Hey b, i fucking hate my life, drugs problems, family problems, no girl to love me, just nothing fill me as before...

hey b, i fucking hate my life, drugs problems, family problems, no girl to love me, just nothing fill me as before, i dislike everything, the case is why do i need to live, just tell me a way to get out from this prison without pain

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Everything you've been doing, do the opposite.

Change is usually painful. Even positive change may be painful at first. There's no way around a fix. You have to list all your problems, then rate them according to how difficult they are to fix, then fix the easiest ones first. Reason being - easiest ones take the least to fix, leaving you with more ability to fix the harder problems afterwards. But you can't do it unless you get comfortable with two things: failure, and long term plans.

You want an easy way out? No such thing. Suicide may seem like a fix, but all it does is booting you from life. It doesn't repair anything at all. Two things are certain though:

1) Problems are inevitable.
2) Problems are solluble.

i tried but everything is just a failure, even tried to change lots of habits but always get over where i started

lift weights and stop taking drugs after that life will start making sense and it'll get better in like a couple of years

maybe i should try again to refix everything like for the 10th time, nut the thing is psichologically i don't know if i'm enough strong for that, i feel like everything is on me

That's what I meant with failure. Get comfortable failing. It'll be a long road, and it will set you back over and over. But it can be done. Two things define winners: perseverance, and course correction. Most successful people fail a whole lot more than they win. But you only see the winning parts, because no one counts the failures. What they do is this:
* Try something, fail.
* Identify why it failed.
* Shore up weak parts, reinforce strong parts.
* Try again, fail again.
* Repeat process as many times as necessary.

>> maybe i should try again to refix everything like for the 10th time
Oh, is there some number for the number of times you need to try? Maybe it's 11. Or 20. But what if the reward is the life you wish you had. Or you can throw away that chance. You're no different from anyone else in the world, except that you have more opportunities than perhaps 80% of everyone else who has to live here. And you're bitching … not impressed.

there is this thing, if i fuck it up again i have lots of probabilities of get thrown out of my home

really no one does know how to prepare a poison or something?

Then identify why you usually fuck up, then prevent those situations. You cannot magically fix things. Life doesn't work like that.
Ask first: What do I want.
Then ask: What things must be done for me to get it?
Then: How do I do what must be done?
Then: What problems may come along the way?
And: How do I prevent those problems?

And if you do fuck up, which is possible, then you take the new situation, and repeat the process. I am not kidding user, you have to rid yourself from the fear of failure. Life isn't nice, and it isn't fair. You having good intentions doesn't give results. The harsh fucked up truth of life is: you can do everything right, and still fail. Did you get that? You can do everything right. And. Still. Fail. That's just how it is. Persistence is a virtue precisely because reality might make you fail even though you deserve better. You can do this user. The fact that you bothered to ask here on /b, though /b is the shittiest place in the world to ask such a question, suggests that you want to fix things. That's the first step: recognising that things are fucked up, and they need to be better.

one part of me wants help, the other just wants to end, my mind is a mess

Ending it won't solve the problems. It just quits the game. There's no relief, and it's permanent. Which means that there are no backsies. You should try all the things that are not permanent before trying the things that are permanent.

If you ever find out, let me know too

Start with simple ass shit like drinking more water, clean off your desk, take a 5 minute walk etc. After you get that stuff down you might have the motivation to get your life together. Do go balls deep straight away, you'll fail that way.

Kill a nigger. It will make you feel better. What drugs?

i want to go out and walk,but because of my problem i can't even go out of my home, i'm fucking desperate because everyone in my life is just pushing me in opposite sides of what i want to do

Yeah, that’s a great idea, thanks! I want to live now!

actually killed one guy the last week (long story) but that just made me feel blood thirst,
and i consume weed, cocaine, mdma, ecstasy, molly, rivotril, inhale ether, tramadol

Difference between mdma and ecstasy?

ecstasy is a 20% of mdma in a pill, mdma is the crystal that can be put in a beberage or just inhaled as coke

Consume 9mm

i don't have a gun, i wouldn't be asking here just go back to the shed and take a shot, but now is imposible

I'll kill you painlessly if you give me all your stuff.

just kill me and take it

You got Kik?

Stop worrying about others and do what you want, even if it isn't much.

love me don’t kill yourself user

>no one cares
>suck a dick

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I think my brother killed himself tonight. He sent a suicide note and said he ate bunch of Ativan and chugged booze them slit his wrists and it’s 0 degrees outside. Sad bros. Don’t die user!



hi b, grug hate grug life, mushroom problem, tribe problem, no obongo love grug, just nothing fill grug as before, grug dislike everything, the case is why grug need live, just tell grug way to get out from this hole in ground without pain

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You can't end your life without pain. It's impossible, user, but it IS possible to live a relatively painless existence by learning how to detach from pain itself. Also blame your fucking parents for bringing you into this world in the first place, and never have kids.
I personally remind my mom nearly every day that she shouldn't have given birth to me. She use to argue; now she just looks at the ground, ashamed, and says nothing. All parents need to know the gravity of their sins.