much is obvious

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If you dont earn it you dont deserve it. If you sit home all day playing video games, posting on Cred Forums and smoking weed while Im out working why should I have to support you? Medically/mentally disabled people should be the only exception and minimum wage has never been considered a living wage its the first step to getting a big boy job dumbass.

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They’re getting the resources they need, they just want nicer everything, don’t we all? These aren’t feudal times, they’re greedy times. Both rich and poor are trying to use each other, the rich are just better at it because iq etc.

Bernie will lose because the rich meme better, and even if he does win he still lost because McConnell

But the socialistic programs he wants are shit. Childcare, college, open borders. Yang’sa better choice at that point, smarter distribution

>Nobody in Europe owns homes, boats, or ever retires.

federal minimum wage is $7.25, and many states are higher than that. ooh, $0.25 extra per hour. or $10 a week. you should really learn how to check better, you communist pig fucker.

People are able to buy billion dollar luxury movie theater mega yachts right now, so I highly doubt buying a boat or a vacation home will be all that hard with higher taxes.

see you really feel that $29,000 income is the ultra rich in this country.

>every other first world nation has a living basic wage and public healthcare
>every time its suggested to Americans they lose their mind and claim its impossible and doesn't work
ohhh say can you see

Notice that in every country that moves too far into socialism, they always move back, including Sweden Denmark and Norway

He was memeing with you, dumb fuck.

That's not what he's proposing at all though. It's almost like you're willfully ignorant of the situation and you're just kicking the can because you're retarded or bored.

Cool, so Sweden, Denmark, and Norway found an ideal middle ground. Let's do that.

>minimum wage has never been considered a living wage its the first step to getting a big boy job dumbass.

did you know there are actually more people then there are good jobs, even if every person was working as hard as they possible could there would still be a huge portion of the population unable to get a "big boy job". I understand that you have found yourself in a good situation in life but thats just mathematically not possible for everyone and the idea that the poor just arent working hard enough is a childs view of economics

>while Im out working why should I have to support you?
The problem with this mentality is that you ignore that you're not just "helping" that user, it's everyone else, you're mom, your kids, your neighbors, ect.

And you're right about minimum wage, as it was never called that, but it was supposed to represent the minimum you needed to pay for it to be a nonliving wage. So you're also super wrong.

That's how you know he doesn't have a job.

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Man I love how Bernie blindsided you fucks and now you are all scrambling to make anti Bernie threads left and right.

Bernie is gonna win faggit and there is nothing you can do.

A robot tax would be incredibly based

but since 50% = .5 = 1/2
then half of $15 isn't $7 but $7.5
so in the end we end up getting more. The math doesn't lie OP, so you should probably kill yourself.

Except they’re Not doing as well as us

in which ways? their rated higher in almost every measurable metric

no u

Innovation. Their higher scores in happiness have to do with cultural values not policy. Their very high information and engaged population is psychologically different than America. Our emulating Norway is like sending a hooker to a convent, its incongruous



what the fuck kind of thread is this, why isn't this on /pol. all I wanted was to perform a raid, no bring politics. wtf

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oh cute.. Cred Forums nps's are getting skurd

is the better infant mortality rate, life expectancy, literacy rates, etc all a cultural result? and even if it were why would you not try to move towards a societal model that shows an increase in highly educated and engaged populace. Also I should point out that innovation is a vague claim that could mean almost anything and even accounting for that would not imply that you are doing better than others

Pence is the only one in that photo that doesn't look like a total retard

Such an underrated post

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>But white people are the majority’s of welfare users,
Great assertion, since you're too fucking stupid to know what per capita is.

Eisenhower was a great president, and at this rate, the republican party will never elect anyone this good again

I'm skirting out of this country if this old ass man gets elected bro, I didn't bust my ass to earn a nice living to end up getting fucked on taxes just so the "less fortunate" have more government programs. Old and disabled people are the only people who should receive government help. Everyone else has the power to make their lives better. I know this because I came from dirt and put in the work to make things better for myself. Absolutely triggered.

People making minimum wage or close thereto are probably tax exempt anyway. Try harder conservatard

candadafag here, my province has raised min wage a few times, its soon to be $12, and guess what people that make min wage are still broke as fuck and people that make $25 are just barely making enough to pay a mortgage

Sp what happens when everyone makes the same?
Where do the taxes come from?

Peter = 99%
Paul = 1%

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As it has been foretold.

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Not that user, but I actually know a few people who quit their min wage jobs because the income pushed them above limits for gov benefits, so they quit working

>the country has not changed since the 50's

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>I did a thing so its possible for everyone to do it regardless of circumstance

this is the mindset of a child

There are less than 600 billionaires in the US. If you think he is paying for anything with just their money, you're an idiot.

