Look at all these dumb, knuckle dragging, losers

Look at all these dumb, knuckle dragging, losers.

Bernie is gonna curbstomp you niggers so bad you'll never leave the trailer park again.

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Other urls found in this thread:


those red hats are dumb as fuck by the way. Everyone thinks you look retarded in them and laughs at you.

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>Bernie is gonna curbstomp you niggers
I actually agree with this. Democrats are extremely racist towards people of color.

Gotta macro up if you got ideas

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Here's without text

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Bernie won’t even be a candidate come November. The DNC is actively fucking him over again. It’s going to be 2016 all over again.

Nah, they actually agree with Bernie's goals.
But the Barking Pumpkin gives them permission to hate their neighbors, and that makes them feel real good.

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Red pills lead to revolutions lol

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They are white, middle-aged, and scared. They know they've lost, the 1950s is never coming back, ever. So, what do they do? Get angry at...brown people. Not the actual rich fucks in charge of policy (like Donald Trump) who staffs his administration with Jews and lobbyists, but some brown people.

All the more reason for the memeroller

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I read this three times and I have not idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Checked dubs... so close to woke...

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He is trying to say that businessmen making money is the cause of all the problems in the US. Like rich people cause blacks to shoot each other. He is fucking delusional.


You mean people with jobs and pay taxes?

What the hell are you smoking? It is either that or you are legally dead from the neck up.

that's why we're winning right

No body with more than two functional brain cells agrees with Bernie.

supporters of both parties pay taxes.

you're the evidence on why cousins shouldn't marry.

nobody isn't two words.

your party is showing.

>Bernie is gonna curbstomp you niggers so bad you'll never leave the trailer park again.
I'm very happy for you, user.
Now please STFU until maybe August or September.

Bernie is gonna die and were all gonna laugh

Sorry phone posting tonight. Try to type fast and you are bound to screw up.

>muh racist slurs
Keep it up, commie. Stay classy.

i'm a commie for stating everyone pays taxes?
is it late where you are? do you have the bedtime sillies?

Bring it you commie bastard. You need to remember the rednecks living in the woods like me have most of the guns and are about 90% veterans that know how to use them.
14/88 forever

>alone in the woods
FTFY, faggot.

I've already heard this commie talking point IRL, and that was before the IA caucus results were in.

Similar to socialism, you idiots don't know what communism is. Please continue to parade your ignorance by parroting FOX/Breitbart/??? talking points.

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fuck off, not even ghetto niggers on welfare like Bernie. All his supported are poor, young, white, male and have mountains of student debt

Actually, my whole family lives nearby.

They shouldn't marry so they dont produce inbred somali scum like you, faggot

Lol. Bernie doesn’t stand a chance. He’ll be lucky if he’s even primary

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>All his supported are poor, young, white, male and have mountains of student debt

I support bernie and I'm a well-off, young-ish, white male engineer with zero debt whatsoever.

The overwhelming majority of people who support America becoming a civilized country with a proper healthcare system and worker's rights are not self-interested opportunists. They're young working professionals like myself who want a better system, even if that means we have to share our good fortunes with poor white trash like you.

>essentially just mocking the working class

wow you know your thread is shit when you get pulverized by a stonetoss comic

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You have to give the Trumptards a chance to stow away the Biden memes and come up with fresh material for Bernie.

That redneck in the center panel is voting against his own interests. No wonder commie boy is repulsed.

Socialism is just the first step to communism. The only two possible outcomes from embracing it are communism or collapse of the government. Either way it's not good.

also while I'm at it LOL at this secret service agent. way to blend in lieutenant stoneface.

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Bernie doesn't want a civilised America, he wants to open up the borders and bring in inbred, illiterate trash,like yourself, from third world hellholes in Latin America and Africa and subsidise them with taxes paid for by whites.

same. software engineer in the same boat. just want to see a better country with better opportunities for all, and a safety net for those who are struggling to get back on their feet.

really makes me question all those people that claim they love america. how can you love america, if you don't even care what happens to people inside the country you supposedly love.

Does that silly line really need to be debunked a 6000th time? The only people your policies are designed to help are minorities on welfare, illegal immigrants and women/gays who want to file abusive lawsuits. The working class doesn't want "FREE SHIT", they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families, to be proud of who they are instead of some cuck in a bread line. You don't get it, you'll never get it because you haven't worked a day in your life.

