Does soap/body wash stay in your skin pores after you shower...

Does soap/body wash stay in your skin pores after you shower? Whenever I sweat my skin gets itchy and I think it's because of the soap/sweat irritating it. I have sensitive skin. Anyone else get itchy when it's hot?

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Your water temperature is too high. Dry skin.

i shower with scalding water and i have no issue.
but again i have no sensitive skin...

scalding water is terrible for skin. your water should be slightly above luke warm.

you can buy sensitive skin soap

Doesn't matter how you feel about it hot water removes too much natural oils in your skin... Way worse for your scalp than the rest of your body but still really bad.
Are you ending your showers with cold water because you should.

Also try using less soap and shampoo they remove too much oils leading to dry skin

the detergents in body wash will strip the natural oils from you skin, just as detergents strip them from dishes.
If your skin is prone to dryness then this will be exacerbated.

Use cocoa butter

This. Use bars of soap, real soap not made with carcinogens.

Could also be your laundry detergent, I used to react badly to some, switched to ones for sensitive skin. Sweating brings them out of your clothing even more.

Get aleppo soap
Fix your diet

Didn't think of this. Good tip

Dont listen to these jabronis, listen to a real bro, bro.
Use Dove for men, it wont dry out your skin. And dont use scalding hot water.
Doing this should help you out, if you still have dry skin itchy skin use Aveeno body lotion.

Dont use cocoa butter, what are you a fucking chocolate bar???????????????

no i don't, and i don't have hair issues either ( 39yo)

1. Use soapless body wash.
2. Don't use anything but water on your penis and butthole.
3. Lukewarm water.
4. Wash your hair twice weekly max.
5. Use a nice moisturizer after showering OCCASIONALLY.

>use big petroleum industry shit, not plants

Can your skin be dry if it's soft? My skin is really soft but little things like sweat and dust irritate it

try washing with plain water every day for a week, no soap, and see if the issue remains.
it can also be your clothes, and /or your laundry soap.

If you dont rinse it off completely then maybe. Soap, just makes hydrophobic molecules soluble, so water can carry them away

Of course it can, its called having faggot skin.
Just moisturize after you shower.

Get your hippie plant based bullshit out of Cred Forums, I'm sure by opting out of soap you're really making a difference in the big petroleum industry. roodypoo

Kek, imagine being this retarded

>carcinogens and artificial shit being in damn near everything
How is this a good thing?

>thinks common detergents in soaps like Sodium dodecyl sulfateor sodium lauryl sulfate, sometimes written sodium laurilsulfate, are carcinogenic
Show where these chemikills that are the common detergents in soap are linked to cancers.
Protip: safety data sheets (sds) is a good place to start looking

Sounds like you're taking really hot showers (which is terrible for your skin and dries you out). Possibly using the wrong soap. And you don't moisturize after the shower.

Take luke warm showers, get a good cold pressed soap (possibly for sensitive skin), and use some kind of oil after the shower just after you dry off (jojoba, baby/mineral oil, coconut oil - you will gain an additional side effect of looking younger for a longer time by doing that last step)

Could also be your water. If it's really hard water it can leave a lot of minerals and deposits on your skin. A lotion that's meant for sensitive skin after a shower will probably help.

Can skin be dry/dehydrated if it's still soft?

1,4-Dioxane is worth reading up on.