Why can't spics act civilized? Even the so called "Americanized" ones can't act civil

Why can't spics act civilized? Even the so called "Americanized" ones can't act civil

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OP... please

They honestly don’t, I am only a half, but I look and act completely white and civilized which is compared by my cousin who is darker skinned and half mexican as well and she sleeps around, makes a lot of noise, and doesn’t follow any fucking rules, morals, or standards. They truly are apes.

You really don't think us European whites can't tell the difference between a light skin mexican and a euro? LoL. It's sad and funny seeing a light skin trying to act high and mighty amongst other mexicans. If anything they're worse

My skin is pale white, and I’m half european and quarter mexican and quarter puerto rican, and I hate the spics in my family, not a light skin, practically white.

TL;DR i hate spic food

>All the tattoos on the arms/hands are backwards
Way to go OP you're too retarded to understand tattoos.

Civilized like this redneck

Attached: redneck.jpg (758x596, 223K)

spics dont exist

What's your favorite hot sauce?
Tabasco on eggs master race.
Tapatio on everything else.

Yeah anytime i see the hoodrat spics carrying on it really puts it into perspective why you guys hate all of us

>t. spic

Spic here, I really do believe it's a combination of low IQ and culture. I can't fucking stand other spics, especially poor ones. They're almost always trash-tier people.

Nah, white trash is even below the tacos.

Spics are from Spain.
You seem annoyed by the MS-13, who were born and bred in Los Angeles and whose parents were not spics but guanacos.
Racists are fairly shallow-minded.

Well I hate poor people in general, not just spics. But the OP was about them specifically. Don't make excuses or deflect from your trash family members.

The man in this picture doesn't always look like that. He's making a funny face. You can tell by the neck stretching and the lower lip overlapping his mustache.
Bad example, user, try harder.

>I really do believe it's a combination of low IQ and culture.

Okay? But I've met "Americanized" one who are even worse because they think they deserve a better job while working retail. They basically are the same people minus a green card.

And LoL at them always trying to properly pronounce words so they look american

Piss off white trash and that is what you rednecks look like

>Paco the taco deflecting once again.

I'm guessing you're gonna bring up blacks next, maybe asians

Played soccer with a bunch of Peruvian guys. They acted white as fuck.

And you think white people aren't like that? We have fags who wanna vote for Bernie or Warren because they're angry they didn't get paid 100k a year with their degree in communications. People across the board are entitled pricks these days. It's just that spics are fucking dumb so they make it more obvious. Whites and blacks at least try to hide it.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Stupid redneck that thinks speaking spanish is just putting a "o" at the end of every word. Understando stupido rednecko trasho

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Stupid redneck

Well this thread went to shit, seeing some spic having a fucking chimp out now. Then you monkeys wonder why people hate you.

Breathing countdown from 10 and then remember no matter where you go there is always shity people just remember the rules and look when they're not following their.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Whew, lad.

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I'm white (literally 100%) I live in San Antonio. I'm a minority here. I can't say that any Hispanic people have been shitty towards me because I'm white. Everyone has been pretty cool. The crime rate here isn't all that bad considering the size of this city. Replace the Hispanic people with blacks though... well, you know what happens.

The only complaint I have is that people here seem to be pretty fucking careless about leaving trash laying around, and the appearance of the average neighborhood.

Rednecks learned Spanish from their pigs, who thought they were teaching Latin.

>white (literally 100%)
Quite forgetting the Mongolian invasion of the Middle Ages.

What's that, retard? Care to unfuck yourself and type coherently?

San Antonio is shit, and the spics there are fucking obese