Siberian tiger

>Siberian tiger
>African lion
>Kodiak bear
which one will beat the others?

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Where's the battleground? Plains of Africa, jungles of SE Asia, woodlands of NA?

bear beats all. lion is a fag, tiger may be a good hunter, but 6" kodiak claws to the face with the strength of a tank always wins


easy .

largest brown bear in the world or largest silverback gorilla

gorilla loses. bear has longevity and bulk that a gorilla doesnt

300kg silverback gorilla vs 300kg brown bear


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Turns out it's man.

Holy shit
Didn't know these fuckers get so big

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check out clan of the cavebear by jean auel~

false and homosexual. the average silverback gorilla reaches about 350 pounds whereas the average kodiak bear reaches 650 pounds. the brute force of the kodiak bear could castrate even king kong himself

Not the stealth Hunter so either the Kodiak or the lion. Probably the Kodiak

Also it's kinda weird for a camera company to name itself after a bear

tigers are what u think lions are in ur head AND stealth.

Siberian Tiger

Tigers are stealth hunters. They prefer a surprise attack vs a full on head 2 head fight

jaguar master race reporting in

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The Romans used to pit lions vs tigers in the arena and the tiger won 90% of the time. Lions are little bitches and the most overrated cats.

So Siberian tiger vs Kodiak, it really depends on who spots who first. Tigers are ambush predators, so it has an okay chance if it can get a good bite swipe to the neck by surprise, but if the bear spots the tiger first then it's probably fucked. However, tigers are very stealthy, so it's not likely it will be found regardless, and they're fast and agile so they could avoid a slow bear relatively easily. Getting through the fat and fur would be the biggest challenge, but they still stand a good chance.

TL;DR pound for pound the Kodiak wins, but tigers are fast and stealthy and will likely get the first bite or swipe, so my money is on the tiger

Jaguars are only 75-100 lbs. Lions and Siberian Tigers are 600+ and Kodiaks are 1000+

>The Romans used to pit lions vs tigers in the arena and the tiger won 90% of the time. Lions are little bitches and the most overrated cats.

No shit, they're pack hunters

why is this spammed on every thread?

the lion beats the tiger and the bear should tear the lion apart but the lion would also do serious damage to the bear but the bear would come out the winner

ME, i beat them all

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Its a link to child porn site.

Speaks the truth. Bears thick skin and power would wreck the cats.

they are also much larger then lions was my emphasis like 120%

Bear, based on weight class alone

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The bear always wins.

Im usually all for killing things, but fuck these guys.

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