Nixon really did hurt the republican party to the point they never truly recovered... Fuck Nixon

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>Its childish to expect adults to make smart decisions for themselves.


This would cause massive layoffs by small businesses.
>guy who makes $15 now: So now the untrained rookie makes the same money as me? Why work here if I can make the same money flipping burgers? I want a raise
>guy who makes $16-18 now: I know more than that guy and have been working here longer. If he's making $18 now then I should be making $20
>guy who makes $20 now: I have a lot more responsibility than that guy, I shouldn't be getting the same pay scale as my crew. If he's making $20 I should be getting $25
>owner of the company: Fuck, In order to keep our trained help we have to give them all raises, and we don't have it in the budget.
>guy who makes less than $15 now: Fuck, I got laid off and there are so many people looking for work now that I can't even get hired at McDonalds

If i pay taxes so should the rich faggot paying you to shill, eat some more billionaire dick you fucking disgrace

Fun fact: Obamacare was originally Nixon's idea.

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Lol if you make less than 250k and voting for anyone other than Sanders you are voting against your own interest

The top 1% earns 20% of the income and pays 37% of the taxes.

>Hurr they need to pay their fair share!!!

>Still being broke but running the country into the ground is in my own interests.

You tell 'em, Shlomo!

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The sad part is, you aren't even being paid to shill

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The sad part is, you only say that because you are the bottom half of the bell curve.

My condolences friend.

tfw you realize that 15/hr is 30k per year.

>bottom half

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>this is the mindset of a child

This is the mindset of a freeloader

Dumbshit, didn't you hear him say he was going to tax the RICH? That ain't you, Dimitry.

Those are the words your handler paid you to post.

yeah thats what you should take from that; good reading comprehension skills champ

>gives a shit about the grand majority
bRuH u R jUsT jEaLoUs


i make 19$ an hour and have my own home, im far from rich but also I don't have any government handouts; if you cant comprehend the idea that a person could want other people to not have to struggle constantly to have a home, food and healthcare when they need it then i genuinely feel bad that you have such a cynical existence

Fuck social nets. If you cant make it on your own, die quietly

Did you grow up in the subs?
Your parents pay for college?

>could want other people to not have to struggle constantly
Where do you think small businesses are going to come up with the money to pay everyone's raises?

>did you know there are actually more people then there are good jobs

Is that why we need Open boarders?

If you can't pay someone a livable wage then you shouldn't be in business



>livable wage
Because its literally the point of working for most people?

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ok, try doing your job and affording an apartment on it............ get back to me when you found a free wifi connection while being homeless

You can live off the grid, if that’s your mantra. But if I’m paying taxes, and Republicans are saying school shootings are a mental health issue, in order to not regulate guns, and also not trying to implement universal healthcare, to actually address the mental illness they claim is a scourge, but in fact reducing the funds for healthcare all together, my taxes won’t pay for their asses to be in office for longer than they have to be.

I don’t mind my taxes being put to good use. Making trumps friends rich is not good use.

you might not be aware of this but when people have more money than the bare minimum they need to survive they can then spend that money on products and services; ive always never understood trying to hold up the argument that small business needs the populace to be in poverty to survive; small businesses aren't the ones employing thousands of people at the lowest pay they legally can get away with; its Walmart and McDonalds that are the ones exploiting the system here not ol'johns garage where him and his 3 employee's are fixing cars

BernSchlomo: We should be living like they did in the 60s/70s economies

Conservaqueers: REEE SOCIALIST!

Demotrannies: We must enforce mandatory transgenderism in elementary schools

3rd positionist: Just get rid of the Jew and blacks and all your wildest dreams will come true

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>bring up completely unrelated subject in order to try and change argument instead of addressing point

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lol @ this bullshit

You say raising wages means that prices will increase => that's why u need government controlled market to be sure people can afford stuff even with lowest wage. Ever heard of gentrification? Works with pretty much everything THAT IS NEEDED TO LIVE.

You make minimum wage, you should be able to afford to live @ minimum, so not a big house (maybe even splitting bills with a mate) and the basic stuff.

If you can't afford basic things even if u work, YOU WON'T GET extra things, which is pretty much what capitalism is based on, buying stuff you don't need.

So it is in everyone's interest that working people, even low income, are able to afford stuff they don't need.

but still, how am I gonna explain market to you people, when you are more interested in shitting all over the table and making autistic noises?
and this is besides all the ethical and human matters that should be way more important than market and money

remind the conservatives that 15 an hour is merely just adjusting for inflation from the 50s.
Boomer ass niggers just spread propaganda against it to think it's socialism yet they're the ones who benefited from a prosperous economy based around a high minimum wage.