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If you care about taking care of your family, you'd support medicare for all, because that way you know no matter what happens to you your family will always have medical insurance AND it will be cheaper. You look at any system vs the US, we pay more and we aren't even ranked as having the best outcomes even though we are paying the most per person. so if you are logical, and want the best for your family, you'd be a fool not to support medicare for all.

Because America wasn't founded to be a welfare nanny state. It was founded so anybody can make if he works hard. All Bernie advocates is robing to ones who produce to give to ignorant lazy fucks.

>Socialism is just the first step to communism.

This is an asinine slippery slope argument and you should feel bad for not realizing how retarded you sound. Maybe democracy is the first step toward anarcho-communism?! If you let people vote, then next they'll be murdering people legally!

Communism as we know it is just State Socialism: the state owns everything, everyone works for the state, the state pays/provides for everyone. In theory it would be nice if everything was perfectly equitable and fair because we citizens control our government through democracy blah blah blah. It inevitably doesn't work because it makes the state absurdly powerful and then some corrupt asshole comes along and it becomes not just state socialism but authoritarian fascist state socialism where everyone still works for the state but all the profits go to a handful of assholes who run the government like a mob.

Bernie and his ilk are not trying to have the state consume all private industry. They are advocating for more oversight of corporations, including Ike's trust-busting, stronger unions, better guarantees of workers' rights, etc. In very narrow industries where capitalism simply does not serve the consumer/citizen, nationalization or municipalization is beneficial. Basically just healthcare, utilities, and arguably education.

God forbid the richest country on earth not have a third-world infant mortality rate, or people dying because they can't afford food or insulin.

Check'd dubs

I dont see why you're complaining. You seem to stand the most to gain in that senario.

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If I want the best for my family, it means voting for real jobs so I can afford to support them, not vote for handouts.

Nope all the money would go to the niggers and spics he plans to let in

Communism and socialism are, by definition, nearly the same concept. Also, your bearded god Karl Marx states in the “Communist Manifesto” that socialism directly leads to communism.

Stronger unions= more communist control of the workers.
Yes he does want state control of business, otherwise he wouldn't be against people earning their own way.

>illiterate trash, like yourself...

Weird, my bachelor's in biomedical engineering and my career as a process engineer at a company you've probably heard of seem to contradict your fragile narrative.

I used to work on the floor of our factory as a low-level "operator," which is a position you can get with a GED. All of my laziest trainees were white guys. All of this concern trolling about the possibility of letting in a bunch of freeloaders is abject projection. Are they freeloaders or are they going to take your jobs? Deep down you know it's the latter, and it's not because they'll work for less, but because employers would rather hire a hard-working brown guy than a lazy NEET.

I'm not in favor of open borders, but I am in favor of easy immigration: if you can speak English half-well, pass the citizenship test that you, NEET, would likely fail, and pass a background check that rules out any connection to organized crime, you should be able to get a green card. Our economy needs people to prosper, and young generations aren't having kids because the GOP fucked the economy for short term gains.

Oh boy. You need some new material.

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How do I gain by the government taking 80% of my check to support lazy niggers and illegals?

They are free loaders because statistics. White men are the only tax positive demographic in the country.

>Stronger unions= more communist control of the workers.
>Yes he does want state control of business, otherwise he wouldn't be against people earning their own way.

This is just retarded. You are retarded. How does stronger worker organization (ie: unions) lead to the state owning your company (ie: communism)?

I know nuance is hard for GOP voters, but Karl Marx's idea of communism and the USSR's idea of communism are not at all the same. The USSR and other "communist" countries employed authoritarian state socialism, while Marx's communism is a hippy dippy post-scarcity dream society where no one wants for anything and everyone shares everything. I'm not sure a post-scarcity society is actually possible outside of some science fiction singularity sort of situation.

Anyway, long story short: having workers own or benefit more from the fruits of their labor absolutely does not in any way lead to communism (ie: authoritarian state socialism), and all of Western Europe proves it.

Why are Trump supporters so uneducated?

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>because statistics

Huh, I don't see any statistics. Where are your sources? GOP voters lie about literally everything, so: no stats; no argument.

Is your desk too high? Is that why the joke went over your head?

More of your money is going to billionaires and they're not even getting the burgers flipped or the gas delivered. You'd be much better off funding the friends you so callously mock.

