The right wing is literally triggered by a little girl

>The right wing is literally triggered by a little girl
I thought they were meant to be the cool, hardcore ones.
What changed?

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I'm anti climate

I wana throat fuck Greta until my cock is sore and her throat is bleeding

gotta feel bad for a girl with mental disabilities being paraded around by her parents.

they're pedos now and want to hatefuck her

Because they are insecure and easily threatened, same way they obsess over AOC while also jerking off to deepfakes of her.

Using a FAS girl to peddle that bullshit is sad.

how is it you guys are always parading around literal retards?

it obviously goes both ways, they is no party of sense and reason.
However I don't believe climate change should be a political issue. To make a scientific fact into political opinion is dumb.

This guy nailed it.
Using mentally deficient kids to promote an agenda is wrong

She is attractive I would love to see her at 18

Yeah it is, but denying scientific consensus is even stupider.
I don't like her and all the bleeding heart airheads who swoon over her, but climate change shouldn't be made into a matter of political opinion.
That's the playground of evil politicians in the pocket of big business.

I agree

Present proof it is not natural.
these cycles have been played before We are along for a ride.

Get educated first and stop cherrypicking articles on the topic. (There's plenty of them supporting climate change)

Are you a flat earther too? it's the way people are able to cherrypick facts.

What, is NASA in the pocket of somebody?

The smile of a child enraged the left. How sad. Being angry at a smiling little boy

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Just goes to show that EVERYONE is fucking retarded when it comes to politics

And that one was a fucking retarded situation for all involved

And none of you have any proof
just useless rhetoric.


great counter argument bub.

The right wing triggers whenever anyone who isnt an inbred pedophile christian male speaks.

solid numbers champ

The "right" are insecure little snowflakes


>right wing - cool, hardcore ones

your preconceptions are false.

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okay, no this is /thread and kek

The right are dedicated to your freedoms as given by the constitution fight for the

Foolish to think only the right wing dislike her.

It's a popular misconception that those in power are qualified beyond what anyone else is.
They're the same idiots you sat next to in school, they're not an elite extra-special branch of humanity bred to rule.
So of course they're triggered by the most idiotic stuff, every political party has an abundance of easily flustered, selfish idiots.
But you voted them in, you're to blame for the state of things - Greta is just a symptom.

Pic unrelate

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her 15 minutes of fame is over. it's about the corona virus now.

Nice quads.
Also, have you noticed how something big and ugly always rears up whenever there's an election at hand?


You like jerking it to Eco girls, Don't you OP?

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anyone have or make any tributes of her?

Keep chugging the Kool Aid

>Responds to a post with proof
>'not proof reeeee'

what the fuck are you even talking about?

Dunno, found it on the internets.

You always tell me I'm being triggered but the only thing triggering is a child being used like an action figure by her weird artist parents. You realize they basically tried to make her life into a movie with the climate trip? And now it never ends for her, she's in demand among leftist pedophiles and easily manipulated half-wits. Yeah I guess child abuse is pretty triggering to uh...normal people.

What doesn't help is the fact I understand your science, nothing too visible will happen for quite a while, despite your attempts to make extreme weather or normal natural disasters into a climate issue. Australia was particularly bad, you couldn't stop your radicals from memeing about how the Aboriginals have their own bush fire strategy and they should use it. But all that does is tell everyone is that Australia has been catching fire in the summer for thousands of years because it's a piece of extreme geography. The fact that generally fits with the agressive ecology of Australia doesn't sell well, people who deal with dust storms who blot out the sun and redback spiders biting their dick when they sit down to shit dealing with being California for 10 minutes ain't shit. All that actually happened is environmentalists waylaid them on doing controlled burns they had done for like 80 years. How climate change affected that was only shortening the winter giving them a week or two less to do it in.

Climate change is slow but Greta's political needs are immediate. She'll look like a faker in a 5-10 years when the world fails to end and instead just slightly shittier. Memeing it up now wasn't a great idea, using a giant think of the children fallacy given human form is an even worse idea. If anything you're helping people take it less seriously to help a couple of artsy fartsy Swedes turn their daughter into the next Macauly Culkin. And steal just as much of her money. Macauly Culkin, the kid from Home Alone actually worked at Subway for like 8 years lol.

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everything is purely coincidental

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Yes, there's always a virus doing its thing somewhere in the world - it just gets heavy media coverage whenever something important political is happening. When a big decision which will inconvienience millions is to be made, it's best if said millions are busy fretting over something else.

this kills the thread.

Rocco's young anal adventures


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nothing changed
they were always whiny cucks who insisted everyone else was

>scientific "fact"
fell for the meme kid

The climate is always going to change asshole. Best part is you couldn't change it even if you wanted to. Also no on complains about nice weather, Nigger.

>left: does something stupid
>right: fuck off idiot

>literally posts a link to a .gov site
>"NASAs not in anyones pocket gius, trust me!"

