Bet you can't do it
Bet you can't do it
How do you stay hard?
why would i want to? my shit comes out of there.
Im hard but flaccid enough to bend it
post a video
that means your pelvic floor is weak. you're going to have problems later in life. google it.
ive done it simple because of a thread like this. used to have pics, but i guess I deleted them.
It isnt easy nor fun. I managed to cum, but I slipped out everytime.
gotta squeeze with a second hand. it hurts cause once you are done, your dick has lost circulation for sometime and basically I don't do it anymore....
Not really, I can be hard as rock if i want to
Plus, it fucks up your dick.
because i don't want to destroy muh dick
and your ass cause youre constrantly straining to try to open up. If you squeeze, your dick pulls back and slips out anyway.
its pretty dumb.
I can also suck my own dick, but I seem to have stopped. That never seems to fuck anything up except back and ribs might be sore for a day. being flexible as I am I practice stretches, but I don't suck my own dick anymore at the moment anyway lol.
I like to see others do it
Makes me horny for some reason
hot got kik?
go fuck urselfhahahahaahhahahahahaahahahahhaahhahahaah
It's more like we don't want to do it, you disgusting twat.
How big is that thing?
Idk about the size on video but fully erect 7inches
But do you have a video of you cumming in your own ass?
last time i gave a try my dick became hard too fast and i couldn't bend it
same, I really want to fuck myself but it's fucking difficult
Just jack off and do it after resting for some time. It won't be as enjoyable but easier. I recomment putting camera behind you so you can see where the hole is. Then bend your torso down and try to insert the d with both hands.
How long are you flacid/hard?
I can
Anywhere around 3 inches to 7