If fucking In-N-Out Burger can pay its employees well, as a cheap burger place, your business has no excuse to not pay its workers a proper wage
Oh boo-fucking-hoo, you have to take less profits, too fucking bad.
Don't own a business then, go be a worker where *oh-no*, its suddenly worth working the majority of your day for the majority of the week for the majority of your life.
Oh the fucking horror.

why did they NOT have those same witnesses speak in the Houses Trail then?

They had the chance to do a OPEN and TRANSPARENT case in the house and FAILED to do so.

That is like going to court and expecting the Jury to do your job.....how fucking Communistic

Whites are majority social security and other forms of welfare’s recipients tho


you know one of the articles of impeachment was about the white house stopping witness testimony in the house right?

Why didn't Trump (in between his golfing of course), not go to defend himself even once?
He'll take on anything head on, except the "witch hunt" by the Do Nothing Dems?
What was he afraid of?
The Nothing they would have done to him?

nigga you ain't ever had a job, go cry to your waifu cunt

and tear down those border walls! its the entire worlds RIGHT to come here as they please, and live off the middle class taxpayers. you are racist if you dont want to pay for the healthcare of millions of 3rd worlders who migrate here. communism good! america bad!

Is this bait?
Whites are the majority population by far.
Half of every single black adult is on a form of govt assistance like welfare or section 8.

>good goyim
>against the jew

What level of irony are you on?

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Let's say you provide a service that has a short busy season where you need some unskilled help. Why not hire a teenager or college student who doesn't need to pay their way?

Why should they be punished because their
business doesn't have unlimited demand?

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And yet he has a vote. They all do.
There are more of them, and their allies, than there are of you.

do it yourself lazy nigger.
You have no concept on how little 7 an hour actually is.

Look, just have some kids so that you can have family labor instead of hiring out for seasonal unskilled labor at poverty wages. That way you can pinch pennies and the rest of the economy can be structured so that the only people being exploited are those unfortunate enough to be your children. But who gives a fuck about you and your kids?

Not me, because you clearly don't give a fuck about me.

There's only so much work you can do yourself, but not always enough to justify hiring another career person doing that work. Why shouldn't someone who still needs work experience before they can get a proper career have an opportunity? Nobody would be in a rush to hire them at $15 hour.

Only young people whose parents own business should be able to get work experience?

Why should anybody care about you if you expect them to have their business ruined or deny them opportunities as a young person to get work experience? You've got a pretty entitled attitude.

You can always tell who the niggers are when they start arguing for the .001% of people who might be affected by something.

bu bu but what about those teenigers/mexics/blax, it's FREE SLAVE LABOR!

Why do you think companies keep putting illegals on their pay rolls?
7 an hour is easy, and breaking min wage laws is a bigger deal than hiring illegals.

You do know what executive privelage is don't you? Look up when Obama used it to stop his cronies from testifying to Congress. Schiff could have went to the courts to get it settled.

>They’re getting the resources they need
don't lie ok
you can be a piece of shit
but don't be a lying piece of shit

My dad ran small business. Was far from rich. You don't understand anything. Small businesses are greatly affected by labor costs.


bu bu bu but what about my red herring?

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>my modern life style and upbringing was entirely dependent on my dad effectively using slave labor
>Deal with it
LMAO Stupid kid

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“the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
be the bend.

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You understand being entitled and expecting everything to be handed to you is the biggest nigger stereotype, right?

A few percent of Americans make minimum wage (4%, if I remember right), and half are young people with parental support and retirees. They don't need the money, but the extra money is nice. Who's going to hire young people, retarded people, or geriatrics if they have to pay them the same as a career person?

The businesses will just cut hours or overwork their regular staff. Prices will also go up, so what's the point?

Someone else has nice things. I deserve nice things. That's how a three year old thinks.

You've set up a lovely straw man
Let's light him on fire

People can get jobs without work experience. The issue is there aren't enough jobs that pay livable wages, and the minimum wages are set to keep people impoverished. So people who should have graduated out of your poverty wage positions are stuck. They can work 60 hours a week at two different part time minimum wage positions and never be able to escape while maintaining the minimum standard of living. They're stuck in teenager jobs because there aren't enough big boy jobs.
This is unethical.

Sometimes capitalists can get away with importing labor, exploiting the fact that some nations are literally impoverished and the currency differences make it attractive to them to take a position in the USA that requires they live in squalor and deprivation compared to the minimum standard of living we have set for ourselves.
This is also unethical.

