What would Cred Forums do with this money?

What would Cred Forums do with this money?

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Why on earth are you scribbling shit out unless it’s fake.
Anyway I’d probably split the bill for dinner with a friend.

Good thing you blurred the numbers out, OP. Wouldn't want somebody downloading your image and counterfeiting those bills.

Bahahah is that your tax return?

gamble it

Wonder what I’m doing with anything less than a $50 in cash.



Cheap hooker

I’d put the 100 in one of my bank accounts to make the balance an even number.
I’d use the 20’s to buy myself some dinner.
I’d add the 1’s to my strip club stack.

>less than $50
Are we looking at the same image?

Lottery scratch tickets

Cred Forums passes unironically

Why are you bragging about such a sad amount of money lmao

yeah id play some keno with it

i think he meant anything less than a $50 bill in his possession

229 usd would buy myself a synth

the rest goes to drugs

Yes, all bills apart from the $100 bill are less than $50 (each)

No slots?

I'd use it to get trips or quads

But dinner

I would go to Thailand and use it for illegal sex tourism.

Butt dinner

look for the rightful owner

Attached: trfu.jpg (898x603, 83K)

buy a tiny amount of bitcoin

Fractional shares of VTI?
Or a couple bags of fluval shrimp stratum and a plant pack for a 30g aquarium.

Ask me yesterday and I would have said a tank of gas and an oil change


I only keep so much cash on me. The rest is in my bank account.
>being this stupid

hookers and blow

How would I acquire the former having never done so?

Donate it to my favorite twitch content creator streamer

buy a bunch of sparkle spray paint and tube paint my ass.

Your life savings user?

That's $5 more than my electric bill I paid yesterday how old r u 13 lol

nah 19 but what's the difference.

Its not what i would do with it, it is how would i invest it.

Op btw

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swat somebody for being mexican.







1 2 poker

hire a hitman. doesn't matter on who.

If thinking about today: Booze, Coke, and Hookers.

If thinking about tomorrow: Silver (US90), water filter (Katadyn Backpack), cold winter garments (Carhart Arctic Extremes), dehydrated long term storage food

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that's under $230
So dinner for me and a friend at our usual sushi place with enough left over to grab a coffee on the way home.

Spend it on fake supreme

brokeanon detected

Use it to buy something that will make you money.

first thing id do, buy a gram of the purest cocaine i can find. next, 5th of whiskey. lastly, i would purchase some dabs. would be the recipe for a great night. and i think id still have a few bucks leftover after it all

A couple hundred bucks?
Groceries? Dinner and a movie?

>buy crack
>smoke crack

> mfw I make that in one shift
condolences for your poorfag condition

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Fucking beat me to it.

Whoops, this one was for you.

Do my best to pay off my mortgage.

That would pay for medium trips or very low quads.

I don't have a crazy fancy job, I deliver pizza. I make that alone in tips on a good day. Plus I get hourly. I am not acting like a rich dude or anything but like, 260 dollars is hardly worth bragging over.

I would put it in my checking account and get me ever so closer to hitting 18k. Saving money is good. Thinking "what can I do with this money" is a good way to live paycheck to paycheck. You should just save it bro.

I counted wrong, my bad, 229 dollars, so even less than I thought.

damn, if i had the serial number of those 20s... i'd just be able to add them to my bitcoin wallet and yours would be worthless. you fucking retard.