I'm dont with the Democrats. The only person running on new ideas and they did everything they could to shove him out...

I'm dont with the Democrats. The only person running on new ideas and they did everything they could to shove him out. Fuck it I'm voting trump.

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Lol okay.
You were never going to vote Den.
Yang sucks with his dumb universal income plan.

Did you really expect an Asian candidate to be taken seriously?

That doesn't make any sense. Sanders is much closer to Yang in terms of policy than Trump is, so if you support Yang but would rather vote for Trump than Sanders you don't have a rational hierarchy of preferences.

Yeah let's fight the establishment by voting for the old jew that's never had a job!!!

Totally agree. Voting trump out of spite.

If Bernie wins, he will be the incumbent next election. If Trump wins, his 2 terms will be up, giving Yang a shot in 2024.

This but minus the UBI part

you werent going to vote yang. Obv bait trumptard

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It's funny how you North-Americans don't realize how much of a shitshow your politics has become. Yet you keep seeing the very problem well alive right in front of you in the democratic party, whereas it used to be on the republican side a decade or two ago. Trump becoming the president is the best thing since sliced bread and you don't even realize it.

it's as if they don't think their shitposts through

Yang could still run next election or in 2028 and we wouldn't have another 4 years of an orange retard destroying the environment and giving tax cuts to billionaires and giant corporations

How is Trump destroying your environment?

You fucking faggot you only supported that chink because you wanted $1000 a month you didn't fucking deserve. What were you planning to spend it on, weed and tendies?

fuck you rice dick

Hi, I'm new here. Why is this person a faggot?

$1000/month so prices of rent, food, and utilities can go up.

It's a mad trumptard upset that an Asian was going to give money to the US citizens instead of Israel

He's a climate change denier who's been rolling back EPA enforcement of environmental regulations, put a climate change denier of the EPA, and put a gag order on government scientists sharing their climate findings with the public.

He was never a Yang supporter. He is just trying to persuade any Yang supporter to vote for Trump, as if there were any Yang supporters stupid enough to do that.

It wasn't about the money its that yang is the only candidate running that hasn't changed his mind on an issue just because it was politically good for him.

You know it's going to be 2016 all over again, right? The DNC are against Bernie just as much now as they were then. Only difference between Yang and Bernie is that Yang doesn't have as large a crazed following. Sure they could meme better and gave that hype train a big dose of N2O in the beginning, but they couldn't keep the steam going as long because Yang announced his plans, which revealed his hand and left him wide open for critics to destroy his strong suit, which seems to be his only suit. Bernie has kept his ideas vague at best. He promises ideas and shies away from figures, drowning it out with "The people". Biden is a fucking genius with keeping his cards to his chest. Only problem is that everyone's playing poker and he's laying down fucking Uno cards.

Are you fucking retarded?

Sanders just won the New Hampshire Primary and is currently the Democratic frontrunner. In 2016 he never managed to get ahead of HRC. I agree that the DNC and the MSM are still doing everything in their power to work against him, but the circumstances are different now than they were then.

I never looked into yang. Did he just want to give people money or did he want to replace welfare with 1000 and available to everyone.

I kinda want Bernie to win this, and not just so Trump can just demolish him, but I get the feeling that they are going to slide a DNC operative in as VP and have Sanders "suddenly" have a health condition that takes him out "because he was getting to be that age". That is, if they don't completely ignore the people and shoehorn the second or third place onto the podium.

>conflating new ideas with good ideas

Just do us all a favor and dont vote at all

Low quality bait.

The only thing Yang had going for him that differentiated him was UBI and the fact that he was the only democratic candidate to point out that placing all the blame on Trumps was not the best approach (enough right there to put him on the outs) I will grant that Yang had his platform worked out to the extent that it could be addressed with something besides emotional criticism. And that's what killed him has well. Instead of Bernie and his "we'll get the rich to pay" rhetoric Yang had specifics. Unfortunately his VAT is ultimately a sales tax on the consumer and his estimates on UBI replacement for poverty relief and welfare either showed a complete naiveté when it comes to people or worse a level of political cynicism that puts him on par with Bloomberg. Can't read his mind so can't say from which direction he was working but neither was something encouraging in a prospective candidate.

