trump 2020
yang 2024
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Look man, I'm just as busted up as you over this. But let's not get carried away here.
Mental how everyone who hates him still utilises all the things he's in favour of.
nah, get ready to feel the bern, bro
that the billion dollars question.
america rest a mystery for me
Finally, someone on my level. Yang 2024. Trump will win no matter who I support.
Liking Yang, but wanting Trump over Bernie. You don't make any sense. Whatever propaganda you were listening to is warping your mind. As a Bernie supporter I support, yang. And would gladly have him as a second choice or a vice president or Cabinet member.
>Whatever propaganda you were listening to is warping your mind.
I havent listened to anything, im on the same wave as because all the dem candidates are shit and trump will unfortunately win because of that fact, but i am full swing yang for 2024
no u
Except Trump will almost definitely lose, he barely won last time. Except if you like Yangs policies then you should like Bernies policies, so calling Bernie shit doesnt make sense.
fuck democratic socialism, a wealth tax is NOT what yang is about you dumbass. also the dems dont have a fucking prayer if the dnc gives bernie the ticket. he might be popular but he'll never win through the electoral college
im in favor of RESPONSIBLY planned social programs. obamacare was a SHITSHOW
Yeah you bought into the billionare propaganda about a scary wealth tax.
well i dont overlap so fuck you
Cos Republicans fought it every step of the way which made it shit. It's objective fact that the USA's current healthcare is exploitative and worse than other nations. For the vast majority of people.
Not relevant when on about the whole.
So what this thread has like 4 people in it? I'm down for the ho down. Y'all believe in direct action?
>It's objective fact that the USA's current healthcare is exploitative and worse than other nations.
I agree that is objective fact, but a mandatory fine for not having healthcare is fucking retarded. not everyone can afford obamacare and fining those people for that is fucking stupid
10 people, learn how to count to 10
Anhero yourself, faggot
Yeah the poor billionares.. oh they must be saved.
fuck a wealth tax
>Implying the moderate DNC will let an actual person be in charge.
Say hello to Butticheek or Kloberman 2020-2028
shitty left meme
unfortunately this
Or maybe, Yang had way more appeal than the dumbass democrats and progressives give him credit for.
I voted Trump in 2016, but I was 100 percent on board for Yang. I'm a libertarian independent, and actually have one of the most sought after votes, in one of the most important states PA.
Think about that, my vote literally means more than yours.
Go drown on nigger cum
Yeah I'm working on it. It's hard not to give diatribes.
keep working on it
Why, because it is so hard for them to stay a billionaire?
The money has been transferred out of the lower and middle class and into the billionaires. To think they cant handle this tax or that they actually earned their money is preposterous.
maybe because it doesnt just impact billionaires fuckhead
This so far has been my most successful but I think it's pretty shit tier and sex doesnt sell the way people think it does.
I followed my dreams and all I got was chronic back pain and a neat party trick
I hope he hands Trump's ass to him.
Go pop the balloon meatwad.
ill gladly eat my words if he beats trump but he fucking cant
Oh you think it is going to effect normal rich people? No it wont.
> Whatever propaganda you were listening to
> As a Bernie supporter
honestly just fucking kill yourself faggot.
>sucking politician cock
A true cuck is you, dipshit
How :)
because itll impact anyone with fucking money
Bruh you'll still have far more than the average worker if your getting a wealth tax levied against you. You a franchise owner or something? Although I will concede that it would suck to have something you thought you earned randomly taken from you. I remember when I got evicted for some petty shit and did not take it well.
I'd explain it to you further, but I'm afraid you don't have the intelligence to follow along.
No it wont.
