Coffee or Tea? Whats your preference?

Coffee or Tea? Whats your preference?

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Tea, unless it's an Irish or Rudesheimer.

As in alcohol added?

If I'm drinking it at home it'll be tea.
But if I'm out it's Italian coffee.

Coffee, unless it's Asian tea.

South Asian? India Pakistan?

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Tea master race
Big leaf black tea is best
White is close second
Green tea with fruits like soursop us also pretty good
Also people who drink from bags are plebs

Bro, I love tea, it's the best no contest

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Tea, sweet tea.


Not gonna pretend to be some pretentious ''beverage expert''. I like both, depends on my mood, I like coffee to help me wake up/get through work, tea to calm down or when I don't feel well.

Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

Coffee in the mornings and for late night sessions of whatever, tea in the afternoons and evening for relaxation.

as a southerner i like sweet tea

Yorkshire Tea, given a choice.

coffee, if i have to work. when I should, by all rights, be sleeping.

I drink about 4 liters of black tea a day for about 10 years now but I think it ate through my stomach lining. I have weird acid reflux now and I feel like I had a small heart attack the other night.

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>thinks tea can damage stomach lining
>the thing submerged in hydrochloric acid
probably not bro

A nice solid cuppa joe

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