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And totally disregard all the stuff in Africa of the entire Mafia or Militia there, yknow, executing people for the heck of it. they don't count, right? I'm not anti black, but I just don't think any one race is superior.

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>not racist
>ergo no capacity for pattern recognition
Ergo literal brainlet

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Why are you still falling for those baits?

Why is the Colorado tranny twink on the list? She literally killed no one (because she's a woman and women can't do anything right).



Because a "mass shooting" is a shooting in which 4 or more people are involved, whether or not anyone dies

It's like how if two cars crash and one hits a drunk homeless guy on the sidewalk, it's statistically an "alcohol-involved incident" even though both drivers are sober


I'm one of them

Thank you for the explanation. Now back to the shitpost.

Then go back to your third world shithole

Pay no attention to the last name of the author of the article, goyim

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I do see a pattern, but I also gave one of my own about the opposite race. So by your logic, since you didn't recognize the pattern of the African mafia, are you a brainlet?


So are you a racist or not?

>America's most violent extremists
>starts spouting some random stuff about africa
Are you for real?

The answer is no. I know that White people are fucked up, but the same goes for every race. no race is worse than the other. I just want to prove to the OP that "white men" aren't the only bad people, that all races are fucked up, therefore equal

By African mafia, im talking about the ENTIRE mafia being Black, but of course, the OP, wanting to be a black supremist, didn't bring any type of crimes commited by black people. Both races are fucked up. That's all I want to prove

Yes. I am a racist. Fight me.
Stop being a pussy. White people have built the best civilizations and created, unarguably, the best system of government here in America. Yes, crime would still exist but if 13% of this country didn't exist 52% of the crime would be GONE.


Good. Only brainlets arent racist


We need a holocaust on white people.
Or a violent revolution, where every nonwhite takes it to the streets, invade white people's homes and slaughter them to the last man, woman and child.

My argument to that logic is- Slavery. We enslaved the black race simply because of greed and an arrogance that they were superior. We were blinded by greed and arrogance, which evens the playing field

The entire western world would be improved 100% if this was even 1% true. Plenty of incidents against white people in the past 5 years have deserved to answered in kind.

It's sad that people are falling for such obvious bait.

I really wish that was true. Really really wish it was.

bait or not, its something I find fun for the time being, so ill still just chill here and continue the argument.

How is it bait if people actually believe this?

why no mention about christianity, huh?

Perfectly reasonable

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thank you for agreeing! (unless its sarcasm) no race is a damn saint, and no race is better than the other because we all are horrible people!

Oy Vey! Watch out for those evil white men, goy! And be sure to be nice to your new muslim overlords. MazelTov!

OP comes to Cred Forums every day. All he posts is anti-Trump / leftist propaganda. I don't even come on Cred Forums all that often, but every time I come on I see his posts.

But yeah, I know people believe this bullshit.

>pretends like he isn’t part of the problem
>obviously is

>Thinks ignoring the problem is any kind of solution.

just remember that every great war in the history of mankind was won by withe people.

white people only loose against other white people. this will never change.

even charles darwin knew that over hundred years ago. the ultimate fate of none whites is extinction by the hands of white humans.

those high birth rates and strength in numbers does nothing compared to evolution. whites emerged as winners in this proces. every predator is more dangerous than a human but where are they? hanging on the walls of a more intelligent species as a trophy...

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I'm OP and I'll admit that I unironically post right wing propaganda and ironically post left wing propaganda. Every day.

do you help him raid the girl lover site too?

yes we are thank you

weak and predictable

sure kid

so democrats are brainlets?

so you're over 200 years old?

THIS. Vote Bernie 2020 to cleanse us of the horrible plight of white Amerikkka


kike jews always projecting

you sound disappointed


being this retarded

obvoisly retarded

That is why the black population is only about 13 percent and responsible for over 50% of all violent crime.

being this retarded

Considering that there are quite a few of us prepared for that situation, bring it punk. I wonder how many of you fuckers I can shoot before you retreat.
14/88 all the way

If you believe that the communist Jew is going to save you, you are too stupid to exist. Please don't breed and kys with all haste.

All dogs are mammals.
Not all mammals are dogs.
Most domestic terrorists are white, male Cred Forumstards.
But most white men aren't Cred Forumstards.
And most Cred Forumstards are ineffectual losers living in mommy's basement, not terrorists.

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Man the discord post-modernist, commie trannies are very active today. Its easy you believe in subjectivism and you are an absolute subhuman that pretty much believe in no meaning in his life.

Better times will come though.

>ten year old meme
>implying most muslims aren't Caucasian

Yes but the article is about American extremists. Go cry about Africa elsewhere bitch


Well this seems completely accurate and not slapped together by some dumb white nigger full of tearful rage

And angry black and illegally armed breaking laws is standard MO for niggers, right?

At least the white people bought their guns legally. And seeing as more idiotic cities are getting rid of bail, more guns will be needed because we aren’t even locking criminals up anymore.

thats such a weird headline tho

why is this allowed?

Found the fat kid that gets beat daily

so it hppens to you too?

this retarded

its most likely a photoshop


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Nice try.
The rest of us can actually do proper research

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Kek'd. Would have been better if they didn't reuse the same austists so many times but still funny.

Fucking typo
> am *I* the autist?

Irrelevant. A white dude killed 20 in el paso

Actually a 53 year old veteran, White Nationalist for 40 years. Never been bullied a day in my life. Beat up a few bullies for fucking with other people.