I really hate posting this here to be honest but where else I guess...

I really hate posting this here to be honest but where else I guess. I’ve been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts for a long time but right now I really feel like I’m at the point where I might actually do it. I don’t really have anything. I have friends and that’s the only thread that keeps me here but in my mind I’ve been telling myself they don’t care about me and I’m starting to believe it. I guess I’m making this to see if there is anything anyone can say to help me. I’m not doing this for attention obviously, it’s anonymous. I just need help, I don’t want to go back to a ward, I was in one when I was younger, I don’t know what the adult ones are like but it scares me. I’m scared to talk to anyone irl because they might call cops on me for fear of me doing something. It’s already happened 3 times. They obviously care but I just can’t do this anymore. Everything is so pointless and I’ll never amount to anything. Advice?

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TLDR: basically been struggling a long time, think I might actually kill myself. Only thing stopping me is friends, how can I fix this or if I even should/advice?

Cool pic. Got any more?

seek regular therapy and get some medication


Be glad people care, I've noticed most friends have just ghosted me/ moved on. I wish I had someone other than family to talk to.

go to /adv/ not b you fucking retard OP

Get a therapist man. Sometimes SSRIs are the only answer

Nice (((advice)))

go to a psychiatrist hes gonna give you some legal drugs

and wtf you expected ? depression kills mind and makes body follow it
brain broken

If you're going to kill yourself you must either
A. Kill undesirables (gangbangers, white or other racial trash, homeless) on your way out and go for the high score
B. Livestream so everyone else can enjoy
C. Both A and B

Get a prostitute and fuck her really good. That has put spring in my step when I’ve been very depressed in the past.

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Yes, pay money to fix your (((problems)))

Hey user. I’m sorry you feel that way but it’s ok that you do.

Depression clouds the mind and the feelings you feel while real aren’t always true.

Reach out to a friend or anyone for a distraction. Doesn’t even have to be about how you feel or feeling bad.

A distraction to help you get out of that depression bubble.

Take a shower or take a walk. Little things matter and will help.

Once you’re strong enough though, you should ask for help.

How's your physical health? Lift weights and do cardiovascular to exhaustion and your body won't have the time or energy for those shitty thoughts.

there is no cure no technology to fix brain , depression either goes away or kills you , get drugged to feel better , whole humanity does that

Go to the gym, get ripped, fuck pussies, profit

Fucking this. Can't recommend this enough OP

Sounds like you need quality friendships, a reset on your social life.

I recommend you join some sort of martial arts class, it's good for the body and the mind, the people are usually nice and open,a nd you get to practice mock-combat, so you interact with them in a natural way, and you might make some better friends.

Either that or some type of dance in pairs, but not everyone feels at ease with that.

Then there's team sports, if you're into that.

What doesn't work: working out on your own at the gym. If youre not the extrovert type, you won't meet people.

I third this. Even a little can help.

It's all in your head bro you cant put faith in people only fully trust yourself and get through the suffering there is always going to be euphoric moments in life you just gotta trek through the shitty parts of life to get there. It makes the good moments so much sweeter and you will be stronger in the end.

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Saying you'll never amount to anything is stupid. Where are you in life? You're still young, I'm guessing? Get over this notion that life is pointless you sound like an emo highschooler. Stop making fucking excuses why you can't get better. If you have ever felt happy, remember what that felt like and strive to get to that point again.

First of all it's a bad idea. Don't make decisions with permanent consequences in a temporary state of emotion.

It'd say it has to do a lot with beliefs. About yourself, about life, world, love, expectations you have of yourself.
Think about those things, name them precisely e.g. "To be loved I need to be successful" or some shit like that.
Then thing long and hard if they are actually true. Do you think those beliefs hold true for people around you or are you perhaps holding yourself to a higher standard?

Small steps method is pretty effective. Read Robert MAurer's book. But essentaially it boils down to: instead of taking radical change, implement a small one. One that will be seemingly insifgnificant. For that reason your mind won't register it as a shock and won't resist it.

So if you want to work out instead of buying a gym membership you do two pushups every day. But you gotta stick to it. It's no biggie and after a while it becomes automatic like brushing your teeth.

Dunno what else to tell you. It can get a lot better but it takes time. If you are under 25 chances are your brain probably cant even process that information.

One other thing is: keeping a journal whenre you can write your thoughts down. At the end of the day(or whenever during) list the things you've done. Include small shit like cleaning your room, cooking, taking out the trash.

Anyway: It's normal to struggle, it's normal to feel like shit. Happens to ever one of us. No one is immune. You are normal.

Yeah, I've been there. Hanged myself and the freaking maintenance guy of all people found me and cut me down before I died. Woke up in a hospital. Another time I took two bottles of sleeping pills and a half a bottle of oxys and downed it with a whole bottle (approx) of Old Granddad 100 proof. Woke up in a pile of dry vomit with a bad case of the slows. Even bought a shotgun and a box of shells. Never did it though. Killed a wild boar with it one time though. Anyway, I eventually got a solid job and some chick wore me down. Now I'm basically a normie. Too busy and apathetic to even think about committing suicide. Just hang on. Pretty soon you'll be as miserable as everyone else.

yup. doing normie boring (or not) stuff works miracles. Overthinking is a big big part of your problem. Pick up drawing, dancing, whatever. Doesn't have to be classes with other people. Just in your own time.

And physical activity is really the way to go give it a try - like with the small steps method I mentioned in

That's a permanent solution to temporary problems. If I'd have offed myself when my life went to shit, I'd have never met my beautiful wife, we never would have traveled the states in our van, I never would have had that awesome year working as a bouncer for a top night club along with all of the wild and crazy things I saw there. I'd never have found my passion for survival and homesteading, I'd never would have gotten to see this wonderful time in my life where I love myself, have the BEST relationship ever (she says sorry when shes wrong, listens when I teach her things, she self reflects and improves upon herself, sucks amazing dick and enjoys my same fetishes)

Life gets better if you make the effort.

I've battled drug and alcohol addiction, removed my incel status, lost everything I owned except for some camping supplies, worked my way out of homelessness and at this point in my life I feel ready to handle anything. Even Coronachan.

Pic related: she's making faces at the camera with me on xtc and huffing nitrous in the backroung,.

Pic didn't load

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Damn even God didn’t want you

OP, you tell us that everything is so pointless and that you'll never amount to anything, but if everything is so pointless, why not simply create your own point to life.

One of the things that I think not enough people have is some kind of creative hobby or outlet other then watching TV or YouTube, playing video games, reading Cred Forums, etc.

Find something creative and become a fucking Expert at it. inb4 "I'm not good at anything," use your brain and find something.

I’ve read everything and I really appreciate it all. Posting something of this nature on here is always hit or miss but you guys actually helped a lot including the more forceful ones. I’ve taken screenshots and I’m going to try to stick to something. There is more I want to say and reply to but I’m going to try and stop this cycle now. Thank you anons. It really did help.

Good for you user, I've slacked a little on my daily jogging and I feel so lonely now, my mind is going to wrong places right now.

Suicide sucks. It got a childhood friend of mine who left behind a 1 year old boy. People were deviated, never saw it coming. I hadn't seen him in years but it was insanely painful none the less. Hundreds showed at his funeral.

3 years later my mom started a fire in the bathtub downstairs.

The year after that, at my bouncer job, one of our guys shot himself in the chest. I was pretty much numb to it by that time. It was still a shitty night. You don't ever want to see a group of big burley men, mostly military veterans, bawling.