>earth literally heading towards new ice age, like it has cycled many times before
>"must gibs more money and pwer to guvment to cure weather!"
fucking tards - it's like you fuckers WANT a boot heel on your throat


No its that she's a dumb nigger

>right wing
>cool, hardcore
Riiight ... remember this little bitch?

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>posts supreme court judge having his life wrecked in front of the country over false accusations
nigger - id have been a lot more emotional and homicidal than he was.

Pretty much this.

You get literally triggered when someone uses the word faggot.

I feel like you're just one person spamming anti Trump shit

Trump is the ultimate Jew shill, you niggerloving kike faggot.

She was chosen to be popular because she is a girl. She’s literally autistic. A lot of what she says doesn’t make sense and is just laughable. She should be going to China and India and telling them to stop doing all the polluting. But she won’t. Last time there was a strong outspoken female in India all the men raped her and beat her and burned her alive. China wouldn’t even allow her to speak. She isn’t actually doing anything except being a whining little bitch who is fed speeches by her rich and famous parents.

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Please look up the definition of pedophilia before you use it in a sentence.

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Who is she?

>disagree with a point of view
>opposite side uses 16 year old girl who looks 10
>you calmy dispute what she says
>point out she is a hypocrite
>point out she never has a solution or alterative
>point out she is literally using fear and misinterpretation of info
>your the triggered one
>the lefts point of using a 16 year old the whole time
>you cant disagree without being triggered or mean

>>The right wing is literally triggered by a little girl

Didn't you guys publicly Hate on a kid for wearing a Red hat and standing up to a crazy native American guy? Your lot is so insane.


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found drumpftard

>I thought they were meant to be the cool, hardcore ones.
>What changed?

Trump happened.

At this moment in time there is only one Republican we cannot prove he has not balls, which is Trump himself, and there is only one who has actually proven that he has giant bull balls (speaking figuratively), who is pic related.

The rest of the Republicans are just so deep into the rabbit whole of their own illegal stuff that they have no other means but to duck and cower behind Trump.

These are very sad times.

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>implying there was something to counter to begin with

go kill yourself dumbfuck

>a little girl is an authority on climate science.


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>The left wing pedophiles are using a little girl to brainwash the masses about bullshit they inherently know is false.

Lmfao ppl actually defending a kike shill jew nazi Gretta. Leftist are pedos and they'll be the first to go when they cause ww3

l had a dream about her trying to get me to stab her with a knife so she could tell the UN

>The right wing is literally triggered by a little girl
>I thought they were meant to be the cool, hardcore ones.
We're not triggered, we just know bullshit when we smell it. This stupid bitch doesn't need to be anywhere near the U.S. Go someplace it matters and spergout.

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I'm left wing, I believe that climate change is real, urgent and man made, I can't stand current online right wing elements. But this girl and her whole movement, environmental campaigners, green party, extinction rebellion do my fucking head in completely. They talk utter shit, are dishonest or ignorant or idioti and and are anti science whackos

She's swedish dude, they pretty much all have very tiny breast with few exceptions.

Seriously this. You can't have it both ways. You can't claim to hate the Jews while simultaneously supporting the biggest jew cock gobbler in recent history. You're just very confused and don't know who to fight/support.

If most of you would just pause for a moment of reflection you would have realised that Yang was your candidate all along. He was just about the only guy actually trying to take money AWAY from the hook nosed billionaires.

She won't go there because she'll end up missing. That's pretty much it. Also it's pretty tough to sail to either of those places from Sweden.

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That family just moves their trash somewhere else

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You gotta admit there's something endearing about Greta's enthusiatic naivete. She reminds me of my first gf, she had aspergers too. The sex was surprisingly good even if she was goofy

And they say the left can't meme

Doesn't America just pay Africa money and ships their trash over there?

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She suicide. RIP

Not sure what to make of this reaction


Shes dissapointed in you user, she just wants you to reduce your carbon footprint not sexualize her.

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I wasn't sexualizing her. She just reminds me of an old gf and I was reminiscing

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It's sad that she will die a virgin


Putting forward a young woman who cannot be criticized is a tactic.

Doubt it.

lol wtf.

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The right wingers have been the biggest snowflakes all along.

They are triggered by everything.
Masters of projection.

A fucking picture on a lame coffee shop's cup triggers them ffs.

yer a fag

No u

No we're not.

If we had a quasicute cis boy with a UN platform misrepresenting LGBT as exclusively mentally ill, deficient, lazy, entitled snowfaggots, you'd be irritated too.

And THEN, if we keep saying that our muppet BTFO all of you forever, AND he gets fridays off school to do it, your brows would crease too.

>INB4 is that butthurt i hear?

That's irritation, the same as when people who are out of cards say

>Cope cringe rentfree

like its a powerword to win the argument.

Jordan Peterson triggers (You).

I'm not sure it's different.

Wtf are you talking about? Jordan Peterson is a god-send.

Wtf is she?


I wouldn’t say triggered...we just know she’s insignificant