I believe the age of consent should be at least 13 because in this day and age majority of females are mentally mature...

I believe the age of consent should be at least 13 because in this day and age majority of females are mentally mature and educated enough to know the consequences of unsafe sex. Any man who forces themselves onto these girls should be hung, yes, but I believe majority of teens around 13 would be able to consent with basic knowledge of sex.

How come the age of consent isn't 13, Cred Forums?

> pic more related than a hillbilly's wife

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Well good luck trying to unironically fight a battle for lowering the age of consent without immediately being labelled a pedo.

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>in this day and age majority of females are mentally mature and educated enough to know the consequences of unsafe sex

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I believe you should have a claw hammer repeatedly smashed into your skull. Shut the fuck up and stay away from kids. Creep.

>be 13 yo boy
>have to compete with 13-20 yo boys all the time
>20+ men want into teen pussies too
this life is literally hell as a boy you have to compete with so many other males, that you really shouldn't be supposed to compete with.
but hey, we see the consequences right now: white society is dying. and it's because of shit like that. mating is fucking hardmode.

>mentally mature
Nobody of them is mentally mature until 40th' s

This is actually a fair point. High school boys would rampage every say

Also, most contries have laws that enable two people under the age of consent or one person under the age of consent and one over who isn't much older than the other to legally have sex. Lowering the age of consent would only enable old people to have sex with young people and fighting for the rights of perverted geezers isn't worth it.

You obviously don't have kids. They don't know the consequences of jack shit at that age you dumb fuck. And they won't until their 20s. You dumb fuck kids can't think 2 feet in front of your face. I have two of you idiot kids

When girls like mat.i at 16 understand the feel user

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Just because your genes passed on autism doesn't mean everyone has it faggot

Yeah it does. If you're under 30 you're a moron. Sorry

Good luck with your autistic children. Hopefully they don't follow in your foot steps and mate with another crayon eater

Or he’s not stuck in adolescence. Unlike you fucking creeps who want to exploit and abuse naive children. Please get off the internet and say this shit in public so you can properly get your fucking head kicked in.

big tough man unga bunga. Post pics of your kids faggot I'll fuck em till they love me more then you

You are fucked in the head..
Firstly - No
B. Avg 16 y/o has ZERO emotional growth despite what they themselves think
3rd - IF it happened we would be swamped in kids having kids situ (like less developed countries (read Nigger/Sandnigger)) with a underdeveloped govt to give no fucks for them...

Ok edgelord. You’re the asshole posting shit you’d never say publicly because you’re a coward. You’re attracted to children because you’re a coward. Talk to people your own age fucking creep

I love it when a racist pedo talks shit online. Because even in your own head you know you'd be terrified to say any of this in the real world.

So not only are you an internet tough guy, you're also the most hated in society. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be as worthless as you. Must be a living nightmare.


So you're saying AoC should be raised to somewhere in the 20s?

>you really shouldn't be supposed to compete with.
Says who ??
If your game on point and target of affections isn't a cunt, then it IS a level playing field.
Also your whole comment just shows you have no emotional grasp, so its a good thing you aren't allowed to breed: Fucknugget

So no kid pics? One of you mentioned being a parent let's talk about ages.

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Same opinion, should be legal. In Germany you can fuck girls as soon they are 14. No matter what age you are. And I know a lot of 13 year old girls who aren't virgins anymore, like the sister of my girlfriend

You are spot on too. Bravo user.

And your reply just shows you for the cunt these laws are in place to stop.

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>your whole comment just shows you have no emotional grasp

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Aw look the 9fag feminist is offended

20 wouldn't be too much a stretch.
And would in all likely hood benefit ANY society.

I'm just trying to show that user how dumb what he was saying is.

Of course your right, its just fundamentally wrong to say who someone can engage in intercourse with after they hit puberty. Its an old outmoded way of thinking and we would be better off if we stopped treating our young people like half citizens and give them credit for their full potential.

but user what if my kids come out as autistic as those other posters and have no social understanding and can't think for themselves? No the world needs to adapt to my autistic genes being passed on.

In actuality would just fill up the jails unnecessarily

Hate to break it to butthurt dad but his kids are taking naked selfies and getting themselves off and spreading that shit all over the net..

Meke me bitsh. I'll come over from india and fuck you then I'll fuck your kids while you watch hahahahahahahahahaha

The other poster called you fucknugget... Hee hee.


did you fuck your gfs little sister user? how do you know she's not a virgin?

I fucked her and told him

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lol pedooooooo

Than I could finally be in public with my 14-year-old girlfriend.

Piss off nonce

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why do you care of the age of consent when you will never get consensual sex anyways?

Id go even lower, honestly. But 13 is a fair compromise.


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Lucky bastard. I'd have to wait 3 more years.


Nice samefagging, autist

Isn't that a bit too young?

> on Cred Forums
> telling a hebephile to piss off

Topkek, oh the newfaggotry

"If your game on point and target of affections isn't a cunt, then it IS a level playing field." well said!

I think it should be 1 but whatever

How is the decision of preference (chocolate > strawberry) functionally any different to the decision of consent?

If anyone under legal age expresses sexual proclivity, morally, I don't see how they haven't provided consent. Does anyone have some counterpoint to this they could explain to me?

To me, this seems to be where the disparity is between law/morals is.

>caring about consent.
That's something only a Beta would do.

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>on the internet