Trump is the only one saying close the doors. If you say you care about the condition of American citizens that should be the priority of both sides. Lets get all of our people working before you let in more.

Also, to respond to you saying
>Bernie has kept his ideas vague at best. He promises ideas and shies away from figures, drowning it out with "The people".
Sanders has the most fleshed out plans than other dem candidate or Trump. He presents facts and statistics more than any other candidate, and even though the establishment has asked him "How are you gonna pay for it?" Over and and over again like it's some gotcha move, he's always been to answer that question more robustly than any other candidate.

And yet in spite of all that almost all of the environmental problems caused by pollution and climate change are coming from Asia.

Blaming America for climate change is the same tired anti-western, anti-white and anti-capitalist leftist bullshit with a new coat of paint

Thank you comrade. 50 rubles have been deposited in your account.

I approve of this post. I'll vote for Yang with you fren after 4 more years of Trump.

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Wait, are you unironically still trotting out the russian collusion garbage?

I know Asia's a bigger problem in terms of pollution and environmental damage, but Trump is objectively fucking things up more than Sanders would.

UBI is inevitable thanks to automation. We're already seeing the effects of it.

Of course there are going to be the edgy faggots who think anybody who can't get a job should just go die. Those are the people I'm going to make sure end up jobless and penniless, their job passed on to HAMMERBOT 9000. Then, when they're begging for that UBI I'm gonna tell them to their face
>sorry, you don't have a job you don't deserve to live, it's not our responsibility to take care of you

then again, that's a whole nother story, the evil fucks who hide behind morality to save their miserable skin from the death they truly deserve.

>I know Asia's a bigger problem
>But Orange Man Bad


It's not just "Orange Man Bad," it's demonstrable in terms of policy.

>another 50 ruples have been deposited to your account

As far as the direct impact on the environment Trump is a net loss compared to Bernie, but its still not really making much of an impact overall. Now when you look at the hellscape that Bernie will make the economy and it doesnt really matter what the environment is like because 90% of us will be taxed into poverty and starve to death or become homeless anyway

voting is for fags. if you really want to make a difference, find the right people to kill, or the right institutions to bomb, and target them.

>UBI is inevitable thanks to automation. We're already seeing the effects of it.
Jobs aren't going away. they will just change.

>wanting to tax rich CEOs, bankers and giant corporations is bad because of muh socialism
There are more starving and homeless people under Trump than there would be under Bernie.

Yeah OK. Lang to Trump? You're not fooling anyone Sergei.

I, who am and , but not , disagree. While I may have been wrong on the showing statistics part (I don't really follow all the townhalls, debates, and whatnot), I have yet to hear an answer to the other parts he has mentioned. As mentions, Bernie seems to be wedded to the "get the rich to pay" idea, but the question is then how, without forcefully restraining them or keeping them from blowing up their own businesses. Or how are we going to redistribute stuff? How are things going to work with the open borders rhetoric and everybody flooding in? How can we keep the US from being some big frat party until the booze runs out and everyone goes home?
Yes, he might show more of a grounding than the other candidates, but there is a lot of relative distance between anywhere and zero.


No they are actually going away. Automation is in a runaway phase. Every job can be automated.

Let that soak in.
>milions of jobs have already been replaced due to automation
>millions of jobs

Guess what? Autmation's scalability isn't linear, it's exponential. You know what that means, right? That means it gets better and better. It getting better means more and more jobs disappear, until even the job of "automation engineer" is done by automated machines.

Keep living in delusion though. Keep telling yourself that your position is "safe" so fuck everybody else. Moron.


So what will free college and free Healthcare do?