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Because unions are communist organizations that hand power to the government. A real man shouldn't need the government to baby him like a child but should work to make his own way. All a union does is steal (dues) from the worker to push their communist agenda. I have never and will never be a part of a union or any other communist organization.



Those billionaires are the ones starting companies so my friends can have jobs and make their own way too.

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Rather that than giving money to a boss who doesn't give any to the government.

>Because unions are communist organizations that hand power to the government. A real man shouldn't need the government to baby him like a child but should work to make his own way. All a union does is steal (dues) from the worker to push their communist agenda. I have never and will never be a part of a union or any other communist organization.

Yep. Definitely retarded.

Unions "steal" dues so that they can fund organization (ads, lawyers, bean counters, etc.) which inevitably results in higher pay and better benefits for their members. I work at a factory in the South: all the guys that work in my factory who come from union-friendly Northern states dearly miss their unions. All the guys who hate the idea of unions have never been in one.

Unions are not communism. I don't even know where the fuck that talking point came from? How does workers organizing involve the government in any way? If the workers don't have power, the people with power are the factory owners.

Wow it's almost like a candidate running in a field of many will inevitably get fewer votes than a candidate running a field of two. Who'd have thought?!

So, what are you gonna do, just load up and start shooting randos? You'll get flatlined in about 1488 seconds, dipshit. Nobody ever seems to understand, while most people have a political opinion, it does not drive every aspect of their lives. No SWAT team is gonna ask for your voters card and be like "Oh, a Trump supporter! Go ahead, then!"

When the workers put their own money on the line building the factories, buying the machines and materials and paying for all the power and other utilities, then and only then are they entitled to control of the company and it's profits.

Look we get it. Investing in uber is basically philanthropy at this point. But we all how that money's gonna get spent in the coming years.

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Lol dipshit that's what they do everytime profits gained on the backs of their labor are extracted to maintain the facilities and grow the business.

You're repeating yourself. Who'd have thought?

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>When the workers put their own money on the line building the factories, buying the machines and materials and paying for all the power and other utilities, then and only then are they entitled to control of the company and it's profits.

Wow you really are a colossal fucking idiot. Workers ARE putting their own PRODUCTIVITY on the line building the factories, buying the machines and materials, and paying for all the power and other utilities. Workers generate revenue, revenue is used to pay profits and investments in capitol and labor. Right now, profits are being paid disproportionately to the owners and investors. All the GOP/Trump tax cut prompted was a shit load of stock buybacks which directly benefit the ownership class but neither grow companies through investment or benefit workers through higher pay.

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I don't need someone else to "negotiate" better wages for me. If I can't produce enough value for the company to want to pay me more, I should look for a different job. The unions also find all sorts of causes that I don't believe in and don't want my money supporting. or abortion, gun control and more government control of education. If you force worker to pay dues to support things they don't believe in, that is theft.

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I don't get it, how do you not think you are making yourself look stupid with comments like this?

Oh sorry, did you not get called a retard, yet? My bad. It should have happened sooner with how retarded you act. Will act respond quicker next time.

Right fails to meme once again.

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I guess you'll have to go back a hundred years and fix the Great Depression before it happened to halt the social agenda. Truth is, the President doesn't do all that much. They steer the ship, and about 90% of their efforts fail. But they can make a big difference in what we do with tax money. It's already being taken, and it's being used poorly on pointless projects. Trump goes on about coal, yet the new boom is solar and wind, which he shits on endlessly. If we want to compete, we need to take that wind and solar from the 8% (?) it currently provides and increase it a shitload, because the future is increasingly electric. New factories are increasingly electric, new houses are increasingly electric, cars are increasingly electric. This country has bigger responsibilities than holding the hands of 50k coal miners when we're talking about millions of futuristic, well-paying jobs.

lol how pathetic

But they don't put up the money upfront like the business owner does. They work and they get paid for it. If the owner didn't make any profit he would not put his money up in the first place. The only way to get to the point you are talking about is if someone (government) seizes the money to create the factory.

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Yes, we all know how pathetic you are. Your parents especially

Real jobs are modern jobs, which I just explained. Building solar and wind installations is the new backbone of the American economy.

you will all bow to out King and Leader, Donald Trump! 4 more years!!!!!

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By sheer numbers, whites take the majority of welfare.

