I'm Jewish. AMA.
I'm Jewish. AMA
I got 9,300 on my tax returns this year, did I do good? could i of got more?
Depends on how much you made and if you filed your taxes correctly.
Hahaha, why are you on Cred Forums. Are you a masochist for anti semitism
Why do you want to kill all white people so badly?
I'm an oldfag from /420/. Now I'm just bored.
I don't.
he's clearly white himself retard.
LOL, he is white you dumbshit
I see. Mazal tov
congrats on getting some of the money you earned back
Why did you people steal the hummus?
Why are you gay ?
jews aren't white though
Israel is part of the asian continent as is the rest of the Middle East (Persia, Iraq, Egypt etc)
שחררו את פלסטין
stop the mad immigration into European countries unless you want to be exterminated.
obviously you can't fix it, tell other kikes those are the stakes, we can't they deplatformed us because they are niggers without forethought or introspection.
Aren't you supposed to be at Castle Black, Jon Snow?
post jew dick
True. But if you're Israeli from Ashkenazi background then your European family settled there relatively recently. But they lived in Europe for much longer, and thus, you have the pale skin
Why does your self loathing translate into the destruction of every society you are a part of?
Jew aren't white or even human
is sex as a jew really as dead and lifeless as they say
>doesn't understand ethnicity vs religion
You seem like a nice Jewish boy. Stay off this filthy goy site, it will corrupt your morals
> Doesn't understand that being a true jew is matrilineal
You'd be right if it was any other religion.
your favorite pokemon?
What the fuck is kosher ?
Have you replaced your jewgold with bitcoins?
Hot dogs
Jew version of halal
has anyone ever told you that you look like Jon Snow with down syndrome?
Answer me you rat bastard.
much wow. so smart. you must teach eugenics at the harvard
Is it true that you can all turn into mice ?
Why did you choose to be Jewish?
do you believe anti-semitism is real?
God you're fucking cute
Why do your people insist on fucking with white people?
Just correcting you, seeing as you're a smug cunt who thinks he knows what he's talking about even though he doesn't.
Was just thinking that, beat me to the punch lol
fight me you rat faced merchant
Why do you like like Jew John Snow?
You look a fuck of a lot like Magnus Carlsen, the world chess champion. The resemblance is pretty stark.
this guy is a bisexual cringe jewish manlet that unironically sucks nigger dicks, say hello to him
>Im Jewish, AMA
Are you a race or a religion? I want to hate you for the right reason.
their religion is their victimhood throughout history.
I didnt ask if he was black
How much jew gold have you acquired?
I know :^)
tf would you do an ama for being jewish? attention whore fag
Why do you look like a 90’s claymation Magnus Carlsen
Do you play chess?
thank me later
You look like Kit Harringtons brother with down syndrome
What is your favorite joke about Jews?
kek I thought the same thing.
I'm not a Jew, I'm Jew-ish.
"Two Jews walk into a bar. I lied! It's a gas chamber!"
Not really.
None. No Jew gold.
Well, duh.
I didn't steal anything.
Show me that beautiful cut cock, I prefer my men cut with fat mushroom heads
why should that matter?
This is a fucking living legend
What is the purpose of any matter?
Liar!! Tell me where it is!!
Prove it, nigger.