Satan here. ask me anything and i will try my best to answer your questions regarding hell and its occupants

Satan here. ask me anything and i will try my best to answer your questions regarding hell and its occupants.

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If all dogs go to heaven, do you get all the cats, or what?

fuck right off lucinigger
although i will ask you one question
was the Axeman of New Orleans an actual demon as he claimed or was he just a mortal LARPer

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Wtf is your problem? Why punish peeps who are down with your shit?

You just sound like God's bitch.


yes. except pitbulls, they all end up down here.

no, he just liked killing people. people admit a lot down here.

lol. okay. he doesnt even step foot here himself, unless his little goons come. he also blocked me on facebook but forgot to block me on messenger so i messaged him a photo of my asshole.


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Will this guy find love again?

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its not punishment because im not upset with you all. i just fucking with people because IM god down here, bitch.

3/10 face compared to the bitches i have here.

If you're Satan, roll trips.
Or gtfo

yes, with your mom!

with kids probably.

Sound like God's bitch to me.

what's going on here?

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im satan, not a fucking genie. youre officially on my shit list, enjoy the pit.

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Good for him, she is a classy lady unlike your whore mother.

propaganda, human shit.

you've earned yourself a spot on the 4th floor.

Good luck with that .
I am the archangel Michael you twat.

4th floor is where we keep the kid fuckers, FYI.

all we know where your mom is everything but a classy lady

Do you own all of the republican's souls?

why do you like metal ?

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shes really not. shes coming down here too

not even worried about it. fucking pleb.

Yeah right, we all know how it goes down.

bit of both parties. lots of kid fuckers on the left. lots of greedy assholes on the right that sold their almost instantly and rather inexpensively.

i did for a while but as more people came down, we slowly lost track of things. there was 600 million fights in the last 24 hours and i have to sign off on them by friday. absolute hell. this place is fucking big and it all falls on my shoulders.

i listen to phil collins you dick

Do Hell exist?
Also, do u believe in God and the Bible or are u retarded?

do you like this show?

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me and god aren't on speaking terms anymore. he was too goody to speak to me anymore and was scared daddy was gonna spank him. the bible, you fuckers that shit, they dont even read that in hell.. not that youll ever find that out.

no, its fucking stupid. its not even relevant to shit down here because they littered it with human substance. oh yeah, feminism isnt a thing in hell. everyone is fucking meaningless down here. within weeks, feminist that up here forget their values are just adapt to the norm.