Well Cred Forums?

Well Cred Forums?

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Stop this makes me want to COOOOOOM

>not aloud to pick their bedtime
>but can pick their gender

Well, it drastically alters the chemical makeup of someone who has yet to fully develop their brain.

I am against leftists using their “woke” politics as an excuse to mutilate the genitals of children.

when I was a kid I wanted to be a vampire.
Nobody's too young to become a vampire
You're just against the existence of vampires.

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Ight lemme cut my toddlers dick off because I think they want to transition

Yeah. I fucking despise them!

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>not aloud to pick their bedtime
>not aloud
Do they have to do it sotto voce, then?

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> Be 'murricunt
> Cut dick skin from newborn boy without consent
> Doesn't let trans kids trans

Does this also mean that no kid is too young to consent?

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Children should be seen and not heard, user.

I'm against trans people because it's supporting mental illness. We need to stop enabling them.

Why that's a healthy boy with a strong future.
There's a good chance he won't want to kill himself often.

A child knows what they want, what they really really want.

Weak argument.

Kids do not have the capacity to make such a life altering decision.
If they make such claims its because someone with an agenda has brain washed them by taking a simple act of perhaps, playing with girls toys or wanting long hair, and manipulating it into a flourishing illness. A developing child being used and abused to satisfy an adult who is incapable of rational though. Either ill themselves or deluded to the point of fantasy, they have no grasp on biology or mental health & must seek corrective measures to ensure that the developing gender dysphoria is treated as soon as possible before they start mutilating their bodies and altering their hormones to fulfil a mental issue then as they mature, reach their goals the weight of the situation is irreversible & the weight of the damage causes them to take their own life.
Society will not bend to the whim of the mentally ill.
They are not victims of "phobia" or "-isms"
They are victims of being exploited, and having their delusions catered to as opposed to treated.

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Im not against trans people, just against people ingeneral, cause the world is going fuckin mad now.

You cant go from Male to female or female to male. It's in your dna.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle. In hindsight it was probably for the best that I wasn't allowed to play with radioactive mutagens in the sewer.

So they'll kill themselves no matter what?

Probably has tattoos and piercings.
>glad I wasn't mutilated to have a long attractive penis.

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what is the treatment for transgender mental illness ?

two bullets; one in the brain, one in the chest.

9mm to the brain stem

>Under 18 is too young to consent, sex can have long lasting repercussions.
>Under 18 is too young to sign any legally-binding forms, their brains are too underdeveloped to understand the significance of it and how it can screw them 10 years later.
>Under 18/21 is too young to smoke/drink, they dont understand the harm it does!
>Oh but my 6 year old knows they're trans so we're pumping them full of estrogen, her body her choice!

>not to young to consent to transition
>to young to legally sign docs
>to young to vote
>to young to drive
>to young to smoke
>to young to drink
>to young to not go to school
>to young to work
>to young to have sex
>to young to send nude pics
>to young to live on own
>to young to decide what to eat
>to young to decide what to wear
>but still not to young to transition

Need to use a .45ACP to kill what's left of the soul too.


Abusing children so you can virtue signal to the other woke smugtatd fart sniffers should get you thrown in prison or shot. It is child endangerment.


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Sure, right as soon as you let me fuck them 10 year olds since the doctor is allowed to chop them up.

She would never tweet that. She is a smugtard fart sniffer.