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That's an interesting take considering the record low unemployment, record high stock market under Trump. It gets more interesting when you look at what socialism has done every single time its been implemented in all of recorded history. But I guess this time it will finally work, right?

>AI lawyers
lol k

Literally every job can be automated. You being in denial about it doesn't change anything.

They're not "free" ... they're subsidized by the labor of the american taxpayer and you can get tossed out of a helicopter if you think I worked my ass off to get to my income bracket just to give it all to people who dont have the skillset or motivation to make it on their own

basic psychology
"if you don't use it, you lose it"
humans w/o work = brain dead morons

>two things can't be bad at the same time

And for the one you said you're not, I was responding to myself.

>pretending like it was all you
>all the time
>nobody ever gave you a leg up
>nobody ever helped you
>you alone are the one punch man deserving of everything


Has socialism failed in Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and much of Europe?

[Citation needed]

Facts are facts. Automation is advancing rapidly. Exponentially. Couple this with the fact that every single job can 100% be automated and it quickly becomes obvious that NO job is actually safe in the future to anybody that's not in some kind of denial to protect their fragile ego


No, no one ever helped me. I grew up eating ramen soup every day and I've worked my way up in a very difficult career, did the best I could with what I had and made major lifestyle sacrifices to get where i am now. So fuck you, if you're not going to put in the work you dont deserve to get the rewards

They are not socialist countries

Who hurt you?

I don't believe you in the slightest. I know for a fact you're lying, honestly. You were helped all along the way, you're just too self absorbed or too proud of your own fallacious argument to acknowledge it

Not an argument

the idea that because you have found yourself in a decent place in life that other people who are in significantly worse situations don't deserve to have healthcare is childish; the american taxpayer already funds a runaway military budget that could be cut by a small margin to maintain the health of its own citizens instead of bombing brown people half way across the globe

If that's what helps you cope with being a loser and a freeloader then believe what you will.

lmao that's psychology 2301, Merzenich precisely.
look up plasticity and start from there.
everything being 100% automated is not feasible.
you can also refer to the mouse Utopia experiment.

Then by that logic neither is Sanders, because the policies that Sanders advocates for that get him called socialist, like high taxes on the wealthy and universal healthcare, exist in all of those countries.


I see, you're just a moron. I have more money than you could ever dream of. I also have no problem admitting that I earned it off the backs of other people in some cases. That's how capitalism rolls baby.

It sounds an awful lot like it's you who's coping with being caught up in a lie.

I didnt "find" myself where I am. I put myself there and so do plenty of Americans. If you cant succeed in america of all places then you're not trying hard enough. Once you stop blaming everyone else for your own inadequacy you'll be on the right path to making something of yourself

this is laughable, anyone who ever hired you or gave you a chance to prove yourself helped you; they didnt have to hire you, you weren't the worlds best at whatever you do when you first started and whoever gave you a chance in the first place helped you. stop acting like a child

>sanders wants public healthcare, thats socialism
>this list of successful countries with a public healthcare system dont count as socialism
you seem to have doubled back to the start

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neither is the poor should die, glass houses and all that

you're parody right? or has poes law gone too far

Good for you for being rich. Nothing wrong with that. If the people you profit from had the brains and motivation to be you then they should go for it too, and if they dont go for it then that's their own fault, not yours and not mine and we shouldn't have to subsidize their poor life decisions.

And I don't care if you have more money than me either. I am well into 6 figures a year after being at my job for 8 years and will probably be well over $200,000 in another 8. I will be retired with a pension, full health care and a retirement fund of over a million dollars on top of my monthly pension. That's good enough for me considering a decade ago I was getting high every day and stocking shelves for $10 an hour. That's capitalism too. When you've had enough of being a loser and you make something of yourself.

>not realizing that America already has in place a public healthcare system that thankfully doesnt require its taxpayers to pay 50% of their income to support it because we also have private healthcare

No, actually my employer was by definition required to hire because without employees he is no longer an employer. It just so happens that I was able to provide him with more upside than other candidates. Suck it.