I guess you're hoping to return to the times of The Company Town, where you slave in a coal mine to be paid in Company Scrip to spend at The Company Store.

Everything the GOP has done since Nixon is an effort to claw back the rights we tore from the clutches of the rich with the New Deal. Now millions of idiots vote against their own interests.

Listen here niggerfaggot I'll check your dubs but you gotta understand it's not about how much value you add to the company but how much the company values you. I get what your saying though. You run into a "who watches the watchmen" scenario where you figure you'll always be arguing with someone might aswell keep more of your scratch since you'll probably get a raise anyway. Honestly, in the world of the gig economy I think we can do smaller forms of collective action instead of active bodies that need to be sustained. You can't bust a union if they're constantly being formed and dispersed.

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'member this?


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>It'll be cheaper

None of the current suggestions are even financially tenable, Obamacare basically failed. What are you even talking about? Time to accept that AOC has ruined Bernie, she's using him as a springboard for his own career. Meanwhile, if he did win the DNC would go the way Labour is going now, breaking in pieces because only "the SJW percentage" are actually commies. SJW percentage varies with how extreme the proposal is but I've never seen it go higher than 24% of people, so at best you're half the party. And even then not really, more like the upstart 1/3rd who's shitting in everyone else's swing district rice krispies, so yeah, you're definitely not getting the senate, didn't even keep track of how many housies you fucked over with impeachment but probably plenty.

your proposals are fake meme horseshit and you're politically doomed in 2020. also it's the DNC who thinks a woman can't get elected, not Bernie, shame on you fuckers for that even if I don't want him. did you see that debate moderator shithead pop this guy with a "so, why do you beat your wife?". y'all ain't even get along with each other lol.

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That's more of a school shooter face

The problem is not that they're getting compensated but how much they're getting compensated. It's a heap problem dude

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>unironically calls CNN "fake news"
>unironically posts data from "voxday.blogspot"

Solar and wind can't compete with oil, gas and coal without subsidies. That is how Obama was creating all those green energy jobs, by taking from the oil and gas producers and dumping into things that can't compete and are not as efficient.

To be fair, CNN is garbage. They play the Both Sides shit for money and toe the corporate messaging line. Everything you need to know about CNN can be learned from watching that clip of Jon Stewart going on CrossFire a decade ago.

>from that famous news website,
>"Law & Crime, A Dan Abrams Production"

lol you guys suck so bad at this!

I worked ten years in a union, they didn't do shit for me. It was mostly an organization that supported local politics. When I left the Union, I made about 20% more. Also, I mostly lean left, so save your insults. I'm just saying Unions are a racket.

>Everything you need to know about CNN
>a decade ago
uh huh

>When I left the Union, I made about 20% more

Its a free country, you have the option to NOT take the job.

The New Deal was the lefts first steps down the communist/socialist path. For over 150 years we did extremely well without the nanny state. All it did was make the lazy and weak minded dependant on the government.

you are a caricature of an idiot

Fossil fuel industry receives subsidies, too, and using government money to push toward better technologies is not a misuse of money. Subsidies are a thing for a reason: sometimes you want to put your thumb on the scale to speed adoption of new, but expensive, tech. Costs always come down eventually, and a government may think it's beneficial for society if people have, say, cleaner air and water.

If fossil fuels were subject to a Pigovian tax to accurately reflect the negative externalities of those industries, renewables would be more than competitive. Renewables are already nearly competitive. If an industry can effectively make us all pay for cheap fuel in the form of medical bills, they're effectively being subsidized by society already.

>Obamacare basically failed

Because key features were struck down in lawsuits. No public option, not every state expanded medicaid, no individual mandate. You can't fuck up a new system on purpose, then point to its failure as evidence in your argument.

We pay TWICE AS MUCH as an average country with nationalized healthcare. Once in taxes, and once in private money. Our system is the dumbest possible system, except for the GOP system where poor people just die.

Same with corn and cheese but you're not up in arms about that.

Cant wait for even more free neet bux from you, double nigger

Did you forget what testosterone does to the male body already? Christ are all you faggots just egg shaped?

I'm fine with people making risky investments and becoming ridiculously rich. I'm not fine with people making risky investments and then becoming so absurdly wealthy that they can buy politicians, and then use their power and wealth to exploit thousands of workers. America let the rich buy the government, and now we're more productive than ever and poorer than in recent memory. For the first time in American history, life expectancy has fallen.

