Vote for me and I'll give you free shit

>Vote for me and I'll give you free shit

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he's got my vote now

>t. Gender studies grad

Bloomberg 2020



>McDonalds lifer

well you're already giving me your free opinions, so we're almost there already

>Giving opinions is the same as stealing someone else's money
Yup, DEFINITELY a gender studies graduate

>bought into that whole taxation is theft meme

Given what Bernie is talking about doing with it, as well as other democrats, yes it is. You having a hard time keeping up kid?

Fuck yeah. Gimme a free PhD Mr. Presidente.

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>*After I take your money to pay for your free shit

>Free PhD
You get paid to do a PhD you fucking idiot. Not that you'll make it that far anyway.

A challenger approaches

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providing healthcare and education for a healthier, more well informed and more productive america is theft?

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Healthier and more educated my fucking ass. I'm not paying for some fat fuck's healthcare while he/she continues to smoke cigarettes and eat fried food everyday, or for Tyrone and Juan to study weed smoking and hip hop studies. You wanna pay for that bullshit you donate your own fucking paycheck. You fags love being generous with other people's money.

nah, just your money

Muh nigga

Dude needs to just die already. I hate Trump but i hate Bernie even more, he's an even bigger liar and has about 50 less IQ points. Which is really saying something. Pretty sure Trump will win in 2020 and hopefully Bernie will be dead by the time 2024 rolls around.


Would you really turn down free shit?

>or you can vote for the other guys who give mega corporations and billionaires free shit (aka your tax money)

>Would you really turn down free shit?
"Free" shit that I'm going to have to pay for while other people do not? Yeah I think so

Because shoveling tons of money at the poor has turned them into productive members of society and not just made it worse. Here's a hint, people are by nature lazy.

I'm middle class worker with 401k and investments for retirement. I will pay more and get nothing.

You know what? I'm sick and tired of you billionaire worshipping, boot licking conservatards. After Bernie wins, we are going to create death squads and go door to door executing you fucking trash. No more holding us back. You get what you fucking deserve!

Yeah mean I mean just look at all the money thrown at people in trailer parks or ghettos, they're just rolling in opportunities to get out

exactly. our tax dollars should continue focusing on the wealthy because that's what they were made for. they are the job creators and therefore our worthy overlords. taxes are not for public access to good education, or accessible healthcare. that's communist bullshit.

You are already doing this, I hope you realize. Or is the concept of how insurance works and is made cheaper too complex for you?

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Our tax dollars aren't going to billionaires. You might be thinking of tax breaks for businesses, which are proven by economists to be beneficial to the job market and overall economy. "Free" healtchare for jobless does nothing for the economy. Healthcare isn't even that expensive to begin with, it's some kind of miracle that the Democrats were able to convince millenials that the healthcare system is broken and needs some sort of communist intervention to fix it. Obama's legislation to require health insurance was a genius move for manipulating the younger generation, honestly.

I would vote for bernie, sadly I'm not over 400 pounds and live in a country filled with retards

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>I'm sick and tired of you billionaire worshipping, boot licking conservatards
Then move your faggot ass to Africa. Like anybody is forcing you to fucking be here. And then this is the same fag who buys $1000 iPhones every 2 years, brand new Nikes and a $800 watch he only wears 3 times a fucking year. But you wanna complain about "the rich". Or does mommy and daddy buy all that shit for you, like they do your liberal arts degree?

It's called wealth redistribution, and there are two types of people who are against it. First are the communists, they believe it's unsustainable. Second are the conservatives who believe hard work is rewarded even when its not, making there no need for wealth redistribution in their eyes.

Yeah! Giving older Americans MediCare and Social Security was a waste of money! Those old people should get off their ass and get a fucking job!!

(I hope you know you are stupid and will always be poor)

>You are already doing this
>So give up even more of your money hehe
kys yourself retard

...then what are you guys complaining about?

I think you're confusing him with Yang

Right, so OP is a communist then, or at least agrees with the communist agenda regarding the topic of giving people free shit.

Dude, just shut the fuck up while the adults are talking. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

In the free trade economic model you are referencing (1st grade high school macro) open borders and access to labor is also beneficial for all consumers.

>which are proven by economists to be beneficial to the job market and overall economy.
in the short term yes, but if it doesn't get enough growth to pay for itself it becomes a drain on the economy

Not him, but obviously the places we aren't doing it and are suffering because of it.

