Tick tick drumpftards !!!!

Tick tick drumpftards !!!!
This man will be the POTUS in the next election....and as a bonus Hillary will be the VP!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:


BLOOMTURD is a billionaire, racist, ex-Republican.

He's everything that Nu-Democrats like AOC, Bernie, Warren and their armies of followers rage against

If BLOOMTURD wins the nom, you will see a mass revolt against him by millions of Dems furious that he stole the nom from Bernie by not earning it, but by buying it with his billions

Ok Ivan

Could you leave?

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Like there is anything wrong with that

OP don't you ever feel like you're tools of a ingrained oligarchic elite that will shit on you and your personal freedoms irrespective of which colour of political party is in power?
Why are you so invested in one side or another since they're all cut from the same cloth?

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> Is a billionaire.
> Is a racist.
> Is openly buying his way into the election.
Holy shit democrats are such fucking hypocrites lmao. Also good fucking luck loser. You're gonna get Corbyn'd like an absolute motherfucker.


Attached: IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE.jpg (1449x2047, 151K)

> Is openly buying his way into the election.
This part is absolutely infuriating. If this reptilian kike gets the nomination, I'll riot right along with the Bernie fags.

This dude doesn't stop

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Ok bigot

>literally cannot bear to see 1 political thread out of 149 literal porn threads
The absolute state of Cred Forumstards

Oh he'll win. Democrats are cheaters. They'll rig the system to make him win. And even if he doesn't win they'll still declare him the winner because he'll pay them too, and I'm gonna laugh my fucking ass off when he does win the primary, because he's still gonna get rickrolled by trump and it's gonna be the funniest thing ever to watch this guy rig the entire democratic party and still get fucked.

You're welcome.

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It isn't 1 political thread, professor. It is 40 or 50 per day for the past 3 1/2 years. Electionsfags are worse than coomers, bronies, furries, pedos, and even those sad fucks who still post boxxy threads.

This is fucking great. We need to push just enough for him to fuck shit up and cause a category five chimp out from the left

Mini Mike will never be POTUS.

Ok trumptard

this post was probably actually made by a political campaign

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Won't be too hard. Just keep reminding lefties of the shit he said about nogs back in the day, and remind them that he's a rich boy.

> 95 percent of your murders, and murderers, and murder victims fit one MO. You can just take the description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all of the cops. They are male, minorities, 15 to 25. That’s true in New York, it’s true in virtually every city in America.

> “Yes, that’s true. Why? Because we put all the cops in minority neighborhoods, Yes that’s true. Why do we do it? Because that’s where all the crime is.”

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ok, bloomer

she can't be his VP they're both from the same state

You legit want this piece of shit to be president? For serious?

How much you making per thread? I'm down to lie about a short pos for money too.

Even if that were true... it's not... Hildog was born in Illinois and Bloomers was born in Massachusetts.

Mile pays me 15 usd for every thread I make and it goes up to 25 if the thread caps

Oh shit - is NS working again?

He's not wrong though. Almost all the crime going on in NYC are done by minorities. This is literal fact. Anyone who finds that "offensive" is just trying to be politically correct.

The only time it ever stopped working for me was when it needed to update.

Yeah dude. I know he's correct. I voted for Donald Trump. Lol.

I haven't used Cred Forums as much since 2016 when the political spammers got here. I wasn't using X or Appchan for a while too.

Lol this guy is more republican than Trump, you libtards really are dipshits!

Its disgusting how he's disregarded the process, ignoring the debates and early primary states. Literally paying "influencers" to support him. He has zero elect-ability among black voters who are 90% democrat. We can't normalize his and other billionaires' behavior. A country for the people and by the people. BERNIE 2020

Remember chandroid?

Do you have a contact?

Warren is an ex republican faggot


My kind of candidate.

Attached: breadline-bernie-bernie-2020-45499181.png (500x673, 121K)

Don't be so covetous of Bloomberg's money.

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I do. I have never used it, I mostly use a desktop.

It's in the Constitution. Where they reside matters.

>I talk like I love my country, but I am not capable of love
>the only thing that motivates me now is hatred against people different from me

>bonus Hillary

That would be fucking epic.
Would literally prove she is a whore who would run with anyone who could get her into power.

It's how he uses it, fool.

Please cite the article and section.

Oh wait... it's not in there.

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You sound scared. The DNC is already plotting to run Bloomberg because sanders is bad for business, to the point where he is unelectable

It’s in the pol discord

You're a fucking retard

Oi vey

Attached: BS.png (810x463, 341K)

Fucking moron!

Being brainwashed doesn't make someone "different".

Cool tripcode

What a winner!

Thanks. I made it when we used to raid True Capitalist Radio. Ghost used to call us "cyber vermin".

Unelectable and Sanders do not belong in the same sentence. He won Iowa and New Hampshire and every poll has him leading. You sound retarded

But according to the democrats, Bernie won those states because they're "really white"

We should all listen to CNN. The most trusted name in news.

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Lmao keep blaming all your problems on jews, your nonexistent girlfriend must be proud.
Not jewish btw. BERNIE 2020

Surely he can win this time !
Even Hillary is on record saying Bernie is unelectable. Face it Boris, it’s going to be mike 2020

wining some shit primaries doesn't matter. we all know the DNC doesn't put up the most popular

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Kike detected

This. Anyone paying attention knows most Bernie Bros will not be voting for anyone else. Biden, Bloomberg, who the fuck ever means Trump wins hugely. Hell Bernie probably can't even beat Trump but he is your best shot.

