Hello user, everybody has his problems, come to me the supportive pepe to tell me whats going on in your life

Hello user, everybody has his problems, come to me the supportive pepe to tell me whats going on in your life

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All my friends are normies and I secretly hate them. I'm thinking about just ignoring them and being alone for the rest of my life. I don't relate to 99% of people because I'm weird and high functioning autismo, and not only that but I get angry and depressed about not fitting in and being able to find things they laugh at funny

I think what you can do is find communities of people with your interests, autism is not a barrier that will shut you out of friends groups. If you really hate those friends maybe consider doing what I said previously and when you find that group leave them behind.

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So find a group and then leave it? What? My problem is it's hard to find people I relate to in real life on a personal level, not just shared interests.

Autism has never stopped me from making friends. My problem is I just don't enjoy hanging out with them. I don't relate to them much. I don't care what they're interests are, I just want to find the things they find funny funny as well. When they laugh I have to force myself to laugh too

Then look for ppl who like your humor, you find one friend and show him some shit you find funny, if he likes it that's already a improvement. if you are lucky he will introducz you to others who like that stuff

he meant find a new group and leave the ppl you hate

When I show my current friends my humor they just ignore me and probably think I'm weird. I'm in a small town so it's hard to find people like me. I'll keep trying. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my autism

I should've known that. I hate myself

are you in college quz in bigger school you are guaranteed to find people who are like you

No, I live in a small town and work at a factory with boomers and rednecks

Sounds like ADHD my friend, the joke is there but you’re not switched on enough to process it. Also by the looks of things you have a personality trait whereby you automatically reject any suggestions / opinions of others.

I have... absolutely... NO friends, i'm completely alone, and nobody wanted to be my Valentine. But... my only friends... is my tears

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oof boomers and rednecks, I feel the struggle i'm guessing moving out isn't possible?

consider trying to make friends, u in school? if you are try getting in class groupchats and being as NORMIE as possiblr, win the normie trust then slowly become yourself

Wrong and wrong. It's not ADHD, it's high functioning autism. Yes, I have a very neurotic personality and tend to overthink things. I didn't reject any suggestions. Thanks for dropping your two cents, I'm sure you've closed the tab and went on to troll someone else. Fucking faggot

I could, but I don't mind living at home. I save money and it's not like I have a girlfriend or anybody that comes over. I'd rather stay where my family lives anyway in case anything happens. I'll just keep looking for people like me or be alone forever

No. They... DON'T... Want to be my friends, they're just calling me retarded and fucked up. And... i'm really tired of it

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I read what you said, it appears your defiance stems from some sort of deep seated aggression. I know more about psychology than you will ever know.

im an drink myself to sleep everyday, even tho i went to rehab, and i dont know how to solve this


Good bait, I'll bite. How exactly am I being defiant?

If you had any insight at all, you’d already know

if i don't cry on a girl's shoulder soon, then i thing i may do a mass shoting

Time for a nice visit from the FBI

23... why do you ask?