Be me

>Be me.
>Make 500k a month on Twitch.
>Leave Twitch for Mixer for $20 million.
>Could have earned the same amount in 3 years and 4 months staying with Twitch.
>Mixer has 40-50k average concurrent viewers at any given time as compared to 1.5 million on Twitch.
>How bad did I fuck up?

Attached: ninja.jpg (460x374, 28K)

I would've done the same thing. You're talking a promised amount for streaming versus what you might get. He can stay with mixer and still make money regardless of his view count. Why wouldn't anyone want that?

20 million user

youre assuming it will stay at 500k a month for over 3 years? rather than take 20 million and be rich no matter how many viewers you have. ninja is past his "prime"

I came here to say OP is a faggot, but that Dr Disrespect video had some very good insight. Also I think Ninja knows he wont be relevant on either platform once his contract is over. He is skilled at fps games but personality wise he has nothing to offer and is just really loud.

Don't forget to sub to all your favorite titty streamers you faggot OP, mind your business.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
It's first grade wisdom you moron.

OP here. Yes am fag. Can't deny.
But selling out isn't always worth it.
YouTube sold to Google for $1.65 billion.
YouTube is now worth $165 billion.
Yes, $1.65 billion is a lot of money, and so is $20 million. But does that make selling out worth it?

Attached: ninja.jpg (640x360, 15K)

Alphabet loses 2 billion dollars a year on YouTube. The original owners wanted money not debt. Google can manage because the data is worth the financial lose.

>Alphabet loses 2bil a year

I'd fucking sell out any day of the week for 20mil and your a lying fuck if you said otherwise.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to retire in my 20's. 20 mil would do the trick. But if I was making a mil every two months, I might be hesitant to accept such an offer.

YouTube announced profits for the first time this report, and included fiscal 2019, which was $15 billion. If they stay on this trajectory, 2020 should be almost $20 billion.

I guess it was his personal decision to do so. Just like you decide to post on 4 chan.

U didnt fuck up. U dont know if fortnite Will Last 3-4 years and you dont know if you Will make 500k a month. U still have YouTube and u can coppystrike the retards that make compilations with you in them.

Didnt game theory do a video on this? Basically explaining that with the mixer deal he got stability which he didnt have on twitch


I'm sure he has much better insight into his finances and fanbase than your non millionaire ass.

You fucking jelly

Is this a mixer employee trying to pretend they didn't almost run themselves bankrupt on the ninja deal

The absolute state of gaming after watching 30 seconds of autism: the video.

He's going down in popularity as his gig expires. He's seen as a joke by pretty much everybody. He made the best choice for his situation. If he IS popular enough as you say, he'll be fine and his fan base will all follow, increasing the site's total viewers.

Literal fucking basic common sense, user, c'mon. He literally only stands to gain.

>make 20 million in 3 years 4 months
>make 20 million plus 3 years 4 months of revenue as well

Are you gay? Does your mom know you're gay?

Game Theory is a joke now.

yeah same. eventually people get old and you cant sell the young hip faggot look with white hair. I would have left too

Game theory has been cringe af for years dude

Streamers don't have long careers. No way this guy has more than 3.5 years left in his career at 500k/mo

Not gay but $20 million is $20 million.

Honestly though, I've followed streamers throughout the years. They've stayed relevant throughout the years and through the different games they play. If they have a good fanbase, they will continue to be relevant.

I feel like Ninja could have just said FU to Mixer and had just as much money if not more in the long run.

Do you... know how math works? At all?
Agreed. Maybe even more than OP.