My dog just died

My dog just died
wat do Cred Forums?

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Eat it

my condolonces, rip fido

sucks, man

i'm sure he was a good doggo and that you did the best for him you could

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eat macaroni and cheese

I'm eating cold ramen and listening to joji
pushing my tears back in my face

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Be strong playboiii

Don’t bottle it up OP. It will be cathartic to cry. Try to get all the feelings out now

If you gave your doggo a good life, then you should take comfort in that.

Bury it and have a proper respectful funeral

I had to put my cat to sleep yesterday. He was only 11. Feels like I lost a kid. Sorry for your loss user

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Sorry to hear it. The death of a loved one isn't easy, and the fact that it kind of gets easier the more it happens is hardly comforting.
But it will get better. It takes a lot of crying for it to get better but it gets better.
You got this.

if you can, hug your doggo tell them they were a good boy/girl.
print whatever pics you have so that dont get lost.

Remember you were doggos whole life and that was all it wanted.

Condolences Cred Forumsro

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2 years ago my cat died, I had him for 18 years. He had a stroke and he lost his memory and his personality and I had no choice, but to get him put down. Losing him was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I knew he was old and he became annoying as hell, but I still loved him and losing him was hard. I am sorry for your loss. It does get easier over time though, it just takes a while.

This. Let it all out now. It'll be for the best

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When you get to the afterlife, bring a doggy treat, animals you cared for in life, protect you in hell

I haven't cried since January of 2018 I ain't gonna start now I'm just gonna drink myself to sleep and dig a grave for her tomorrow

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We love you fren. Stay strong.

Get a new dog(cat) faggot. Call it Dog(nigger)

Burn and smoke da ashes, nigga.

hope u don't get a hangover in the morning user, take care

325 degrees, 15 minutes per pound.

Same. What breed.


thanks user

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About a year and 4 months ago, one of my dogs that I had for almost 13 years had died. She was the sweetest thing. Never barked unless absolutely necessary. Like she would only bark if you had accidentally hurt her or something. Loved to cuddle. One of the best dogs I had ever owned. She was diagnosed with cancer in July of that year. The vet said she had several tumors and that she didn't have much longer to live. The vet said she could eat anything she wanted and used "bacon wrapped cigarettes" as an example to lighten the mood. Those last few months were painful. She would rarely leave her bed and only did so to use the bathroom and eat. On especially rare occasion she would come out and visit with us. Occasionally she would vomit and collapse immediately after and we'd have to help her up. At the very end, on November 16th, 2018, my step dad woke me up and told me she didn't have much longer. I went into my parents room and saw her for the last time. Her gums were pale, she was breathing awkwardly, and she was very clearly on the brink of death. I held her in my arms and at around 7 AM she died. It was a friday. I skipped school that day. We had wrapped her up in her blanket, loaded her body into the back of the car, and we took her to my grandparents' house. We buried her right next to their dog who had passed away about a decade earlier.
I know your pain, brother. I know it all too well. Take your dog and bury them in a nice place. Maybe the backyard they spent most of their life in, maybe someplace else. Just honor the life they lived in any way you can and don't forget them. Sorry for your loss.

Don't worry user, just know that your dog loved you and it knows you loved it. Rest in Peace Goodboy

So funny. We are a nest of lowest form of humanity. But someone’s animal property dies and everyone is so sweet. Don’t know what it says about us. I’m sure it has something to do with inadequate emotional support

Cut off it's head, then stick your dick in the back so it pokes out its mouth like a tongue, then post it.

RIP doggo
I'm sure she was a good one

Sorry for your loss Cred Forumsro

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t. reddit tourist with your instant meta commentary

Remember the good times you had together with him/her and ignore the fags in the replies

give him a proper burial with some flowers

Compare and contrast:

Cred Forums
Cred Forums

piss off with your rating system and maybe contribute something to life that isnt parameters

>Your dog loved you. It always will, now in it's return to the eternal beyond.
>Cherish it's memory and be the person that your dog thought you to be. Take care of yourself because that's what your dog would have wanted.
>Take that love you had for your dog and give it to those who your dog might have deemed deserving. That includes yourself.
We humans, as a whole, are undeserving of all that dogs are and what they offer us. Go be someone worthy of what your dog did for you.

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Your assessment is incorrect. I don’t like dogs. At all. I didn’t expect so many bitchmade sweet boys talking about good boys

Ever listen to his song Medicine? That song always gets me. My deepest condolences, user. I trust you gave them a good life and they loved you more than you know.

Oh no, an angry redditor!

people like dogs because they show affection while not having the same demands a fully developed human would and ignore that the reason these dogs give it up for them is them providing the dogs with food and other comforts. its abusive if you look at the facts.

>newfag wastes satan trips

not what i was getting at, satan, i was talking about you contributing nothing of value
like you did by wasting a nice set of trips

I was trying to curb reddit faggotry through education.
What did you contribute with your post?

in a way i inquired about your motives