Not arguing dude, it just seems like once you got to a point in your life where you didn't really have to worry about money, you probably swore to yourself that you'd never feel poor again. Which also involves being aggressive with what your taxes get used for because it's something out of your control. But what the hell do I know, I'm just procrastinating on studying for my cpa exam

We don't have a public healthcare system available to the general population, we have medicare, which is socialism for the same baby boomers who say that socialism is evil.


Who said the poor should die? They shouldn't die, they should stop being poor

Propaganda Trolling. OP may not even be human, he could be a bot. but yeah, op's post is classic propaganda trolling. congrats comrade

>what is Medicaid

public health insurance for poor people, so again, not the general population

>all the poor people just didn't try hard enough
I understand that you're narcissism won't let you accept the idea that perhaps not everything in your life was your own doing but even someone as myopic as yourself you be able to understand the simple math that their are more people then there are good jobs. even if every single person tried the hardest they possibly could and always gave 110% there would still be poor and homeless people because there can't be 10 people working 4 good jobs, those other 6 people will have to work the remaining because its what is left

>they should stop being poor
oh alright you're trolling


Dont get me wrong, I still worry about money constantly. I'm taking home around $3000 every two weeks but i still spend like I'm poor so that I dont ever become poor again. I invest, I save for my retirement and I avoid frivolous spending like its cancer. There are guys at my job who make a lot more than I do but live in mcmansions and drive dodge hellcats and high end BMWs. A lot of them are paycheck to paycheck because they spend like idiots, and that's their own fault too. People need to take responsibility for themselves.

I have no credit debt, drive a 15 year old truck that I bought outright, cook at home instead of going out, all the things people have to do when they're not making money. It's what responsible people do when they are motivated to look out for themselves and not rely on handouts

So your point is that elderly and poor people are covered already? That leaves the self-sufficient people with a solid income to support themselves. Doesnt really sound like a terrible concept

These numbers are pulled straight from thin air. The income inequality in america has been diminishing in 3 years under trump and a commie layabout like bernie sanders wont be able to do that. That's the point

It causes middle-class people to get fucked over by private insurance, which is why millions of people are going bankrupt over medical bills, and for many people health insurance is their largest expense just to get the bare minimum of coverage.

Cope harder loser

He said it would replace the welfare system. And getting $1000 a month was an opt-in service.

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Again, I shouldn't feel compelled to subsidize someone elses poor life decisions. Perhaps prioritizing a $200 cable bill, a $300 cellphone bill and $500 car payment that every dumb fuck cherishes more than their own health insurance is the problem here

do prisoners get it?

>These numbers are pulled straight from thin air.
that's called a metaphor its used to explain a concept idea in a way that makes it more simple so that someone like you can grasp the idea; although it seems clear that you didn't since you thought it was about income inequality and not the finite amount of jobs that exist preventing people from "just get a good job"

seek medical help

How do you support a candidate that says their goal is to beat Trump for a year, and then go support Trump when he drops out

It suggests that you don't actually have any real political beliefs, and are just getting suckered into cults of personality, and/or are a very low info voter.

I'd rather pay for another American's healthcare than bail out the "too big too fail banks" or have my tax dollars go to fight wars with brown people in countries I don't give two shits about, wouldn't you?

You have no actual data to support your metaphor though. Its just your belief and you're doing nothing to support it besides insist that its reality because reasons

Kill yourself

uh.. what

>government buildin a big ol fence? money well spent
>government wants to keep Americans healthy? ABSOLUTELY NOT

Imagine being retarded enough to vote for trump


Goes from Yang to Trump = Retard

I know people getting medical help isn't something you're ok with but a personality disorder can have serious effects on your life long term

Trump's views on climate change, changes to BPA laws, and anti abortion views will make you regret that vote if that conflicts with your beliefs like it does mine.

