My mother is going to die a few days or less. How do I deal with grief?

My mother is going to die a few days or less. How do I deal with grief?

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you shouldn’t have to. Say all that you need to say to her, and never look back.

Be there for her in her last moments and always remember the good times. Also tell her you love her one last time.

You kinda dont, its hard to descibe, its like the pain never goes away you kinda just learn how to deal with it. Some days are really bad some are ok but usually youre just really confused and angry and have nowhere to put those emotions. Try to find something that releases a lot of energy and do your best to not an hero

eat ashes

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Get out of my head!

I will but I don’t know if she can understand me or not.

In her heart she'll know you're there.

You should have posted in the thread requesting you post or your mother will die in her sleep. It was an obvious solution, now you've only made it worse for her.

This is accurate. Exactly how I felt after losing my mom and my little brother. My brother was worse to be honest. Never thought I'd lose him at 28.

Probably so.


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Within 3 years I lost 3 grandparents, a sister, and then my wife during childbirth. I feel so numb right now I don't even know what to do. Therapy helps for shit and I'm not even riding waves like I was during my sister's death. Just 100% numbness. I'm sorry, friend.

The mind has a way of dealing with it. Unfortunately you will kind of forget what she was like. She will become a memory. Like everything else we lose through our lives.
One piece of advice I can give you is to go out and have as many experiences you can. Some will eventually be good ones.
Good luck.

Having to raise this little fucker with no help seems impossible as well I'd like to add. I just want to hug somebody and feel loved again

>and then my wife
You have my deepest sympathies. That's actually my worst fear

Tell her it was you who stole her panties

I knew it was coming but I didn’t expect it to be this soon. I literally just found out today that she’s on her death bed.

Don't forget to thank her for being a good mother to you (if that's the case).
Nothing gives people more hope than having fulfilled a purpose and receiving genuine gratitude.

Everyone does it their own way. Most important thing is to not bottle it. You need to get the stress caused from it out of your system. Don't distract yourself. People will tell you to, but don't listen to them. Distractions will only prolong the grief. Cry as much as possible, think back on the things you were grateful for, as much as possible. Celebrate her life instead of focusing on her death. Understand that she isn't suffering. As long as she is, death is not present, once death is present, she isn't. The two will never meet.

When my mother died, after long illness and in the end, her mind went too, we spread the ashes from her at sea. When I manage to think about something I wish I had told her before she died, or when something awesome happens to me in my life that I wish she could have experienced... I go down to the shore, write down all my thoughts on paper, then tear the paper up and spread it in the wind. Let the sea take it. I am not very religious, and I have no coherent thoughts about the afterlife. But that little ritual helps me.

>my wife during childbirth
Shit user. Just shit.

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If your white fuck her so u can cherish her forever

You guys are a bunch of faggots.

lol your retarded

That’s everyone on Cred Forums.

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The irony in this post.

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fuck I bet you feel bad about not posting in that thread now

i am surprised by the amount of genuinely good advices and empathy i found in this thread. user, you have all the right to be sad and in grief. It will be hard, but remember that the world will still keep spinning, no matter what you feel. you dont have to let the sadness overwhelm you and you must always go forward. This is what your mother woudl've wanted. Do it in her memory.

>How do I deal with grief?
Ur fucking kidding right??

Huh what?

probably not as good as physical hug, but i agree it's does seem impossible to raise a kid all by yourself. however, you are not alone, there are single fathers out there doing the same thing, and it might do you good to find support groups for these. some day you're going to look back see how resilient you can be. best of luck user.

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Grief does what it wants. Sometimes it hits surprisingly hard and sometimes it's not nearly as hard as you feared. None of it means that you loved someone any more or any less. Grief is an entire range of emotions that can last years, but there's no predetermined amount of time to grieve, that's just personal, days or decades. Use these few days to say things that YOU need to say, and don't say things just because they're "the right thing to say". You'll just waste words. You won't get another chance.

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Thank you user. This is a very thoughtful post.

Ded yourself before she does, so that you don't have to deal with it.

I recently lost my dad, it was not expected i found his body in the kitchen , be thankful you have a chance to say goodbye...

Know that she's going to be in a better place no matter what and that she truly loves you and knows you're strong! I started to died when i cut open my foot with an axe while chopping down a tree. Paramedics didn't get there as fast as I'd hope so i was starting to die and the DMT was being released in my brain and it was very peaceful and i wasn't scared. So know she'll be very comfy the introduction of death feels like just getting into warm pajamas and you feel absolutely perfect.there's no fear and I'm guessing you go into an endless paradise.

- make the most of the time you have left with your mother
- allow yourself to grieve as much and as long as you need to
- avoid depending too much on booze and drugs to cope
- there is no "normal" set length of time to cope. grief is one of those you have wait out

sorry for your loss


Do you still have your foot?

Oh no I don’t drink so that’s not a problem.

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