If anyone knows Sabrina. Tell her I need her back. I’m going to do it again, and this time I won’t fail...

If anyone knows Sabrina. Tell her I need her back. I’m going to do it again, and this time I won’t fail. I can’t keep going on like this. I won’t keep going on like this. I love you so much, if I can’t be with you in this world maybe we can meet again in the next.

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Don't do it.

See ya in hell, faggot

I wish I felt like I had another choice.
See you there, bud.

OP hopefully you aren't talking about this droopy eyed retard in the pic

I know her, Ill give her a shoulder to cry on.

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imagine killing yourself over a girl i just can't even fathom the level of whipped. film it and send it to her hopefully she laughs at your fat lard corpse

Sabrina is plowing a couple negros at some dive bar bathroom. Odds I’m right?

Dude, you can (and should) an hero over a better looking girl.

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If it's you in the picture, you can find solace in knowing that she literally cannot find worse than you.

If it isn't you... just kys faggot

Time will help you. There's no way you can possibly realize that now. Just wait.

do a backflip when you jump off your shitty ghetto apartment balcony

It’s been almost a year and still not a single hour has passed where I haven’t thought of her.

wow what a homo
shove a family pack of hot dogs up your ass before you neck yourself so you'll be a sloppy meat piñata by the time they cut your bloated corpse down.

Does look like she sucks a good cock.

Uh, okay?

Don’t say I never did anything for you.

lmao one year. can easily take 5. you need to reach a point where your thoughts are ok for you to have.
you should start to worry when realizing your thoughts are always the same. don't get stuck. dont become embittered. I'm afraid only way to achieve that is to distract oneself. time will transform distraction into new goals etc. and in the end it will be ok for. only if you get stuck, it'll never be ok.

Have you contacted her to tell her you want her back

I haven’t been able to distract myself for shit. I lost my job, my cats, my apartment, and my will to even get out of bed in the morning. I did Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for 9 hours a week for 4 months and it didn’t help. I haven’t just lost a girlfriend, I’ve lost everything.

its me

also don't do that.

She blocked my phone number. I don’t have social media, and even if I did I would see her with the dude she left me with, and I couldn’t take that.

I fell on a kitchen knife 3 times in our bath tub and she had a new boyfriend before I even got out of the hospital.

ok so you hit rock bottom, now get up and dust yourself off and make yourself super successful.. it's the greatest revenge to everyone who has fucked you over

Yeah, that sounds like it might just cause trouble. I don’t want any more trouble: I just want it all to be over with.

I pulled a guy out of a bathtub with slit wrists a week ago on a suicide call. Girls aren't worth it dude.. she was just using you

About that. I am 27 years old, I have a high school education. I cannot hold down a job anymore because I’m so depressed that most days I can’t even get out of bed. She was the only thing that ever motivated me to be a success and I usually let her and myself down in that aspect too.

You do good work user. I’m glad people like you are out there. But I’m not convinced it’s not worth it.

remember if you try it, do it in a way where you can turn back dude

a lot of people who jump realize they dont want to die as they are falling

i doused myself in gasoline a few years back and sat down, staring at a lighter, deciding whether or not i should flick it

sometimes when you're at the brink its when you decide not to. stay in control.

I see. Fuck. Not easy. I guess in order for therapy to be able to help one has to 'allow' it being helpful. also better said than done ...

do you have the possibility to move? to a different part of the country or something? sounds trivial but spatial distance can be very helpful in order to be able to create emotional distance etc

go adopt a cat who is scheduled to be euthanized. give yourself a reason to live again.

Just for one god damned time, can OP not be a faggot? You, sir, are the gayest faggot OP I've seen in months. And that includes the trap posters.

also if you say you are seriously depressed you could try to talk to your doctor about moving and combining it with for example medication in order to make it even easier. a changed environment can really work wonders

You are making someone who dumped u your whole life after 1 year but really she is your excuse you are a whiney bitch want sympathy? Stop being depressed you retard youknow someone else is cumming on her back while you bitch on Cred Forums

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Well its your call dude. You either buckle up and decide to change your life or end it. What other choice is there? I mean if you decide to change your life, you can always take it later if you decide, but if you give up now you will never have known what it was like to succeed and win for once.

Yeah, the last time I tried I fucked up so bad that I had to spend weeks in trauma unit in the hospital. My intestines were literally pushing out of my body and it was so scary that if I think about it hard enough I start to disassociate. Thanks for that tidbit I guess.
You’re right. I felt like I was doing everything right. I always participated in group, and I always did my homework. I felt like I was allowing it help but clearly something got in the way.

As far as moving goes, I suppose I could. But I’d be really scared to be in a city alone without anyone I know and with no job. I feel like it would be too easy to off myself without any friends there to play board games with or to cook a meal for.

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flip that mental switch in your brain. at this point you have NOTHING TO LOSE if you decide to anything but kill yourself. You have literally hit rock bottom. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.

For once...yeah, that’d be nice. And I suppose if I don’t like it I can always neck myself down the road.

that's what I ment by possibility. you could start looking for a job somewhere else. just for fun. who knows, maybe one day it will become more serious, maybe not. start living again. I dont wanna sound corny but that is how to fill life up with content again. no pressure. just content

exactly... you can always do it later... but you give yourself the chance to change the world. I know it doesn't feel like it, but fuck that girl dude, so many better ones out there


I guess it’s one of the few things I haven’t tried yet. I’ve always wanted to go to Boulder Colorado, it’s supposed to be the happiest city in the U.S.

Oh god there has to be better girls than her. I guess sometimes I doubt if I deserve better?

That sounds illegal...
But thanks for the suggestion I guess.

Do it faggot


sounds good.


Woah wtf

Tell us intestine story

Also just so you know there’s zero reason that a woman should be the push to kill yourself. You must realize that she has to be a symbol of something else, the life that you wish you could have, the feeling of youth, something. It’s just a projection of depression, ultimately. It’s not real. The depression is, obviously. But not the reason.

Just focus on staying calm and in a lane of personal peace instead of pipe dream “if only I had X!!” Tomfoolery.

You’ll get there.

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Hey what was this movie called again?

68 kill

Never, ever trust a woman wearing a gg allin shirt lol.

Truth lmao. Anybody who is a legit fan you should probably be weary of

It’s not much, I made up my mind that I would kill myself on the next Friday and I drank a bottle of conniption gin and took 15 mg of klonnilpin then I took a large kitchen knife and got in my bathtub.

I held the handle against the floor and while I was on my knees I dropped all of my weight down on it. I didn’t die so over there course of the next few hours I did it 2 more times. When I woke up my intestines were pushing out of the wounds and the top wound had a solid like half of a foot out. It’s the most scared I’ve ever been. Pic related, it’s healed now.

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glad to see you're ok now

>lol not much

>just a foot of intestines hanging out of my body whilst blackout drunk

Good lord man that is some rockstar shit haha

If you decide to do it again do it on some different drugs instead of ones that just enable you to do bad shit endlessly like alcohol and benzos. That way it has the potential to become much more introspective and maybe not go as far...

You shouldn’t get to cop out of the emotion with something as intense as that lol

dude just get over it

>She blocked my phone number.
then that's that. nothing you say or do will change her mind. in fact, acting the way you're acting, just pushes her further away from you.
you're a bigger bitch than she is. she wanted a man, not a woman.