Low effort draw thread

low effort draw thread

i just want to draw something

Attached: frog.png (531x581, 46K)

Draw a bath, then jump in with a toaster.

Peter Griffin, Nostalgia Critic. and Obama

requesting Garfield

You know what, good job op
Try some basic shading by adding a slightly darker shade of the original color to the bottom of the head or smt!

since your the first one. here's yours

i'm gonna combine these two

thanks! i will try to do it with the next request

Attached: kys bath toaster.png (1600x1200, 227K)

Can you draw the type of possum in pic related eating from a bucket of KFC? Make the possum fat.

Attached: posum.png (263x191, 100K)

its 80% done. so any sec now and i can post it

sounds interesting to do. so sure

its done

Attached: thats a nice cat.png (1600x1200, 339K)


Attached: y47548 59.png (879x980, 121K)

Is that the bike lock guy from Berkeley?

whats the accesories/misc? just to give me a better idea.

also thanks user. this gives me a better idea of what this user is going for

working on yours right now


Attached: haha i knew it.png (794x504, 15K)

Attached: wojak pijak.png (260x264, 30K)

turns out i cant really draw a possum per say. but here you go

Attached: kfc possum.png (1600x1200, 282K)

forgot to color in some stuff... oops

Thank you buddy, you did your best. I am pleased.

Draw me a reason to live.


Requesting lineart.

Attached: 4-81.jpg (898x833, 68K)


Attached: Illustration2.png (1600x1200, 115K)

Attached: opisafaggot.png (1024x576, 22K)

You're just a good little degenerate aren't you?

Attached: ohlawd.png (200x300, 43K)

Yes, ma'am

requesting her pooping plz

Attached: nigger.png (1024x576, 45K)

Gabriela got creampied

Attached: 20200216_181843.jpg (989x720, 588K)


Im cum

Attached: Sa2HlMt.jpg (760x585, 62K)


Attached: 16543367600885.png (645x773, 11K)


be of good use and give me nice titfuck

need to warm up, I'll take a non-lewd req

Attached: asdasdas.png (347x285, 56K)

draw trump and sanders arm wrestling

requesting you leave

not really a fan of political stuff, sorry
that's lookin like the best option, gonna take a nap and hopefully some other people come around

Please draw Trump dying



Attached: Untitled411_20200216194143.png (720x1280, 493K)

i wish for it to rain tacos

anime is hard

Redraw this image.

Attached: pizza_thot__new_policy_by_hyrosdiaperdivas_ddhwo3f.png (2500x1720, 1.93M)



Requesting a wholesome draw of her

Attached: tumblr_podprxXdEg1s5gvrio1_1280.png (800x626, 175K)

Draw WetFat from the Hunger Games thread

Requesting any character hitting that yeet like Garfield.

Attached: 886x0w.jpg (260x260, 11K)


would love to see a shitty ass picture of crystal from nuclear throne lol

why is anime hair so hard