Given that SS isn't even enough for the average person to retire and live on, I'd say yes it actually did end up being a waste of money

>then what are you guys complaining about?
Exactly, we're supposedly "already doing that" but yet it's still not enough? So then it's NEVER gonna be enough for those fucking people, if that's what you're telling me.

>but obviously the places we aren't doing it
Such as where? What are you even talking about?

Fuck you, I know exactly what I'm talking about

Alesina, Alberto; Angeletos, George-Marios (September 2005). "Fairness and Redistribution". American Economic Review. 95.

Market Socialism: The Debate Among Socialists, by Schweickart, David; Lawler, James; Ticktin, Hillel; Ollman, Bertell. 1998. pp. 60–61

You do realize the voting trends among, not only the shit ton of gun owners in the US, but also the ones that have military training or even combat experience, right? If the LARP of a left vs. right civil war ever came to be (protip: it won't), it'd be a fucking landslide victory for the right.

Think about it this way... if healthcare and education is free, then these fuckers lose every excuse they have. You can then rightfully accuse them of being fucking leeches and no one can argue. Society will turn to your side.

Did i ever state the contrary? I'm anti-Trump, but i see the value in the things he's doing for the economy.
Sure, which is why we need a balance of both left and right. But in the end, capitalism wins over all else. Just look at what's happening in China, Russia, Venezuela.

Know this, after we have murdered you and your family we will divide your meager wealth and distribute it to those more deserving

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So taking the medical insurance example, we're basically putting the process int the hands of corporations trying to make money off us, as opposed to creating a system that doesn't seek profit and instead serves the people. Capitalism is invaluable in many ways, but it doesn't always work.

We should completely get rid of it then. It's not enough for a senior citizen to comfortably live on so they should get nothing.

>You can then rightfully accuse them of being fucking leeches
>Implying they care they are leeches
>Implying that means I can stop paying for their shit
By far the biggest moron in this entire thread

In Europe we call it taking care of our society.

Sure kid, now go finish your fucking homework. You have an algebra test coming up.

Protip- money and alliances win wars.

I think he's saying that it's a separate issue. We need to address the economic disparity first, and only then can we see who the leeches really are and address that issue.

Eet shit. I'm 47

Yeah, because the government really "serves the people". Look at the fucking DMV and IRS and how they treat the average person. Can't wait for that to happen with healthcare. Then again I doubt you understand any of that since you're still in college.

>But in the end, capitalism wins over all else. Just look at what's happening in China, Russia, Venezuela.
China and Russia are both trying to spread their global influence, china in the name of being china(pick your end-game), and russia as a means to restore their strength of when they were communist, with both supporting venezuela. so what does that really have to do with capitalism?

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I've been to Europe, it's not exactly the testament to human ingenuity that it once was.

If you had a job you would know that you specifically pay into social security and the amount you receive us proportional to what you paid into. Go upstairs and ask your mommy what proportional means, it's a big word for you.

You are hailing the unimpeded free market but Trump and his gang of fagots are anything but pro free markets.

No one is going to address people being leeches. Who the fuck are you trying to fool with this bullshit? Your team doesn't even call these people the fuck out. Any time someone even brings it up we have fags say oh no hur dur don't pay attention to that, look at the rich. Give me a fucking break. The left WANTS more leeches. The more people dependent on government the more they will vote democrat.

This guy gets it.

Ok Boomer

Cool, now show me the meme with Tyrone and Juan voting for "mo gibs n progams", while the politician admits he wants to keep them on welfare. You got that meme saved?

So why didnt Obamacare fix it?

I'm not in college, and when I was unemployed and dying from an M.S. relapse I saw the true horror of a government run healthcare system. I had coverage dropped 6 times, switched doctors every time, had to find new specialists every time. But user, I was still being served. My treatments were 60k each, and government healthcare as made allowable by Trump paid for it. Otherwise I'd be dead. So don't tell me that I don't understand, I do - both the good and the bad.

>No one is going to address people being leeches.
You're doing it right now, I'm sure there would be lots of interest. The left doesnt want leeches, it wants opportunities to prevent leeches. You may disagree with policy outcomes but the goal is the same.

yes good okay

Still profiteering corporations, they used lobbyists to ensure it.