Only apply to net worth of over $32 million and anyone who has a net worth of less than $32 million, would not see their taxes go up at all under this plan.
why should someone who has earned money have to take a hit
Go ahead meatwad, find the libertarian policy
Shit if the migos aren't even getting a wealth tax under that plan, you gotta be living large
I think you dont understand.. you disagreed. You said it would hurt the regular rich person. It clearly doesnt. So you are wrong. Admit you are wrong and I will move on to debate your next question.
this meme is actually good
so is this one
Friendly reminder these are all shill threads & we'll all have to hear about this commie cuck AGAIN until the DNC literally rigs their primary like everyone knows they will.
No one would vote for this commie kike regardless besides the handful of super woke states, despite what your small group of comrades & internet enclaves say. The fact that people are falling for this AGAIN just shows how naive & gullible they are.
I'm not wrong, wealth shouldnt be taxed
I doubt Bernie will win. Not because trump is a power house of popularity or anything but because the dnc will rail road him again.
Because what could anyone do that's worth 32 million dollars? Even if they make a great company or some shit the workers are by definition doing most of the work. Unless you're that douche who made stripe but fuck him for basically doing office space and getting away with it.
Thank you
fuck off goal post mover, admit it or bugger the fuck off
just because you make lots of money doesnt mean you should be taxed for that. it isnt going to strengthen the lower and middle class unless that money goes right back to them
i cant bugger off, im OP
Move over Berniebros
The Buttbuddies are taking over now.
Well M4A will be a way way better program than Obamacare, which as you say, sucks. No need to worry about fines or fees or anything, you're always covered no matter what, even if you lose your job, even if you're out of system, no matter what.
tell me more
VAT > Income Tax
(Government) Hands off distribution of resources.
Fair and equal starting point for all people. (1000 month dividend)
Correction for shitty archaic welfare system
Ending the Penny
No talk about "limiting the 2nd amendment"
Decriminalization of drugs (end the war on drugs)
Legalization of Marijuana
Increased Southern Border Security without retarded wall politics.
"Women's Right to Choose"
Human-Centered Capitalism seemed interesting, I could see pros and cons to it as it relates to Libertarian-ism.
Now that I pointed those out, do you understand or will I have to green text you arguing like a moron?
those 45,000 deaths each year because people cant afford to pay for insurance or dont want to use it because their deductible is too high.. Well those people get to live :)
Those 500,000 bankruptcies each year caused by medical debt .. gone
Those people go to fucking jail because they cant afford to pay the medical debt.. gone..
i love this, is this trump's idea?
wait fuck me this is medicare for all. get rid of the god damn fine you swine
Ain't that about a bitch. I guess that means people will just have to get in touch with the elites and politely keep that from happening somehow. Or just campaign harder to that its impossible to deny the nomination.
But you didn't make the money you see. You took a cut of profit and we're just trying to set a line for when you've taken too much.
Right now it's a postive feedback loop and we need to remember that we're trying to make the game fun for everyone.
You're always able to go to the doctor, at all times, anywhere in the country. Maybe you pay like 20 bucks each visit, MAX. Simple as. No bullshit broken website, no fines, nothing of the sort. Your taxes will go up slightly (unless you're super poor), but you can tell your health insurance provider to fuck off and you'll end up saving a shitload of money. It's a win for everyone except health insurance ghouls.
>Thinks the president of the united states is king & doesn't understand how all the branches of government work
Your opinion..gone.
Nope, it's Bernie, and ONLY Bernie. Trump would never in a million years support that, he just wants more money for billionaires like himself.
With Medicare for all there would be no fine. It's completely different from failed, shitty Obamacare.
your a faggot now
Bernie 2020 baby. He's gonna dominate.
ok, im liking bern a little more (am OP)
Libertarian = limited government, low-taxation, minimal state advocated by the movement
Yangs tax:
Under Yang’s plan, 10 percent would be the standard VAT rate, but some goods would be taxed at higher or lower rates: luxury items, such as yachts, would face a higher tax rate, while everyday items, such as groceries, would be exempt from VAT or taxed at a lower rate.
That sure sounds very socialist to me :)
Fair and equal starting point for all people. (1000 month dividend)
Redistribution of wealth.. socialism
Yang on guns..