And yet there is no way to make solar and wind produce as much energy. It is physically impossible. Yes they are good at small scale production, but not large scale like is needed to run industry.

I live in an area with gas wells, and lots of them. But if you look at the mountains, you'll see a lot of windmills. They don't put up windmills in gas country if they're not profitable.
>chart related. Wind went from about 1% in 2006 to 6% in 2016. Wind and solar are the only ones going UP. If you know anything about energy, you have to consider the trends in tapping that source. These are not stupid people, and bringing Obama into it is fucking idiotic.

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Oddly enough in part because a lotta these "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" people keep killing themselves or getting addicted to opioids and overdosing. Saw it happen to two family friends just a few months ago.

That's where the nuclear kicks in

No. The company moved. The new workplace was not a unionized workplace. And I made a lot more money.

We have the most advanced medicine in the world. Is that not in your equation?

Wind and solar can produce plenty of energy. The technological problems facing that industry have nothing to do with amount of energy but more to do with distribution and storage of that energy. Again: it's a problem that, if you think the cause is worthy, can be solved with a little help from Uncle Sam. Faster adoption of renewables means a cleaner, cooler Earth.

>We have the most advanced medicine in the world

And yet poor people can't afford insulin.

Other countries also have advanced medicine. People fly to other countries for treatments they can't get here, and they pay less than their copays. No one in England is dying because they can't afford insulin.

That's not exactly accurate. In fact, most big breakthroughs happen through government grants. Plus every first world country has amazingly advanced medicine.

I live in the area that produces the most natural gas and is one of the windyest places on Earth, and yes they are putting up a lot of windmills. Even though they cover large swaths of the panhandle they don't even produce enough energy to light Amarillo. And yes Obama is relevant because he is the one who started the big push for green energy.

Wrong. It is not a matter of scale. It is a matter of new installation. When companies build new factories, they don't use antiquated energy. Factories from the mid-century had coal come by train, it was part of the factory design and how they decided on the location. Factories have a lifespan. Nobody builds new factories with coal in mind, they'd get laughed at. (but they do get a secondary energy source, usually NG piped in, in the event they have to take the transformers offline or something unpredictable happens).

Agreed. If we would be better about the waste. I am all for loading on rockets and shooting to the sun.

And here we go with the climate change bullshit. The climate is going to go on it's cycle no matter what we do. We don't have enough of a measurable impact on it to make a difference.

That's super expensive though. They're getting pretty good at recycling that shit.

>I live in the area that produces the most natural gas and is one of the windyest places on Earth, and yes they are putting up a lot of windmills.
Then you are arguing with yourself. There are also politics at play, because the land producing NG is not played out and therefore a lot of people stand to lose a lot of money if wind power happens too rapidly. Obama is not relevant, because the cost-per-watt is dropping drastically, and he doesn't dictate private companies create new technology. Corporations take the risk, build the structures, and lay the lines, and make the profit. The government doesn't do that. He also didn't "start the push", Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the roof of the white house. This technology has been around for decades, but it was cost prohibitive. It's getting cheaper by the minute.

The people who disagree with you:

97%+ of climateologists
The governments of literally every other country on Earth
The United States Department of Defense
and last but not least: the big players in the fossil fuel industry, who hired scientists to look into this shit 40+ years ago.

You're an idiot.

But scale is the problem when it can't produce enough to run the factory. To run a city you would need a solar array or wind farm 10 to 15 times the size of the city. It is just not feasible.

They don't recycle it. They stick it in holes in ground and hope the containers don't leak. The current place is some caverns in New Mexico.

the earth is flat too!

Just like like they all agree every 20 years that the earth has less that 20 years before it becomes uninhabitable. It is a scam to get people on board with their agenda, so they control more and more of people's lives.

You have a powerful imagination OP

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There is a thing called "baseload". This is the minimum a city or factory takes when operating normally, factoring in temperature and some other stuff. They then take a percentage of that, and introduce wind/solar/hydro power. If those renewable energies provide 10%, that means NG is now only responsible for providing the 90%. Not the 100 it once provided. As time goes on, they add more renewable. It doesn't happen all at once, it gets more efficient, and it gets cheaper to construct. These are legit jobs that will in the future surpass coal and take a big bite out of oil. Oil will probably never stop in our lifetimes, but it will be less in demand. There is also privately owned solar that is applicable to install on every house in the south. All of that takes little bites out of gas and oil. Lastly, there are energy credits. There are energy traders who spend all day trading energy around the country. Not the physical energy, just the dollar value. This allows a city like NYC to buy into energy created in Arizona and benefit from the investment, making their own energy cheaper. More players, more wind farms.