Gen X fuckbrain

Of course. Just in a LARP of going door to door to "eat the rich" or whatever in hastily formed guerilla units, leftist voters would be pretty quickly BTFO. Aside from that, in a more "realistic" scenario of such a war, the ultra right capitalists would have the advantage of General Dynamics, other cogs in the MIC etc. wanting to arm the right a little bit more adequately than they would the left, because they'd keep the profit after a ceasefire. But again the whole scenario is el autismo. I think the Overton window for what is left, right, up, down, whatever the fuck, is gonna just shift more and more.

I have probably contributed more to SS in the last 5 years than you have in your entire life.

> yells about shaniqua maybe getting $150 of EBT she isn't really entitled to
> no fucks given about the $2.4 trillion big banks definitely took, and certainly weren't entitled to

Your blind hatred of people who don't look like you has caused you to have some deficiencies in matters of scale and perception, new friend

Lol, the left wants to give more to leeches and tax the companies that create the job opportunities for these same leeches.

China is adopting more and more western economic policies as time goes on, for instance they just began allowing privatized healthcare because their socialized system was extremely inconsistent. As a result, a middle class is beginning to emerge in china, and in turn business is starting to thrive and their economy is starting to boom. Meanwhile, the US is headed backwards with a bunch of retarded millennials embracing communism as some sort of fix all for all their problems. It saddens me that there are people in the US who fail to understand the glaring pitfalls of socialism. I understand that there are some potential benefits to eventually achieving universal healthcare (mostly for poorer people), but as it stands right now they are trying to destroy one of the US's biggest industries and would be taking money from lots of hardworking Americans in the process. I can't support it.

Why would Bernie be different?

The left has more access to the navy and the airforce, the tech companies you rely on, and valuable resources others rely on.

I cant wait for white people to be overrun. WP are absolute trash

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Then you should understand that it is not a handout.

Bernie is advocating for a single payer system that would cut profiteering insurance companies and drug companies out of the loop.


Exactly what I'm talking about. You're NEVER going to call them the fuck out. Instead it's endless lines of gibs for all your pets that everyone else has to pay for. But when fags like you need $6000 credit lines so you can go on another shopping binge and put the down payment on the car you can't afford, all of a sudden you don't have any problems with "big banks". Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. Go live in fucking Africa with all your pets if you don't like it. You only have a fucking problem when you're not benefiting from the system.

Tech companies I can fathom, but the Air Force and Navy? How do you figure?

Get yer' foil cap on.

If you do not understand how economics play into wars you need to STFU and read a book.

(Books are those things with lots of words on papers)

Don't even bother. This fagot is way to stupid to understand.

Location location location
Ports and big cities are on the coast, so even the most conservative like San Diego is highly liberal these days. Take San Diego for example, its location also made it a prime spot for the Miramar Airforce Base (which replaced an old Navy base).

Listen, I would love to have that discussed on a national level without all the bullshit memes . My point is, why do burnbois think Bernie will have a chance? Still has to go thru Congress . Obama had the Congress and either passed a load of crap due to incompetence or Congress fucked it up due to the same influences they have today.

Never said it was a handout. I think people have been robbed and should be getting more. The interest rate on loans from SS to the federal government have been way to low. People who receive SS should receive increases equal to or more than the yearly CPI.

We may have been arguing the same point.

Second name-drop couldn't find link to full paper, just reviews and abstract

Neither is really all that relevant to support your initial assertion, although I will agree that other poster response was typical /b insult (I don't have a real argument) response.. From quick scan 1st link is more about peoples beliefs in social policies and not socialism.

The term socialism has undergone such a transition that I question if the originators of the concept would recognize it in its current form. Socialists were never for wealth redistribution as it is currently defined. Socialists instead were concerned about wealth being obtained strictly through capital rather than by labor value. They had no problem with the concept of a person becoming wealthy. The problem was with people becoming wealthy by stealing the value added by the labor of others. The idea of social programs were seen as protections for workers who were no longer able to work due to age or injury. True socialists would be as fervently against a welfare state as any liaise-faire capitalist.

Same guys who rage about automation and outsourcing from their apple phones.

Yet you already pay for the healthcare and education for every single Israeli citizen

Obama didn't have the support for his policies that Bernie has, he was also far too willing to negotiate. The entire time he was in office he helped republicans more than democrats.

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>Spanish Civil War
I'm aware.
So how exactly would the map of blue vs. red counties in the US hold sway over the US military taking orders down from the top? Also I get what you meant, but Miramar is home to Marine Corps air squadrons.