"But we need to ban the most dangerous weapons that make mass shootings as deadly as they have become, and address the other violence - particularly suicide - that is plaguing this country."
wealth taxes rule. eat the rich.
don't eat the rich, eat politicians
you faggots can not stop with this shit posting here moot made a room for all you faggots to makeout in GO THE FUCK BACK
No. Fucking eat the rich. Politicians are usually just little puppets for the wealthy. The laws don't represent the will of the people. But we finally have a chance to hit back and I am oh so fucking ready.
>arguing like a moron
cry fucking harder
>limited government, low-taxation, minimal state advocated by the movement
not possible in a country of 300 million
Wow, so you don't understand something, it instantly becomes socialism? How Fox News of you.
No, eat the politicians that take bribes from the wealthy you retard
Glad to hear it! But don't take it from some Cred Forumstard, you should take a look at Bernie's M4A plan in more detail:
Eat both. One cannot exist without the other.
i guess thats better than just eating one or the other
Not that user but ironically Fox News is the only network laying off Sanders. Now it's MSNBC and CNN telling us "socialism is impossible."
op here, i hate trump but can admit that he will win
I will bet you or ANY moherfucker on this board 150 Bitcoins Dr Feel the Burn is going to win! any takers?
Honestly if you make under like 10mill a year and you support trump, you're a tremendous class traitor and deserve to rot in the hole that billionaires want you to stay in
Well it is socialism.. but I never said it was a bad thing. Social security, and your army is socialism. Notice I havent said its bad. The word needs to be taken back.
first you have to have 150 bitcoins
> class traitor
theres no such thing
Funny how his name is Sanders and he is trying to unfuck what happened in congress when Obama gave it a swat.
Eating just one or the other doesn't solve the problem at all tbh, without getting rid of both the other would eventually return
kys frogposter
kinda like this template
Cool, so lets agree if McConnel goes anything is groovy.
yes, fuck that moscow mitch bitch
Ok Yanggang, lets go vote trump this year cause fuck everything we stand for.
>theres no such thing
If you aren't rich, and you help billionaires keep yourself and everyone else poor, then you're a traitor to your class, yeah.
Yeah fuck it. This bitch fagged out to bills wife.
literally fucking prove that billionaires withhold money from poor people because you fucking cant
Wish ya coulda been there to see it
proud of you user, keep posting those memes
>If you aren't rich, and you help billionaires keep yourself and everyone else poor
How are billionaires doing that?
Fuck, it's worse than I thought.
I knew you'd be too dumb to understand, but now you think you understand and you're trying to explain my own beliefs to me.
Okay, so yes low-taxation is a tenet of Libertarians.
Did you know every single Democrat wants to RAISE fucking income tax? And it doesn't really affect the richest people, no it's just going to disproportionately effect the middle-class.
The only democrat that didn't want to RAISE income tax is YANG. Because the wealthy will hide or manage their money better. With a VAT tax, it is optional, because you don't NEED to buy luxury goods. And people can't get out of it because $$. VAT is much more ideal of a tax system than a tax system that takes from your labor.
"Socialist" means the state takes over industry or production of an area of the market for the benefit of the state and citizens. Yang has not proposed that AT all.
A redistribution of wealth, is the forced seizure of land and property you stupid fucktard. When did Yang say, he'd use the state to take all the mansions grind them up, and give them out to everyone?
When I receive my monthly dividend interest, and that's only a few 100, I don't start screaming "Oh no these stocks and companies are becoming socialist!!!!" like a fucking glass eating autistic fuck.
But, you take the most powerful country in the world, give it a way to legally extract a part of the GDP and give it back to the American people as a dividend or even an anti-tax- you think that's socialism? No, that's peak fucking free market solution to poverty!