Wow it sure is weird how so many hundreds of millions of people are in on the same scam.

This is more or less correct. Imagine if we only had to fire up natural gas turbines at the coldest times in winter and the hottest times in summer. Many localities with concentrated populations are making pledges to achieve some high percent renewable in the next decade or two. We may also one day be able to supplant even peak demand with storage in batteries, hydrogen, etc.

It's also Out There, but I haven't given up on fusion. There's currently a massive reactor under construction by ITER that could demonstrate a productive reactor, which could then be refitted to actually be a power plant. Maybe next century we'll be mining the oceans for lithium and deuterium.

>Imagine if we only had to fire up natural gas turbines at the coldest times in winter and the hottest times in summer.
Thats the point. In fact, as urban areas get bigger, these peak demands also get bigger. Its an unsustainable model, because shortages happen during peak loads. Adding renewable energy allows old systems to last longer without major improvement caused by excessive demand. The real problem is the people in those workforces who don't want to retrain for different industries, and the luddites who are emotionally attached to cars that go VROOM VROOM. And of course, the political power of the people who are the majority owners of petroleum supply companies, who don't want to stop making big dolla bills.

also func fack 1/20 trump voters are future schoolshooters

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God Bless America, God Bless Our President... :)

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over a billion people in on the scam called islam... your point faggot?

More promotion of the left right paradigm control matrix.
>You're in control, just shut up and vote!
>Drink your fluoride & let T.V. program you Dumb Goy!

I remember when I was an angry indoctrinated high school kid. Once you graduate and get a job (if your lazy ass ever chooses to) you wont appreciate Bernie ripping the paycheck from your hands and giving it to others who dont want to work.

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Avoided questions for 11 hours
Destroyed evidence and recorded her breaking her phone/devices used to send emails outside of a government secure server (which is illegal for many reasons.)

Don’t be disingenuous cuckboy

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Collective iq of abiut 62.

but none of what you said is true


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Left can't even troll properly. Sad. Many such cases!

Trump's re-election this year, is going to cause the 'Reeeee!' heard 'round the world, when all the collective Leftists/Liberals/Democrats lose whatever it is they call their minds...

It's going to be epic.

He's one good ass 'pankin away from homicide

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I’m just excited to see the looney left get triggered again. All this hard work just forTrump to win again? Ouch


dead eyes in the red hoodie is really skeeving me out

No he just pissed he has the old hat

Future school shooter.

no user, thats the black on black crime rate in chicago town.

>barking pumpkin
I know that making up pet names for trump is a coping mechanism, but that shit was actually funny.

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Man you trump fag posters get triggered easy lol

great img. owo saved

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i'd fuck her, but yeah it's rigged. i'm a bernie bro and i have no problem stating that the republicans were trying their best to deny trump the nomination too. he does what they want but he embarrasses them on tv and twitter

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The reality is, most PEOPLE go with their feelings, not logic.
The difference seems to be what those feelings are.
The left, in a nutshell, is ok with some people abusing the system as long as that system provides help to those who truly need it.
The right, in a nutshell, is ok with people who truly need help being deprived of it, as long as those they don't approve of cannot benefit from it.
The leftist feels good helping his fellow man.
The rightist feels good by making people he doesn't like suffer.

Example, a common opinion shared by people on the right: Forgiving student loan debts would be a slap in the face to those who paid theirs off
So, in other words "People having easier than I did makes me feel bad. Do not hurt my feelings. Younger generations should have it just as hard as I did"
Isn't making life easier with more opportunities for future generations kind of the point?
We should stifle human progress because... it makes you feel bad?
But no, its the left who are snowflakes with soft feelsies.

>having common sense worker protections is a slippery slope to communism
but having any sort of market competition is not a slippery slope to total corporate feudalism? mixed market systems work best, this is a fact, accept reality.

not triggered, i just come here to remind myself to vote for trump from reading your shitposts

left or right, boomers can't meme

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>needs to be told who to vote for
>cannot remember on his own
>is apparently very intelligent and not triggered

nigger faggot

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just like you demoshits, can't make an informed decision without the hive mind.