Because capitalism is always a race to optimize externalizing expenses, usually on the community, the individual employee, and the government, there must be hard controls with legal consequences. The pell mel externalization of costs on The People is often more expensive than a structured approach that includes wage reform, public safety net reform, foreign labor reform, and age restrictions on labor.

You can claim you can't make a profit paying a part time worker a living wage. That just means you're a shitty businessman.

It's super cool calling regular employment slave labor. Does Subway still sell that $5-footlong?

i'd love to see some facts to support this instead of your clear social bias towards people that dont look like you

>half are young people with parental support and retirees. They don't need the money
Okay money isn't important so just pay them more LUL
Also you're a sociopath
>businesses will just cut hours or overwork their regular staff. Prices will also go up
Figure it out when it happens, lul

>regular employment
it's just regular dude lole.
call it regular
regular slavery
it was just regular slavery

>caring for our young and educating them is shit

ok kid

>first post by this IP in the thread
fuck off Larper

just keep reposting this till the conservatards swallow cum

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gary johnson knows absolutely nothing about running a government

then again, neither does trump

I would like to see a Hookers and Blackjack platform gain traction

Daily reminder that increasing minimum wage would hurt diversity hiring quotas and illegals.

You can't and won't hire an illegal for 15 an hour to move bricks all day.
You can't and won't hire a diversity quota for 15-20 an hour.

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The vast majority of people make above the "livable wage" we're talking about. They're managing to leave those positions. Why fuck up everything so a small percentage of people can make some more and drive up prices?

If you're paying a part-timer more than part-time wages, you're probably a shitty businessman.

Daily reminder that increasing minimum wage would hurt diversity hiring quotas and illegals.

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>only thinking about yourself

clearly you have it all figured out

what is it that you think he is doing to help you? honestly curious. everything he does it to help himself and his investors, are you one of them?

Daily reminder that increasing minimum wage would hurt diversity hiring quotas and illegals.

No more women at the work place.

No more snot nosed teenagers at the work place.

Bring back the 1960s economy.

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This is an example of abuse of people with mental illness. These poor retards have no idea they are being manipulated into supporting an evil president

ah yes, the "brown boogieman" makes yet another appearance

lol americans supporting this

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increase min wage and you can't hire manuel and santiago to mow your yard anymore


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If money isn't important, give me yours, lol. It's not sociopathic to be realistic and accept some people are going to get it in the shorts.

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some people don't work because they can not anymore. i hope you never have to go through anything bad enough to keep you from your job, it is hell not being able to work when you want to.

have more compassion for your fellow humans

>They don't need the money
lul retard


Are you too cool for this slavery? You could share your neetbux with everybody, lol. ;)

>my limit is semantics
How smooth is your brain

Who's Rob Peter?

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don't need the money then you don't need the services.
LMAO idiot

If it's a small percentage of people who would benefit, then the overall effect on the economy will be small. By your own logic since only 2% of workers make minimum wage, adjusting the minimum wage upward from $7.50 to $15 would have a 2% effect on the entire economy. But it would have a tremendous effect on those people.

$15 an hour. No one will get rich from that. But you could live on it and not work yourself to death or have to game using the piecemeal social safety net system.

>i make money for free and i'm pissed that i can't lord that over people who are stuggling anymore

grow the fuck up retard

lol trump so dumb he got himself impeached over the 5th place finisher in the New Hampshire primary

We should take care of citizens first.

If you're only making minimum wage, you wouldn't be taxed 50%. Do you not understand how tax brackets work?

Anyone would rather work 20 hours @ $15 than 40 hours @ $7.50

Time to find a second job, or better yet, you actually have time for school now!

>breaking the law is ok as long as its my side that does it

LUL there are blacks and mexican citizens.
Increasing min wage would hurt the dark skins the most.

>why didn't they testify in the house then?
>the president is allowed to block them from testifying in the house

tf bruh

smoking crack

true good point

The cost of the services they provide will go up, costing everybody else more money, and the other employees who are suddenly stuck making the same amount as employees with less experience or skill will demand more money. It will just cost more and more for everybody.

Doesn't matter since min wage employees are getting replaced with robots.

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>anyone who criticizes my beloved Bernie must be a drumpf cock sucker

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increasing min wage would put those complaints of yours out of a job.
You're angry at min wage workers but at the same time increasing it would only hurt those employees who give you a hard time.

Except your argument here with automation is merely just dystopian, I can tell how ignorant and uneducated you are.

I think you just don't like knowing teens might make as much as you do now with your low-tier smooth brain job whatever it is.