>free shit
found the conservatard

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you mean the "black ambulances"? shit's pretty reckless

>about peoples beliefs in social policies and not socialism.
I never said it was about socialism, what that source is saying is that when a society has a fundamental belief that those who work hard will earn rewards from their work, the society will favor lower redistributive policies.

The second source I find less relevant in that it merely discusses why communists think that wealth redistribution isn't a stable or long term solution.

If our country splits so does the military. Top down now applies to two different tops. The marines might call Miramar home, but that home is still deep in blue territory. jet needs new leather seats gonna pay for that?

Will I get a phone? Obama gave me a phone

See folks, this is how they brainwash their base, by making it personal.

It's not YOU paying for HER healthcare. It's everyone covering everyone. Think of it as an employer's health plan, except the rates are low because there's 320 million employees enrolled. And costs drop even more when Big Insurance doesn't get a huge cut.

It's not YOU paying for HIS education, it's everyone paying for everyone. Think of it as grade 13-16 in public schools.

>I'm not paying for some fat fuck's healthcare while he/she continues to smoke cigarettes and eat fried food everyday
Actually, if you have health insurance, you already are.

And if you don't have health insurance, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.

I agree. However, the military is largely conservative. I'm of the opinion that average human behavior in such an organization during times of duress is to keep every part of the machine moving, follow orders, do your part. However, there would certainly be a risk of desertion over dissatisfaction with orders and/or morale. But even then, the power that comes with naval and air superiority wouldn't be effected much by that unless there were a mass exodus of specially trained maintainers, pilots, communicators, ordinance techs, etc. I'm interested to hear if you believe entire units could possibly be swayed to either extreme right or left.
Also is captcha acting up for anyone else?

Maybe. I would like to see the retirement age back to 65. Truth is, ss should be seperated from politics. They could fix it tomorrow by eliminating the cap and readjusting the percentage based on what they will pay out in the next 5 years. It's an easy fix but neither side wants it fixed when they can scare old people to the polls by using it.

Eh, if he dies, his veep will certainly still be lightyears better than Trump.

Obama was loved. Bernie is tolerated.

>It's everyone covering everyone
No it's not you fucking child. We already have millions of people don't pay a fucking dime into the "social" services they receive. I know you're still in high school so you don't understand how this shit actually works, but hopefully someday you'll learn.

>mass exodus
Just takes one or two high ranking individuals. Then use, entire units can be swayed. They're still just following orders.

Bush actually did that.

That'd be possible if SS were restructured from the "rob Peter to pay Paul" system into an investment block instead.
Fund managers would never want that though, it would make for a very stable public investor that could dictate terms to publicly traded companies.

The idea of Obama was loved, in practice most found him utterly disappointing and undeserving of that love. Bernie is loved for his policies.

we as a people need to support the underprivileged. its is how it should be

>Bush actually did that.
How cute, you're not old enough to remember Obamaphones. Are you even American?

You fucking morons pay taxes?
Now you'll actually get some social services in return for fucking once.
Vote for em, you stubborn pussies

It's me paying, her not paying.
It's me paying, him not paying.

>Obama was loved
Then why is Biden getting BTFO right now?

>Giv me mo gibs crackaz
Quiet down spic

no one likes a nigger lover

Im not already rich and he's not Republican so what's up w all the free shit? Oh, what? Slashing our military budget and putting our tax dollars to actual work looks like horrifying communism ammirite?

Agreed, but I will go full National Socialist if we ever get a 98% white country again, excluding the Native Americans.

I'd rather a billionaire stay one than help one fucking shitskin. No bullshit, I think that's part of the reason why they want so many spics here, to keep us whites divided and focsues on them, we need Hitler now more than ever.

While at the same time paying for yourself and loved ones*

I see where you're coming from, but the military truly is a tightly controlled institution. A coup, or mutiny, would lead to a shit ton of infighting within the unit and the branches as a whole. Whoever attempted would quickly be public enemy #1 and charged with treason, unless they had some truly mastermind shit up their sleeve to guarantee a victory. I think revolutionaries in the civilian population would have a much higher chance of success.

Nigger, why are red niggers the net recipient niggerdemo, then?

Actually the free phone program was started under Reagan, expanded under Bush and then switched from landlines to cells under Obama.

