How do I hype myself up to commit suicide? I want to do it but I'm too much of a chicken

How do I hype myself up to commit suicide? I want to do it but I'm too much of a chicken.

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but have you tried living to spite this shithole of a universe? It's all the same in the end user

I am completely unable to function in a social setting, my parents are old, and once they're gone I'll have no one left. Plus, I think I'm developing multiple mental illnesses.

It'd be work to acclimate to social interactions, for sure. Thing is, meaning is a paradox of sorts. We all die, everything we do ends up being ultimately meaningless.

But, that also means that
a. all ways of living are equally meaningful
b. you have literally nothing to lose by giving yourself more time

There are resources you can pursue and make use of to get a better handle on things. Bottom line, it's your call

why do you want to do it niggy?

I can't see any way of becoming a functioning human being. There is nowhere to go from here. I'm an ugly worthless excuse of a man. It's either this or I continue to plunge into insanity.
That was kinda gay, but it's how I feel.

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inhale butane

why do you think you can't be functional?. You gotta not put yourself down. I know it's easier said than done, but the world is harsh enough already and if not even you are on your side then who is? you gotta be there to support yourself even if you are a complete mess.

It's only painful for a second

find someone here to do it for you, ez

We're all in the same boat OP, I love you. Just stick around for us. Lots of more epic times to make, especially in your future.

If you’re gonna do it do something BIG before you go that would otherwise have massive consequences

I've calmed down a bit. I think I should check into a mental hospital or something. Is this a good idea?

OP you are going to be fine man :)

Could I just use you as a fucktoy then?

>preemptive apology for my english
Hey user, I've worked for a suicide hotline going on four years. I can tell you that it always gets better user. You are at the worst of it right now, however it's never too late to turn things around.

I encourage you to call your local suicide hotline if you are still having these thoughts, and if you don't have a local one then reach out to the nation number. If you want to remain fully anonymous I'd be willing to talk with you privately however you'd feel comfortable.

I feel the same as op I called a hotline stopped myself but I feel like I'm in the same boat a year later I have a 1911 why can't I pull the trigger

literally just run away and make a new life or smth. suicide is gay.

If you get on the right meds life might be dandy, get help at a hospital or something.

it's super easy to fall into your old habits user, I relapsed 4 times before I managed to fully sober up. You just have to keep fighting, and keep working to make your life and your situation better.

Just know that if you kill yourself there will still be consciousness in this universe and you'll simply experience it from someone else's point of view. who's? nobody knows you could end up worse or better but the odds are for worse. so probably shouldn't kill yourself and just make the best of it.

don't kill yourself rob a bank

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