Cred Forums should be renamed porn dump. It's not what it used to be...

Cred Forums should be renamed porn dump. It's not what it used to be. Thread disappeared while I was writing a short reply. Seems they don't want you questioning your diet of porn and alt-right hate threads.

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it's shockingly bad now, i haven't been here in years and 99% of it is basic bitch porn threads

sounds good to me, fuck the alt-right and i can get a nut while i'm at it

Aww what a cute lil froggo

Yeah it's fucked. I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I think that the esatablishment saw a place where young people were thinking, expressing their views openly, and were not afraid to challenge the staus quo. With 'anonymous' as they were actually having some power to fuck with people, they had to shut it down. Constant porn bots and the dweebs then started posting their own.

When the Russians got their disinformation machine going they realised that black vs. white, left vs. right, men vs women, were easy subjects to sow dissent and division in the weak-minded who by now were mostly here for porn anyway.

Cred Forums is utterly dead.

alt-right hate threads doesn't mean people hating on the alt-right, it means alt-righters promoting hate.

The mass banning a couple weeks ago was awesome.

ah i'm retarded, got you

Same thing.

le both sides

Yes I'd love to know what happened. It was like seeing a little of how it used to be.

So many threads now are obvious repetitions, they have shut down any real life here.

Certainly it can be. I chose to say it that way because I think I see more of it go that way, but that could be my bias. The Russian disinformation machine posts both. If anyone isn't familiar with what the Russians are doing, it is well documented now by serious news sources and it's out there is you want to look it up. It's not the tinfoil hat brigade dreaming this stuff up.

Fyckers fycked my Cred Forums.

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OK this is now a god-tier albums thread.

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> See list of New Imageboards. Full list.

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any recommendations from that?

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We are now deep into the endless summer. We have been for years.

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