>no u
poor thing, he's getting worse

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>Actually, my whole family lives nearby.
same trailer, family "tree" does not fork.

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dont be so mad bro, i already know who im voting for.
you still need to figure out who your 2020 loser is going to be from the dem shitshow that it is. either a socialist, guy who doesnt know where he is, or a guy who takes it up the ass. you should vote for the guy who takes it up the ass since thats what you identify with.

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>facebook memes
i'm not your bro, sir

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dumbfuck, it CAN be both.
But please explain how OP's picture of a white kid at a trump rally got you to black crime in Chicago.

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here's your reminder today ok? vote for trump. you want me to remind you tomorrow too sweetie?

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>admits he can't think
>has 'thoughts' about his opponents
>unsurprisingly he 'thinks' they are him

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Were already paying for the healthcare and education. He just wants to cut the insurance companies and lenders out of the picture. Student loan lenders borrow that money from the fed (and will expect a bailout when the market tanks and even more people are in default) they then lend that money that they borrow from the fed at a fraction of 1%APR to the borrower at 6%. So it sounds like you don’t mind free shit when it’s wealthy investors getting it...

It’s the system they have in place where they make all the money.. it works better for us when it’s more evenly rounded

Robert Reich and Noam Chomsky both seem pretty bright to me

For some reason the guys constantly screeching about the Jews loooooove paying interest and middle men

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>shit that already works everywhere else is magic
A single-payer Medicare for All system would reduce the amount the U.S. spends on health care by more than $2 trillion, a Koch brothers-funded study released Monday found.

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Five rich people having all the power/money makes poor people desperate and desperate people are violent people. 100% correct and based.

>no argument even attempted

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Because he’s not being realistic. All the shit he promises, won’t happen.
Just make sure he has a good VP because the stress of realizing he’s just another liar in the White House might be to much for him to take.

Europoor at it again

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Yeah lol emotions are normal, Ted Bundy

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Doesn't Bernie have like 4 houses, 2mil in the bank and like 6 Mercedes? All from"helping the poor guy out" huh?

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What is the difference between 2 million dollars and a billion dollars?

About a billion dollars.

Countries with Highest Standard of Living Country 1. Norway 2. Sweden 3. Canada 4. Belgium 5. Australia 6. United States 7. Iceland 8. Netherlands 9. Japan 10.

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Stop being racist and hurting niggers feelings.
They have feelings too

Dude this extra one percent tax is killing me. I can't even buy two new BMWs this month. I have to wait and get three next month.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

he has 2 houses he bought and 1 he inherited, and his entire net worth is about as much as trump's dad spent on poker chips before walking out to save his son's failed "give me money for free" business

thats why people from other countries are literally on waiting lists to have surgeries, come here!
Or the answer to a little girl in the uk, who with a simple surgery could of had 1 of her legs that was longer than the other fixed, instead, they said it was cheaper just to cut off her leg!

Stay irrelevant.

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On Sunday, 60% of all the power made in Germany was only from wind turbines. That's called competing.

>campaigning against trump is selling out
>doesn't know that selling out requires a transaction
>wall street shit because pure fabrication is fine
take it back to facebook where people might be stupid enough to fall for this lol

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This is not a thing. Nobody outside the US goes there for anything other than poverty tourism.

>self image is a colorful gay bear with a food fetish
aight nigga but europeans still have a higher standard of living than you

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Gtfo europoor.

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>learns that ameripoor is the actual reality
>posts image about america having the biggest military
>Gtfo europoor

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>no argument
>cringe meme
>i got nothing
your poor pathetic creature, this shit is as bad as the drumpf meme

You should be kissing our American feet.

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What are you even doing man. Assess your life.

Post a time-stamped pic of your pathetic lair.

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Who said I was a Trump supporter?
You are literally dumb, 100 million sperm and you're the one that got through?!?
You've been cheated, Id ask my mom for a refund.
Looks like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mommas ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.
Shit, now I know why you mad!

>country has lower standard of living than europe
>feels superior anyway

>when you have a lower standard of living but brag about the liberal hollywood elites

Cope, europoor.

