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Ask a drugs expert ANYTHING

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How much krokodil can I shoot in my taint before my dick starts to rot?

why the fuck people smoke salvia?

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Agreed, dmt has is far superior.

Did not notice user. Whoops!

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had an very emotional afternoon on 25μg 1p lsd and am thinking about taking 50μg next time. Do you think thats a reasonable amount or way too less? Im very sensitive to drugs btw already tripped out on just 15mg 2cb

Anyone taken ayahuasca? I know it isn't really a drug, but i've been wondering what exactly occurs if one chugs it

Don't be a pussy, take 150ug and enjoy

I've never done a full ayahuasca, I just smoke the dmt straight. You trip.. Harder than you ever will with any other drug. I've smoked it over 100 times, had many breakthroughs, and I've extracted dmt before.

Should I give up drugs? I only really do weed and coke these days. But at 36 I feel like I should let them go and move on. I've had some fun times, some real fun times, but I feel like drugs and alcohol are now holding me back.

but i AM a pussy thats the thing
even Hofman recommend 100μg not 150μg

Why do people go from Weed and Liquor to Coke/Lean/Speed?
Can't one be easily satisfied with just Weed and Alcohol?

How do I convince my friends not to smoke dank? It is his choice and what not but I don’t want him to have a dependency that’s going to get him jailed

what will sort my depression for good?
im stuck in a limbo since ten years, im chronically depressed but not in the melancholic way.
my memory is becoming horrible, my thinking abilities are impaired, i cant process information as good as normal people etc etc etc. im anhedonic, which means i dont feel anything.

ive tried a lot of antidepressants over the years, but none of them have fixed me or had a profond impact.

my shrink reccomends LSD. yep, its got to this point.

im scared of it, i think i might "lose it".

is there any chance it can solve my problems? is there any chance it can worsen them?

thank you

But he took 150 first time, nothing bad happened

What is beyond?


LSD is a wonderful chemical that can only lead to positive results, though the experience can be quite intimidating. There's a low likelyhood that you'll freak out, and if you do, then it's likely to be more enlightening and emotional than just "you goin nuts", it needs to be brought out.. And the lsd will bring it out and make you face it.
Be courageous user.

I've heard a handful of artists microdosing LSD for more creativity

Maybe try slowing increasing microdosing until you feel something?

How can I go back to being normal instead of being all trippy?

Switch to weed and alcohol for a month

Depends on the drug?

Are weed and alcohol so mundane?

They ain't as trippy as psychs

1 marijuanas worth.

I tried that and I get visuals and tripping like experiences even with coming in small contact with the herb. Alcohol gets me all schizo too

why do druggie bois think Drugs substitute personality and stuff

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How easy is it to grow shrooms?

It's never successfully been done.

I'm out

Hey OP. Old guy here. Used to trip, smoke hash, some whizz. Haven't done anything for years. Don't want to smoke now and tripping takes up too much time. Question for you, is there anything out there today that can be used recreationally, for evening relaxation, that is easily available and won't fuck you up? Don't want to do pharmaceutical downers.

Alcohol you dumb fuck

Taking around 200 mics can get you into a very different place of a kind of crystal clarity. All the hallucinations of lower doses seem like a prelude to this, just a warm up, to get your head used to being in a different space. As long as you are comfortable with letting go into the experience and have a stable personality, stronger is better with acid.

This. Do it with someone you trust, who isn't tripping, and in a controlled environment you feel safe in.

Gentlemen, we have an intellectual in our midst.

I hate this god damn site so much

Ask dumb questions, get dumb answers. 1-2 beers won't fuck you up and will help you relax. God damn you are a fucking moronic piece of shit and I hope you have a heart attack soon

Used to be you could have a conversation here with people who knew their shit. Now it's mostly adolescent fucktards mouthing off because hey we're anonymous.

It's really easy if you buy a kit.

You asked a stupid fucking question and got your normie feelings hurt when you got called an idiot. Please, consider not giving a shit about what other people think and try using your god damn brain for once. Holy fucking shit you people are like fucking children. Age does not represent maturity. Grow the fuck up

Dude are you really so retarded to think that an adult with experience of the drugs I listed doesn't know about alcohol? What kind of asshole are you? Just trolling, like the sound of your own voice? Cunt.

Then why the fuck did you ask the question? What the fuck did you expect people to say? Are you that fucking stupid? How your dumb ass survived this long is nothing short of a miracle. Darwin effect my ass

What are your favorite drugs? What is your opinion on dissociatives? What are your least favorite drugs?

I asked the question because I don't know the answer. I don't know what's out there these days. And got you saying "alcohol".

I've seen that LSD and kidney failure don't mix well but I want to know what to expect if I dropped some acid and my eGFR is below 5

Thinking of doing ketamine and crack together. What's the best way to do that?

