One question:

one question:

you mad?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-02-06 04.38.08.png (418x541, 444K)

RIP Lebron

No, I live in the real world not your disgusting cuck fantasy.

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No ..... but it sounds like you are ?
How old are you OP?

Asian men got it right.

she's a freaking babe. girls like this always want bbc, though.

Wtf did they only survey weebs?

moar. i would kill to be a fly on that bedroom wall.

>lolol no I'm not mad!!! hahaha
>please take my culture's women not like I care!

Attached: 1560907973939 How does the collective physical and mental well being of society affect you in any wa (826x506, 41K)

Intercultural marriage is pretty based. Homogeneity is boring.

I'm always mad when i see attractive people.
I'm an angry, bitter, miserable fuck.

"real world" LOL this is data from a dating website.

Italian men are known to be the most desirable.

Cope LMAO.

Is this seriously the best deflection you could come up with? Pathetic

>Homogeneity is boring.
Homogeneity is what you're gonna get if everyone breeds together.
The human race is just gonna be one light brown race eventually. Pretty sad if you ask me.

If you faggots keep replying to the same post I'm sure people will believe you.
You faggots are SO BAD at acting like real people.

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Moors breeded with Spanish people and now they're almost white.

That kid is white.

yes but for other reasons

You don't even pretend to not be pushing an agenda anymore.

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But they never will be white. You can't un-mix paint.
It doesn't matter what race we will end out with, or how long it will take.
I don't care if we'll all be black or brown or white. I do think it's sad that it will happen, because we lose diversity.

We aren't genetically pure anyway. You think you're an Aryan? You don't think your ancestors miscegenated?

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Why are you so awful at your only job? .

i dont know

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Dude I have brown hair and eyes, and I'm Scandinavian.
This isn't about racism, I couldn't give a fuck if I wanted to. This is purely about the fact that this push for "diversity" is a push AWAY from diversity.
There's a reason painters don't just pour all their paint into a bucket and use that.

Diversity is beautiful. And I simply think it's sad to see it go.

Don't you think it's creepy to have a bunch of photos of random strangers on your HDD?
Do you think normal people do this?

This after getting pumped n dumped at bars and haven’t married okcupid is where they go
Where’s tinder stats
Where’s intermarriage n cohabitating stats
Multiracial kids stats those are more real

Nobody believes you, faggot, you have to try harder.

Mad about two people finding love in this crazy messed up world? Not at all

Mad at the mainstream [[[[media]]]] and [[[[hollywood]]] for brainwashing kids into thinking inter-species mating is okay? Yes.

Just let the thread die nigger.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

not really.

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About what?

Well it's a good thing nobody believes you, faggot. Your disgusting nigger fantasies are only that, fantasies