Think about who you're voting for, I would've voted Trump at some point but I now question his motives and you should think about his motives too.

80% of money that went into the bailouts in the auto industry and large banks were paid off with bonds. I'm not arguing in favor of that though either, but let's be honest about it at the same time

As far as "bombing brown people" I don't recall that ever being the stated objective of the United states military, but I'm not an expert in geopolitics either and I imagine neither are you

are you honestly trying to argue that there are more high paying jobs then there are people?

You are just sad you aren't getting your NEET bucks you faggot

No, not sure what the fuck you're even talking about.

There is however actual data that suggest that the economy under trump has enabled a lot of low income households to make more money and that is what we are talking about.

and that's kinda my point, you don't really have to worry about money in the same way you did before. What was 20 bucks that would get you food or go to the bills before is like a drop of the bucket to you now.

And that's a good thing! You actually are doing great! But stuff like being taxed a bit more so that other people can have the same opportunities that you did will probably have like-minded people such as yourself increase in your tax bracket. Because believe it or not, the actual poor don't like being poor and don't like getting handouts, but are forced to because the opportunities given to them are limited. Why go to college when you've got two kids to feed first? Why don't they keep hustling at that $10 an hour job that they can't afford to quit even though rent doubled within the past 10 years?

I guess my stab wound was a poor life decision. Or my car accident that was caused by someone else. Or my kid having some sort of disease. Sarcasm aside, what happens in life really is just some random fucked up shit that happens and because we live in a pretty fucked healthcare system, when shit happens, it gets even shittier because private insurance causes hospital bills to shoot up to insane prices. They literally lobby for each other in congress. I'd rather pay slightly higher taxes than have private insurance companies exist.


Perfectly logical line of reasoning. Great job, OP.

We are spending tax money to illegally dick around in the M. East though when with a few rare possible exceptions I don't see any reason for us to be there.

Your medical ailments were not poor life decisions but your unwillingness to put yourself in a position where you're prepared for them financially is.

Democrats are racist, they only want women, homosexuals, niggers and a spic or two to run. Asians are way, way down on their list (Asians are smart, work/study hard, succeed on their own, start businesses, strong families).

and that's just it, a lot of people think they're financially prepared with their insurance, but instead get raped in the bum by them and the hospital.

the fucking point is that not everyone who works hard will get a high paying job because high paying jobs are limited and as such demanding that the poor not be given help because they should just get good jobs isn't a valid argument because someone has to be working those jobs making the poor a necessity

by the nature of capitalism there will always be poor people; you aren't one of them, good for you; doesn't change the fact that there are many people who struggle to survive and a single payer healthcare system is both proven to work in multiple other first world nations and can help stem the bleeding that the lower class face

I see your point, but that is an issue that can be addressed in other ways besides forcing someone to pay for someone elses problem.

I agree the healthcare system is broken as it is but simply letting the government take it over isnt the best solution. When has a bureaucratic approach to a problem ever actually made things run smoothly?

> agree the healthcare system is broken as it is but simply letting the government take it over isnt the best solution. When has a bureaucratic approach to a problem ever actually made things run smoothly

Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea

Again, the class divide has been rapidly closing in the past 3 years. This problem that you keep presenting is literally diminishing as we speak. Why fuck with it now when its getting better? Do you think that the millions of middle class Americans who have been flourishing in the past 3 years would be better served by being forced to hand over their newfound wealth to the 35 year old stoner who still works at gamestop?

medicare already exists; this just expands the idea

>conveniently failing to mention the massive tax inflation that is part and parcel of universal healthcare

Also look into what Canadian doctors do halfway through the year when they've reached the cap that the government is willing to pay them. Many of them close up shop and practice medicine in america after the sacred government run health care system in America decides to stop paying them for labor in the middle of the summer. But you just see the gibs because you're a sponge rather than someone who contributes

Elections are rigged for who they want to win. Not who you want to vote for. They give you the illusion of choice. If who they wanted to win was the case it would of been Killary Clinton sitting in that White House based on popular vote and excluding the electoral college.