Guessing this is bait to show up OP as a major larper who doesn't actually know anything.

You took the time to say you don't want pharmaceutical downers, but didn't take the extra two seconds to type alcohol too. You are the dumbest piece of shit I've encountered all day. God damn

How do I make crack using common household goods?
What's an effective way to buy the supplies without being caught?
How do I establish an underground sales market if I move to a new town and begin selling?

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This same question can be applied to starbucks junkies with similar answers.

I'm generally curious. Looked online for information about the combo but couldn't find anything.

Anyone with half a brain would understand that alcohol was implied. But I'm guessing you are OP, and you don't know fuck all. You haven't actually answered a question here. You're an angry little insect looking for attention on an anonymous board by pretending to be cool and into drugs. Fuck you and your sad little life and your crap thread, I'm out.

Cocaine + baking soda, microwave for 7 minutes, stir midway.



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what's the best drug (of any kind) that you've ever tried OP?



Not OP, but I gotta vouch for my main girl Ketamine. Absolute roller coaster of a ride with no paranoia or comedown.

How do I make cocaine?

What's the recommended time distance after an MDMA trip?

Time to recover before going back to work etc? Depends on the dose, High doses you may need two to five days to feel fit again. Low you could go back to work in the morning but you might not get any sleep so don't risk it.

Back to work? I'd say 2 days.

Roll again? At least a month, 4 months for it to not diminish, ideally longer.

I hate my life and I want a high. I've smoked weed a couple of times, taken Valium, and opioids a couple of times. I love the Valium high is there anything that can achieve that type of high with that easy to access and not super dangerous?

really? cuz u know, my friend once shoot up ketamine in my house (we were all on a drug binge, but it was mostly weed and cocaine) and immediately after he went to the bathroom and started puking and shit, like he had just done heroin. It was crazy

I'd taken some unlabeled pills a while ago. Made my hands fell like Styrofoam and blinded myself temporarily. What was that shit? I never had any trip quite like it

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This doesn't happen to most people, the weed and coke wouldn't help either.

half of the people in this thread are retards lol

What can you do with adhd meds

What's the difference between mandy and molly?

where do you rank alcohol in terms of healthiness ?

Make a brew you pussy.

What should I expect from Ketamine?

Not op but everything and nothing at the same time very trippy. Aim for a hole and get comfy. Personally i think little bumps are a waste of time.

Lose dose you will feel relaxed, light and wavy.
Medium dose you your depth perception with be distorted, you will walk funny and think differently and be even more relaxed.
High dose you will go into the Khole. Each one will be different, you'll be in a new universe with different physics. You could be a deity fixing your universe or a starfish on a car bonnet. New concept will open up to you.
Waking up from the khole you will strongly hallucinate and your brain will try to piece reality back together, you will be delusional but still relaxed and having a blast.

or harmfulness i should say

I got maybe half of a gram of weed, how can I amplify its effects so it feels more like a gram?

Just drink reasonably and you wont get problems.

When will I know that my brain is fried due to Emma? (btw I have not the intention to use MDMA frequently because I have read some bad cases about it)

You probably wont notice until your friends point it out months after the fact.

How do I shoot dilaudid? Is it safe? I’m worried about the fillers getting into my bloodstream and killing me

The day after i do a bunch of coke and get hammered... At some point during the day ill have like a mini panic attack... Like my heart starts racing and i think about my heart racing and it makes it worse and i just pace around freaking out and then it climaxes and then its slowly goes away. What is this like my body metabolizing all the toxins or am i having a panic attack or what?

If you want a relatively cheap extreme psychedelic experience Saliva is where it's at. I was a chair for like 10 years. Not op btw

Either learn how to relax when it happens since it doesn't kill you or try having a few beers to keep anxiety down.

I usually take benadryl. Im usually pretty hungover and not in drinking mood when it happens

> I was a chair for like 10 years
Sounds riveting

Drink a few beers before hand

I mean there was alot that happened but I did do it like 8 times, one time I was a whole mountain and whenever I moved I had boulders and trees fall off me and down me and shit

I used to have a mini panic attack everytime I started work after taking ketamine. I was worried I hadn't recovered enough but I after being completely fine multiple times I stopped worrying and they stopped happening.

You sound dumb af

how many pancakes fit in a doghouse?

No matter how many pancakes you put in the dog house the dog will eat them.

Would you rather have constant, slight anal leakage...


Anytime music is played around you, no matter what is playing, you hear "My Sharona"?

is CBD do anything?

I never tried any psychedelics, but after watching few videos about people experience on DMT, I realised that I want to try this shit out.
Where can I get this shit? People saying from shamans or chemistry teachers, is it true?

How many dogs fit in a pancake house?

Wont get you high but has some health benefits

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