We're doomed Cred Forumsros, corona virus is going to wipe us all out

We're doomed Cred Forumsros, corona virus is going to wipe us all out

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didn't know it had a 30% mortality rate

It only kills the old or those with a weakened system, and the Chinks have this thing contained anyway. Stop freaking out about it already. I’d bet my bottom dollar that it’s gone by May.

I hope so. But it's really not that dangerous, just infectious.

nice post dimka. how much did you make? 5 rubels?

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>Imagine fearing the flu in 2020

Please be real

Id love to get a job.

>1/4 the global population
Best thing that ever happened to the survivors.

Imagine requiring oxygen, arriving at the hospital and there's thousands just like you, and the hospital can't provide you medical care.

there's a lot of conflicting information. the commonly quoted numbers, at this time, seem to be that,

15-20% of those infected will require medical attention

2-3% will die, even with medical attention.

But i dont think these are accurate. I think the numbers are more like

25-30% will require medical attention

10-15% will die.

Also, the Ro is probably around 3.5-5, and not the 2.2-2.6 being widely reported.

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Who falls for that shit

Facebook users

There's a couple reports going around that the r naught is higher up, around 4 - 6; around smallpox

Fuck off

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about time, this world badly needs a purge

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>the Chinks have this thing contained
L0Lno fgt pls

>the Chinks have this thing contained anyway.


SARS, Bird Flu, H1N1, Swine flu, MERS

blah blah blah

Just the media selling fear while they wait for the next story.

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>>Also, the Ro is probably around 3.5-5, and not the 2.2-2.6 being widely reported.
Higher, actually.

>I think
There's your problem, chief

Fake news, but if true I see it as a good thing. Will help control overpopulation because we are definitely on our way there

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I hope you suffocate in your own phlegm, faggot

It's not 1,600 and that is no way because its more liek 100x deadilier than that.

1. Chinks have weak immune system to black market illness. Think of them as weaker than usual for eating fucked up shit. They are scrawny too. They don't even wipe.

2. The reason its so bad is because china has smog its smog that is killing them and even making it airborne. China is fucked out the butt. FUCKED OUT THE BUTT.

3. You have to be some roman iron vested gym-genie to survive a 31% risk of being a carrier. That means if it takes you for a bitch then you ITS BITCH. No fighting it off. Not an oopsy I'm a hemophiliac, more like a fuck there's no way to hold that shit back from gushing my system straight up. It is like the opposite of bleach once it spots you you're a walking bomb.

4. Bubble wrapping a plane ain't gonna stop a world wide virus.

That would be impossible to predict that far out due to the nature of how a virus works.

Coronachan plz grant me your sweet embrace.

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fake news

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>I hope
Hope is for children, and the weak-minded.

dont be cruel. lets hope he gets it, survives and has to watch those around him succumb to the virus. only for him to be re-infected and die of a heart attack.

Could you be my doctor?
>well the tests say you have cancer, but I think you'll be fine, let's not do anything right now

If only we could manufacture a virus that specifically targeted pedophiles, then nothing of value would be lost.

witch-hunter pls

>black market illness
>smog makes it airborn
>69% of the world must be roman iron vested gym-genies

pure science here, folks

by the way, Chinese do wipe. Every bathroom stall has a trash can because you're not supposed to throw toilet paper into the toilet. They're way cleaner as individuals: washing hands, shoes off inside, put a newspaper down before sitting down on a park bench. But the country is still poor overall and obviously crowded as fuck, though they should be faulted for littering and not caring about anyone else's cleanliness, only their own. Western wealth + Chinese personal habits + a willingness to do one's part to keep the city clean = Japan/Singapore.