Is he gonna get McGovern'd if he wins the primary?
I don't exactly love Trump (he's a fake conservative + immature), but seeing the liberal outrage over Bernie getting blown out by Trump would probably be hilarious.
Is he gonna get McGovern'd if he wins the primary?
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if it's not gonna be memes I don't give a fuck, just stop
Shut the fuck up you fat fucking faggot assfuck I should fucking come to your house and rape you to death for even existing you pile of incest loving queer nigger shit
T. Commie faggot
I'm voting for Bernie. You may now get angry
Same here. I really don't care what the russian trolls have to say about him.
Of course he will get McGoverned. With all due respect to Bernie, the most electable ticket is Bloomberg/Klobuchar
I can’t believe this guy is 80+ years old and is pulling 20 somethings. Never underestimate the power of “free” stuff. Kids never fucking learn.
Not as hilarious as him getting chucked by his own party again.
at least there's a chance he might give what he's offering, unlike Trump, who has not kept any of his promises
Still on that Russian thing? Such progress. Bernie would be proud!
Nah, Bloomberg is hated by both the left and right
He's 4 years older than Trump. Trump is also fat, has high blood pressure, can barely walk upright sometimes and arguably has dementia. Oh yeah, and bone spurs ... Bernie's got a fine bill of health, doesn't babble when he talks and can retain actual facts.
I’ve seen some bait in my day but this is over the top
Bloomberg would easily do the worst out of any candidate. The only people who like him are dinosaur RINOs from NYC
>Let's pit one New York City douchebag against another New York City douchebag and see what happens!
Streyer would be equally shit
Probably. But he seems to have the least chance
Bloomberg would actually be the worst president ever though, his entire platform is bad
Who will the Lolbert and Constitubert candidates most likely be?
Larry sharpe
Is he a better candidate than Gary Johnson?
No imho
Thank you!