Can anyone sauce this?

Can anyone sauce this?

Attached: sauce.jpg (960x640, 133K)


It'll cost you 5$

pretty fucking easily, newfag.

Attached: 1465528307431.jpg (2248x4000, 1.58M)

tineye came up with nothing cunt
help a faggot out.

like it's 2008 or something

well what the fuck do you use then smart arse

That’s definitely going to work.

well i'm not going to be polite to some dumb cunt that's being fucking rude to me

So you think that being equally rude actually fix the issue?

Attached: 1539999998232.jpg (1282x723, 44K)

Nope but i'm not stupid enough to believe that being polite will fix the fucking issue either.

Welcome to Cred Forums, newfag.

Lol this is fun to watch

This is actually my fiancé

Mods please take this down immediately or I will be forced to press charges

Then fucking give us some videos shitbrick!

Your stupid

No I'm not going to, those are stolen pictures, take them down please she deserves her dignity

yes, it's porn.

eww, why are her gums all red and puffy?

prove it

Attached: hagay.jpg (600x687, 39K)

>Your stupid

Attached: trumptard1575534604838.jpg (540x720, 101K)

press chargers for WHO?!

tell me for who please.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 10K)

your finance?
shouldnt a man provide for a woman and not the other way around?

>she deserves her dignity
Too late, those tattoos indicate that any dignity is long gone.

Alison B, eh?

Yandex, new fag