Scandinavian healthcare is declining fast, look it up son.

mike bloomberg is rightly going to run away with this election

And the best part is its declining due to the class of freeloaders who dont pay enough into the system. This is what these faggots want in america

You know thats precisely what people say about bernie right? And Bernie has been in the shithole that is politics for infinitely longer than yang

welp, I guess I can't convince you otherwise and that's ok. You're at a good place in life and believe that people should be responsible for what's theirs and keep it. The healthcare in our country is broken because of bureaucracy, but it is also broken because of the greed of the few.

I still believe that a government run single-payer system won't be free from error and it won't be perfect, not everything in life is, but it won't financially cripple the middle class, who are arguably the true engine of our economy. It was Henry Ford that wanted the 5 day workweek first because he believed that it would create a feedback loop that would ultimately create more profits for his company and it did. What use is it now that many continue to be financially unstable due to the greed of others?

>This pathetic attempt at psy-ops is brought to you by the Trump campaign.

you're already paying for healthcare for other people; thats how a private insurance system works; all their clients pay monthly and then when someone gets sick the insurance covers it by taking some of the money you paid them to pay for the medical bills; the only different by moving it to a public system for everyone is that the system now helps the people who need it the most and its not trying to charge you more then it spends to make a profit

> the 35 year old stoner who still works at gamestop?
have you considered trying to not dehumanize the poor to justify treating them like trash; there are plenty of poor people working multiple jobs at once just to survive

what an interesting lie; did you just read some propaganda on fox news?

>There is however actual data that suggest that the economy under trump has enabled a lot of low income households to make more money and that is what we are talking about.
Put up or shut up; show us this data.

Same, the country’s going to shit, this was the first and last time I ever donate (donated to yang)

A nigger was a president for 8 years and a faggot, a senile vp and two brain dead feminists are the dem candidates

Hmm, Chinaman telling us to do something that would destroy our economy didn't get any votes. Someting Wong.

Rich old dude sir, show some God damned respect peasant .


Ivanka gonna beat him up bro.

it's funny because bernie's public financials are kinda typical of a retiree of his age if they were following their retirement plan right

Don't care as long as unemployment stays low and my 401k gains another 30%.

Wtf? He's been in for a few months. Hasn't had time to change his mind. We will see next election when the Homeland tells the Manchurian candidate what to say to win.

Show me how he will pay for all of it, complete with numbers and tax brackets and none if this projected savings because.... Bullshit.

fucking this.

You're gonna do what? Wow, you sound like a powerful dude that you're going to decide who works, who doesn't, who gets ubi. How do I get that job?

Explain how ubi stops automation . Explain how ubi will stop businesses from taking more manufacturing overseas.

Yeah but then I'd have too vote for a jew

Environment will be worse as we have to burn our worthless dollars for warmth after we feel the Bern.

The cry of the loser. " You didn't build that" . I worked hard, made right decisions, saved money. Chances are you are a loser because you didn't do those things. Try harder next life.

Well maybe if you weren't a self loathing prick who just wants to blame the world for your failure , someone may have helped you.

How do you "deserve" free healthcare?

So you are just a hypocrite then. Show us how it's done asshole , redistribute your wealth. They deserve it.

Go to school for something useful and someone will hire you to do it. Not my fault you can't get hired with your carribean dance degree.

you love tasting orange chads cum. fucking cucks

You lost, go vote

I'm in the same boat user. Make good money but nothing crazy . House paid for car paid for , kids college see aside, a few years away from retiring early and have guys I work with a lot older who are still paying mortgages . Of course they have huge houses, new cars every few years, go out to eat everyday for lunch. They don't understand how I did it and never will.

How bout we don't do any of those things?

Typical Chinese, democracy is no negotiable

You should vote trump. He tried pulling troops out and the left screamed.

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