And why? Because everyone gets the EXACT same cut. The rich can apply it directly to their taxes, the hard laborers and tradesmen can use it for vacation, and single moms can use it to work less and be better parents. WITHOUT the government stepping in and giving mandates and hoops.
"The most dangerous weapon" he has stated, is a severe lack of mental health access. He wants to ban that lack of access.
Bernie 2016: "Millionaires and Billionaires should pay higher taxes."
Bernie 2017: "Hey, I'm a Millionaire"
Bernie 2020: "Billionaires should pay higher taxes"
What if you're not a fan and you're gonna vote for him anyway?
Not like the Republicans have any decent contenders this year.
By controlling the economy, directly through their industries and indirectly through the laws they get their pet politicians to pass for them. Things like having no taxes to pay, massive subsidies to their corporations, etc.
well both are going to be paying higher taxes, he's introducing new tax brackets. The ones we have now are a joke.
They control the entire economy, user. They cut taxes on themselves while working every last cent that they can out of us.
>What if you're not a fan and you're gonna vote for him anyway?
Then you've made a personal choice and nobody should denigrate for making that choice.
I do, however, disagree with your choice.
that isnt withholding money from poor people, thats just being evil
Lol, wow you sure got me with that brilliant argument
Exploiting millions of people by working them to the bone and keeping all the money is withholding money, yes. And it's evil, but I dislike making moral judgements.
That's cool, just be glad I was one of the Pennsylvanian's that didn't vote for Hillary.
So I gave your dude at least 4 years.
What user is trying to say is that by supporting Trump (or Republicans in general), you're supporting domestic policy that disproportionately benefits the rich.
nope it's quite accurate. in the US money talks, and it controls what legislation gets passed. That's why more and more of the burden continually gets shifted onto the already burdened middle class and working class. Globalization destroys jobs, and then with an already shredded safety net the people are truly royally fucked.
Repubs, and a good number of Dems, are loyal to the establishment and maintaining the status quo because that is where they get their money from. Everyone else just gets fucked. Social security gets raided, medicare defunded. infrastructure crumbles. all so some billionaires can protect and hoard their piles of cash they earned from the labor of hardworking americans. that is the system, and that is what we are going to change.
Nice dubs
...but nicer double dubs
Well put. You are the smartest person in this thread by a long shot. Have you ever read the book the creature from Jekyll island?
>"Socialist" means the state takes over industry or production of an area of the market for the benefit of the state and citizens.
No that is nationalization and not socialism.
Nationalization is to be distinguished from socialization, which refers to the process of restructuring the economic framework, organizational structure, and institutions of an economy on a socialist basis. By itself, nationalization has nothing to do with socialism, having been historically carried out for various different purposes under a wide variety of different political systems and economic systems.
Socialism. The fancy word for communism. If you like it so much, move to a country that it is working so well in. Can you please name a country that it works well in?
>A redistribution of wealth, is the forced seizure of land and property you stupid fucktard.
No it isnt.
Redistribution of income and wealth is the transfer of income and wealth (including physical property) from some individuals to others by means of a social mechanism such as taxation, charity, welfare, public services, land reform, monetary policies, confiscation, divorce or tort law.[2]
>trump 2020
>yang 2024
You showed!!!
More like
>Bernie 2020-2022
VP becomes President for 2 years, then steps down.
>Yang 2024-2032
holy fuck the projection is showing hard
Your intelligence.. gone...
>When I receive my monthly dividend interest, and that's only a few 100, I don't start screaming "Oh no these stocks and companies are becoming socialist!!!!" like a fucking glass eating autistic fuck.
>When I receive my monthly dividend interest, and that's only a few 100, I don't start screaming "Oh no these stocks and companies are becoming socialist!!!!" like a fucking glass eating autistic fuck.
Dividends from private industry would of course be capitalism, so not socialism.
If the dividends came from a company that the workers own, because it is a Worker cooperative, then that can be debated as socialism, especially when it is a law that they allow workers to own part of the company.