>red niggers
You mean niggers living in red states? I dunno, that's a good question. Maybe when you get that "free" college education that I will have to pay for, you can get a fucking PhD and do a study on why your homies refuse to stop collecting gibs

Imagine believing Bloomberg could beat Trump.

Biden isn't loved . Not even Obama likes him.

Revolutionaries in the civilian population are usually what ultimately sway the military as well. That said, there are a lot of liberals in the military, especially low ranking members of the military, I'm not seeing much of an issue. They get marked as treasonous either way, there are two governments in this situation.

Some states already have government run pension funds. The problem is that the federal government has used the funds paid in by all of us as a way to bridge budgets.

Because Biden is an idiot.

Bringing up Trump's answers to the Stop and Frisk policy questions from the 2016 debate would be a black eye for Bloomberg, seeing as he was mayor of the city then.

bernie over zionist pedo trump any day of the week

That's a benefit for contributing to society. What do all you commies and socialists think they do to people who won't work?

It's not free shit, it's better use of my tax money.

I'd rather pay for everyone's healthcare and school instead of bombing bronze age cultures back to the stone age, and billionaire's 5th yachta.

I was thinking of it as, say, a civil war of left and right groups within the US under one government and therefore, one military, I see what you mean now. Hell, in that situation you'd have a lot of deserters, refugees, saboteurs, etc. trying to find locations and climates fitting their view if they were ambitious.

posting in a reverse psychology psyop thread designed to brainwash channers into vote4bernie-ing

ps im vote for bernard

People who don't work lose all economic freedoms, and most are not satisfied in such a situation. Those who are cannot be convinced to work regardless of the punishment leveraged against them.

This. Same with everything else. They raise taxes, they just spend twice as much. But don't mess with my abortions and guns.

For sure, it would largely be chaos.

Are you seriously this fucking dense? How hard is it to understand that 10 different groups of people funding 10 different insurance pools is more expensive for each individual when compared to everyone paying into one insurance pool?

Oh that's right, when it shows up as taxes and not McWithdrawn by your employer it means that you're paying for lazy black people, which is somehow different than paying for some fat old fucks 5th bypass surgery.

It's tax time, so do the math. 4% more taxes, or all the premiums, deductables, co pays, no pays, out of pocket costs and prescriptions.

See what is the better deal.

If we're getting shit for free why should I give a fuck about whose money goes where?

Ironically, in that case, the US would have the potential for Balkanization and/or becoming the grounds for a proxy war by foreign powers, and we'd go out the way of a page from our own playbook

This guy gets it!

People complain about possible tax increases but don't compare the total taxes we already pay. After your salary gets taxed, you pay taxes on what you buy, where you live, if you fly, car registration and gas etc etc. We are already paying more taxes than some European countries but don't get any of the benefits.

I'll only vote for you if you promise me executions of bankers and lobbyists in Central Park.

It's not free you fucking dumbass. Or are you some nigger that lives in public housing? If so then yeah, it'll be "free" for you because everyone else is paying for your dirty monkey ass.

i was thinking hacky sack .... and English lit

This guy fucks

I get it, it's just that the -$100/m discount on healthcare after 10 years of a crazy tax high increase doesn't seem to balance for me. Again, i'm sure it appeals to the unemployed who have no income and won't have to weather the storm.

your a fucking talent.... trap?

fucking bern outs.... your parents must be so proud

>>Vote for me and I'll give you free shit


Well stated.

The "free shit" the Dems are constantly pushing to the college kids, blacks and foreigners in this country is going to doom us all. Nothing is fucking FREE. You get some minor free shit, but your taxes are tripled and the economy collapses, what then? But these people are too stupid and selfish to see it.

fuck you ..... it doesn't work like that and you know it....their is lots of money out their... to be shared

No that is EXACTLY how it fucking works, you nigger. How much of your money do you "share" with others? Not a fucking dime I bet.


Aren't you an establishment crony


>demands other people give up their own money

Right, so you're a nigger and/or a fucking child. You just want people to give you free shit and money you didn't earn. So you can turn around and buy more bullshit with it, like weed and video games. Get the fuck out of my face. Go get a fucking job you entitled piece of human shit.

I'm voting for Bernie and you can't stop me!

Why don't you join us in the free public housing since you seem to hate working so much?

Why don't you retake that ESL course that you repeatedly fail so much?