That's called wage inflation and it is desirable because once it finishes shaking out it disproportionately helps people who are not siphoning wealth off from the labors of workers (i.e. the 99% of the population). The 1%, the capitalists, find this disagreeable because it reduces the amount they can take.

*overrated and reposted from liberal grandmas facebook

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That's actually a problem employers have had in places that have raised their minimum wage--people won't work as many hours.

The employer in your example will just hire one guy for 30 hours and work him to death.

When I was in college last, most of us were working full-time--a lot of people had children, too, and they somehow figured out how to manage. Your employer isn't hiring you out of kindness--he has to benefit somehow.

Giving more money to the poor is a good investment in the economy because they spend instead of save. In this way raising the minimum wage does a lot to stimulate the economy. As far as employers, they all have to deal with the new wages, so they all have to raise some prices, but at least people will be able to afford it.

>I can tell how ignorant and uneducated you are.

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>my single exception to the rule
>my .0001% of events!?

smooth brain.
How many rocks did you move today?

You know there are more ways to be more productive than have more wages. Because you put two lines together on a graph doesn't mean they have to follow one another.

Lets say I make soap and I pay my employees $10/hour and I make 100 soap a day.

Instead of hiring more people for soap I'm going to buy a robot that makes soap.

Now I make 120 soap a day.

Why should I increase wages because I make more soap now? I might be earning more money, but I have to pay to upkeep the robot, the loan, and etc.

If you don't like me earning more soap/money then go fuck yourself. I gonna buy more robots and fire your ass.

Thank you posters for standing up against these bernouts. My monumental ego cannot handle a reality in which bernie would have and did win. I need to continue my narrative of losing from outside sources and not from my own merit.

I support you trump supporters and will do whatever I can to help Donald succeed.

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This assumes an increase in income leads to increase in spending-who knows what effect an immediate 2x multiplier on min wage would have on consumer behavior.

>I gonna buy more robots and fire your ass.
Then do it.
Lets do it.
Increase min wage, you can fire whoever you need.
Jobs only for the ultra efficient.

Oh wait... you're scared of being out of a job too, you're probably a 15 an hour nigger, barely above a mcdonalds boy, you're jealous.

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so you wont be guillotined?

A number of states have done it already and they can tell you. I live in one of them, which is why I know.

Automation is a related but separate issue.
Ideally the solution would be to rate the output of the robot in man-hour-equivalents, then tax the business for that benefit explicitly to fund programs to ensure displaced workers don't become starving angry luddites. The nature of those programs, be they re-education, job creation, or brutal suppression using an expanded paramilitary is also a separate issue.

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LMAO Cred Forums retards literally want this gap to increase

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>I think you just don't like knowing teens might make as much as you
You think this is a real argument? Like as if I care what teens are making? If they want better pay they could go work somewhere that pays better. Min wage only applies to full time workers. The employer would just hire more part time employees or just automate their jobs and eliminate the position entirely. Clearly this is a concept you haven't thought through very well.

Found the russian bot.

That’s why you have a staggered tax system. People that have lower incomes pay lower tax rates. I know that that’s hard for simpletons to understand but it’s the true. But yes if you’re making $375,000 a year I don’t think that a 50% tax rate is that bad.

>Min wage only applies to full time workers
This is not only false, it's very false. More min wage workers are part time than not.

I struck a nerve with you LULe
stay mad kid

no response lol

You wish, dumbass. Also not an argument.

What do you expect? That attitude of "fuck you if you didn't pull yourself up by your bootstraps that were bought for you by your parents and became a self-made man with just the help of an entire system tilted in your favor" is one of willful delusion. They believe that in zero-sum games if they aren't getting every scrap of the pie they can from the people least able to take it back, they're going to lose. That is a fallacy that ignores that most of the pie is being hoarded by the 1%.

increase min wage you decease nigs,mexs,teens,diversity quotas from employment.

Conservatards only mad because they like seeing those types of people working

They like having power over them

Increase min wage and you'll increase engineering jobs.

Why do conservatives complain?

Oh right they're all too busy chucking rocks and huffing paint to ever get real jobs.

Conservatives don't like realizing their work is nearly equivalent to children at mcdonalds

Conservative businesses most of them rely on cheap labor from blax/mexs/ and other undesirables.

They're the ones importing all these shit anti-american bastards.

That's why they defend min wage at 7, they couldn't support paying all these shit skins 15 an hour

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Thanks conservatards

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and it's gonna work because as long as we can stoke your evolved superstitions against non kin, you'll willingly fight each other pleb.

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Get rid of democrats and watch all democrat policies start to work themselves into reality. lul