Girls that only did a few porn shoots but you wish they made a career out of it

Girls that only did a few porn shoots but you wish they made a career out of it.

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Nicole ferrera

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Scarlett oreilly

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Looks like a busted ass dolly little

Sammie Daniels. What is she doing now

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Rory Tonic... just one scene I believe

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I just found this and good lord I hope she does more. Search "cute innocent girl blowjob" on pornhub.

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>cute innocent girl blowjob
nice! fapping commencing

Victoria butters

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winter bliss. on that note, if anyone has her bj video from niches and blow, PLZ share

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Sadly after much searching yrs ago I found this pic to be a fake

Goes by Aaron. Only 2 scenes.

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Claire Evans

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Damn. I want to believe.

didnt she do quite a bit?
her teeth always loked wierd

Yeah teeth had weird white on the bottoms. She did a few scenes but not a whole lot. She then just disappeared

>She just disappeared
thats all those whores do anyway. What do u expect, though? A goodbye porn scene? What else is there? Following their social media? As if thats worth it, or if they didnt quit before socials became prevalent

Vicky Vee. Her real name is Danielle Healy went to highschool with her. South florida


Only 1 GDP and one GDT episode afaik

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Goodbye scene Kek. Nah she just seemed to have a little more staying power. Tiny petite blonde ditzy and innocent. It's common but she had it all at once. Guess shit changed and she bugged out.

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I'm forever sad that Ava Taylor stopped doing porn

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