Attached: AC140BBB-088E-4B64-89F4-5823106A2FF4.jpg (750x352, 78K)

>Who said I was a Trump supporter?
i said your cringey meme was as bad as another political meme. ask your elementary school for your mother's money back they failed to teach you reading comprehension

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y'all going to be crying in yalls vegan salads when Trump wins again. haha. fucking loser as libtards.

>cope with having a higher standard of living

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>on American website
Kys europoor. Bow down to your american daddies

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Vegan salads... Epic


Bernies gonna get cucked by the dnc again and trump will win like last time

Quit coping like you don’t know this

>now knows that americans have lower standard of living
>desperately clinging to europoor meme like a security blanket
>replies devoid of substance and heavy on homoeroticism

Attached: 8_big.jpg (800x1200, 101K)

Nobody wants to live in a third world shith0le, hon. There's a reason Merica is the greatest, land of the free.

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Dubs of truth

>now knows that europeans enjoy a higher standard of living than americans
>Nobody wants to live in a third world shith0le, hon
>replies devoid of substance and heavy on homoeroticism
you do lol


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Look how mad they get, LMAO! Europoors so easy

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Europe: I have a higher standard of living than you do.
America: I don't think

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>has to declare that the people making fun of them are mad

Attached: Trollface.png (755x1255, 44K)

>Europoors pretending their shithole is a nice place to live
Poor thing. One day you can move to bit America.

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>And yet poor people can't afford insulin.

well if they can't afford it they should die
i don't want to pay for it

the irony

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>America wasn't founded to be a welfare nanny state
The founding fathers rebelled against the crown because they were not being taken care of by their government and thought they could do it better. America was literally founded to be state that cared about the welfare of its citizens.

They believed that universal public education was the only way for democracy to work, because it required an educated electorate.
Wish we had one of those right about now.

Dirty fuckers.

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>if people can't afford a jacked up price on cheap to make medicine they deserve to die
i really want bernie to win so can you go around saying this to everyone you know please?

Open borders, that’s why.

Even if we shut them air tight right now, we have 30 to 60 million illegals already here.

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We're far too powerful. I wouldn't be needed.

We all saw how Bernie handles niggers when he stood back quivering while a pair of baboons kicked him off the mic.

>pretends any candidates support open borders
>ignores that trumps support for the drug war and coups in latin america is the opposite of how you address high immigration

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Without unions we would have 80 hour work weeks, no weekends, and even shittier pay than we have now. We need more unions, sometimes it's worth to pay a little extra so you have the power to demand more pay overall. But that would require foresight which you clearly lack.

Just like Trump does around Putin, right?

Except they don't actually start companies, they just save their money and spend it on luxuries for themselves. Trickle-down economics is a joke.

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Pay for your fair share of defense, free rider.

No, we have labor laws now that prevent that crap. Unions had their place before those laws existed. Now unions are just legal extortion.

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>spending trillions on bombing civilians in shithole countries that didn't attack us is defense

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Stfu foreign retard. Why the fuck are you even here?

You’re so fucking wrong about this. I’ve been in the railroad industry for 15 years and in that time I’ve worked at both union and non union railroads. The pay/benefits/quality of life is much much better at the union railroads. I pay $100/mo in union dues to earn literally and extra $50k a year.

>can't make even a basic argument for false beliefs
i almost feel bad for you

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ok nigel

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Extortion from who? The workers? Nah my dude. Unions level the paying field a bit between workers and the company they’re working for. Strength in numbers. But your mind has already been made up for you by the propaganda machine.

>can't even think of a bad argument
>people smarter than me making me look retarded are just jealous

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Time to stop obsessing about America, nigel.

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>gets called out for inability to defend false beliefs
>begs to be left alone in ignorance
i came here to curb stomp retards and chew bubblegum, and i'm all out of gum

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You realize you're the one getting fucked right? You're the one taking the pay hit you're the one paying the higher taxes for everyone else. You can't seriously propose a tax reform like this and not expect hysteria in droves. If I was ever even gunna consider him k would need an ANY fucking plan he has to achieve this. Which he doesn't have one and won't

>baaaaw go away dis my secwet fort

>would rather pay several times as much to a private corporation so it benefits only the 1 percent
talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face

You say 'getting fucked' I say 'acting ethically'.
>be more selfish like me

He has a plan and it's on his website and it's perfectly reasonable. You don't know what it is because you're ignorant not because it doesn't exist.

>cutting off your nose to spite your face
That's the right's motto.