It's like branding cattle

It's like branding cattle

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Other urls found in this thread:

Which one is immune to HIV?

The incel one.

Neither. Genital mutilation won't solve shit.

Bottom right is so gorgeous, jeez

This retard has been fucking without a condom because he thinks his mutilation made him immune to STDs kek

Why the fuck are you so obsessed with dick? The only people so obsessed with dick that they make these threads are fags, or cucks who are really just fags by proxy. Women aren't making these threads - fags obsess over minutiae of dick far more than women do,

Keep coping cut fag

>Defending genital mutilation

I'm not cut - I'm uncut and haven't had any complaints from women. I just don't spend all day obsessing over dicks. Just let the damn Jews do their thing, and let the Yanks go on being cucked by Jews. Been to the US on business trips, glad I don't live there.

get a load of this fag/cuck expert lol

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I mean I don't support it but it sounds kinda hot when you describe it like that, always wanted to be branded

My son is uncut and I've heard women comment on it since he was just days old. Women are retarded

>assuming we give a shit if we're fags or not
>assuming we give a shit what women think
where do you think you are

Dubs of truth, I guess.

What did the women you mention say about his his intact penis and foreskin? What was your response?

Ahh this made me laugh thank you you switched the pics from last time you clever dog you

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He's 8 now but for the first five or so years I got a lot "he's not circumcised yet?" comments. Told them no in more words. Plus a lot of comments about cleanliness, like it's fine to wash cut boy cocks but it's weird to wash his cock because I have to pull it back? Like I said, women are retarded

>I don't know how to use soap and water, so I would smell if I hadn't been mutilated

The absolute state of faggots like you who try to defend it. You're going to smell bad if you don't wash your dick, regardless of whether or not you've been cut.


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I bet this person has never eaten a pussy before.....

Smells during sex are part of the fun IMO. I wash daily and like smelly sex.

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>I'll chop my feet off so I don't have to wash between my toes

Oh look, this thread again...
Still trying to defend it even though NOBODY is persecuting you except yourself?
Stop seeking validation and accept it, or just get snipped.
Nobody cares.

Sounds like virgins to me.
It's only smellz.
Dirty sex is fun sex.

Uncut dude here. It doesnt stop them from sucking your dick, fucking you, or dating you.

This would imply you have asked every woman.

You're fucking stupid if you legitimately think women enjoy less functional peens.

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Why did this women have a look at your sons penis? Was it you wife? Mother in laws? Sisters in law? You sound like a single father. Did your wife have an opinion on the matter? I bet you are circumcised and opted not to have you child mutilated. If true, I congratulate you! Also, teach your son the importance of his completeness and tell him to carry on tradition for future males on your family :) and yes, women are plainly stupid and retarded on the matter. Still can’t believe humans that don’t have a penis between their legas have a say on such a matter. Smh.

Top left looks like albino penis envy. Ones on right look bacterial..bury them!

Publications from where? America where everyone is brainwashed to think those things?

>similar rates for other blood/fluid std transmission

stay mad virusskin


Because little boys don't like keeping their clothes on. Even now he is frequently undressed. And yeah single dad. I'm uncut too but I remember being younger and not knowing wtf was 'wrong' with mine. He's kinda sensitive still and complains but I've already had the circ discussion with him. He's happy afaik

Don't quote shit if you don't know where it's from.

And those HIV studies have already been debunked.

Imagine being this obsessed over a dick, get a hobby faggot

i know where it's from - the fucking WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION

so hit me up with all those studies that disprove this faggot

or just stay mad looool

>Imagine being this obsessed over a dick, get a hobby faggot

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You quoted a meta study about woman's preferances. You quoted shit and now you can't back it up. Dipshit, you don't even know what I am talking about.

The HIV studies were done in Africa, and has huge methodological issues. They never considered recover times (lead time bias) there was potential patient expectation bias, only men who were interested in getting circumcised were used, which was selection bias, early termination bias, and a significant number of participants straight up abandoned the study, further leaving the results in question.


not surprised you'd rather stay mad than give any respected evidence you basement dwelling rancid dicked neckbeard. yell to momma for some more tendies.

its Heeb appeasement

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Say it with me, "no health organization in the world recommends routine infant circumcision".

I genuinely feel bad for cut men. Without having a choice in the matter they were mutilated. I had one conversation about it with two of my friends, both cut. One of them said he wished he wasn't cut or that he'd at least been given the choice, and the other (Jewish) said he didn't mind.

To me, from a basic ethical point of view, it makes absolutely no sense. An uncut man can always choose to get a circumcision. A cut man can never re-grow his foreskin, and probably more than 99% of cases were done without consent. The mere fact that men don't choose to get circumcisions as adults indicates to me that, given the choice, they would never willingly deform their own penis. I would guess that the men that vehemently defend it are doing so on the basis of some cognitive dissonance. The fact that it's so widely practiced in the USA is insanity. But I think things are changing - at the very least I've been noticing a lot more uncut men in porn.

>glad I don't live there
we are too, faggot

this thread is essentially all faggots defending their preference in dicks

at least i don’t deny the fact i’m a fag lmao

Really thorough article on the matter:

Analyzes it from an ethical and health perspective. Basic takeaway for me:

About 30-33% of men worldwide are circumcised -> 69% are Muslim, 1% Jewish, and 30% for non-religious reasons

The US is the only country in the world that routinely circumcises for non-religious reasons

Rates of circumcision are decreasing

Circumcision can offer some minor health benefits which are negated by basic hygiene and sexual protection

To respond to another user, male circumcision did show to have some protection against HIV in sub-Saharan African countries. However, this effect did not extend to studies done in the United States

Circumcision can lead to severe complications and presents a small but real risk to newborns

Circumcision could be found to violate the four principles of bioethics, namely "autonomy," "nonmaleficence", "beneficence" and "justice" - though some have disputed this, a meta-review of 21 papers discussing the issue found that 13 papers found it to be unethical, 5 found it to be ethically justifiable, and 3 presented both cases

There seems to be a strong bias in American institutions regarding circumcision, as the only institutions that have recommended it historically have been American. However, the AAP has not recommended circumcision since 2012, and several health institutions recommend against it.

For me it's a no-brainer. There doesn't seem to be any real reason to circumcise except blind herd mentality.

It's easy money for US doctors so they do it.

Greedy fucking yanks.

I have foreskin too giys it’s pretty neat

wow someone actually linking to the article and making real legit points?

what site am i on

fr tho, your message isn’t gonna go through to the meatheads of Cred Forums

It's a good point. The American health system is fucked beyond belief. I say this as someone who works in it.

Thanks. I figure many pro-circumcision will just ignore it, but I mostly did it for my own sake and for the sake of anyone who either was on the fence about it and wanted some more evidence to think about or who felt it was wrong but didn't have the means to express that view.

This site has such a strong American bias it's easy to forget that the majority of men are not circumcised and that it's mostly an American and Muslim thing.

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or getting rid of useless smegma farms

Ok Muhammad


it's to raise awareness of all the cucks who genuinely think being cut is superior for any reason

Fucking cock obsessed faggots


Honestly for me it's not about seeking validation. I and most of the world know that it's wrong to cut foreskins off for no reason. But a lot of people, mostly Americans, immediately assume that circumcision is "normal" and just done routinely when that's far from the truth. I think it's horribly unethical so it's important to raise these questions in people's minds.

The circumcized are the ones persecuted. we are trying to end that persecution.
Why do you keep coming to these threads? If they trigger you so much that you have to spam them, just click hide. If we want to discuss dicks let us. There is no reason to be upset.

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