Fucking hysterical. Bloomberg actually is every fucking thing the libs have been screaming unfounded accusations about Trump, and now here they are lining up to take money from him. Really goes to show that the only thing they don't like about Trump is that he no gibs. Libs don't actually give a flying fuck about racism, me so ginny, extra marital affairs, or any of that shit. They just want to be given free shit. Fucking gross.

Who are you citing? Nobody.
Bernie has the highest black support and it'll be made abundantly clear when he gets to South Carolina

Actually I'm a constitutional law expert accredited from Yale University. I can in fact confirm that the alleged article does indeed exist and that the user inquestion is by no means a complete and utter fucktard who just makes up shit because he knows that he's well over his head in conversations pertaining to politics

12th amendment. Electors from New York couldn't vote for both Mini Mike and Crooked Hillary. Eat shit and die, faggots.

*citation needed

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He's a test run for jew control. If he wins they can give up the pretense about caring for anything else.

Hilary is and always will be a cunt. Talked shit on him even after he campaigned for her post-sabotage. Shut up Connor, Mike will be a footnote, nothing more. Who do you want to win?

Appalachian cousin fucker detected

Sure about that?

Lmao doesn't understand the 12th amendment but posts it anyway. You're a American treasure you pile of used condoms

> I talk like I love my country
Bitch nigga what I love doesn't matter because if My (or really anyone in America) opinions mattered then we wouldn't be in the middle east murdering dune coons for oil.

I'm just sick and tired of lefty calling me a nazi because I don't think the dissolution of the state is a good thing, and I'm perfectly happy to watch them tie themselves into knots trying to justify a man who quite openly represents everything they've been railing at trump over for 5 fucking years now being their only even remotely viable political candidate, and then losing all the same because 2 SCOOPS, 2 GENDERS, 2 TERMS.

I have insider knowledge mayor Pete takes first is SC, followed closely by sanders.

The provision does not directly disqualify a vice president who is from the same state as the president, the provision disqualifies the electors from that state from voting for both offices. The ELECTOR. Not the candidate.

Profile with timestamp, Moshe.

>law expert accredited from Yale University
Sure, kid.

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Huffpo “journalist” detected


All I know is he spends millions on commercials and doesn't campaign. Why the fuck would anyone vote for him?

lol. No you don't.

Because orange man bad. I think we should protest.

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This...this so much

That's what I said, dickweed.

I don't take requests from pale neckbeards with no friends. I'll paypal you $100 if you can confirm you weigh less than 250lbs and that your mother wasn't related to your father before they married

Sanders supporter here, all I have to say is I’m sick and tired of being demoralized by threads like this.
Bernie or kys. As a matter of fact once sanders wins we will take your fucking guns from your cold dead hands and execute every last one of you.

And I don't take requests from hooknosed kikes. 6'1" 175, since you care so much.

Yeah, I saw Pulp Fiction, too. 25 years ago.

>Bernie or kys.
Bernie burns out in the actual election year.

Bloombergs gonna lose this year sport

Actual literal paid shill because Bloomberg legit said he’s pouring money into having people post pro Bloomberg shit all over the Internet. Pathetic as fuck, purely baby dick pathetic

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sounds like donald trump

also,why would democrats want to revolt against their own party when the only other option is 4 more years of cadet bone spurs shitting on the constitution?

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trump didnt use his own money to fund hiS campain

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You're pathetic. Go punch another hole in mother's wall. You're so full of shit it must be your little 4 inch dick. When was the last time a girl kissed you? Never? LMAO

yes he did you ahistorical rube

I'm citing Biden's campaign who have been saying this non-sense the last 2 weeks. Claiming those states don't "represent America" because they're overwhelmingly white. Not that I expect some fag like you to know that, given you get all your news from Jewbook.

Oh look the trumpcuck is scared

thats because he's poor as fuck

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also,i dont care about campaigns.what matters is what these people when they are elected.and i guess trump supporters decided to be anti gun democrats.since thats what real republicans would consider them as

You guys have a seriously deranged obsession with Jewish people. Does it make the world simpler to think there is an all powerful group of people making your life difficult? Is it easier than accepting responsibility for your meaningless lives? I think so.

No, seriously. When was the last time a girl kissed you? Don't deflect.

Alright fine, you get your news from plebbit. Happy now you fag? Notice you didn't even address anything I said, besides muh jews.

no he didnt, he raised the money throught ground root donations. just like now, hes already raised 200million in donations. your not the majority dude
pretty much, hes not THAT rich. unlike dickbird who has like 80billion$
republican is just the name of the party. They tend to be liberals, and liberals are def not anti gun lol

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You answered my question so I didn't need to respond to the first time. The jew thing is just annoying enough to respond to.

>Midget Jew

Pick one

That is because every single stone of subversion that's been turned over, in the last 80+ years, has had a greasy hooked nose sticking out from under it. What's so hard to understand?

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So you're admitting when you said I was "citing nobody", you were in fact lying like a little bitch?

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Hi Ari! How’s the job at Haaretz treating you ?

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Pocahontas should be holding her tribe's flag. Oh, wait, the EU tribe, she is.

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The truth

Stone of Subversion, that's a good one. Gonna write a book nobody will read? Nice examples, trailer trash


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Hey retard, you didn't cite anything. Then you did. Reading comprehension fucked you as a kid huh?

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I hope (((Bloomberg))) buys the nomination...

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Kid, just stop. You lost this one. You got exposed as the lying little faggot that you are.

lol its cute libtards think ANYONE is going to be God Emperor TRUMP.

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Mayor Buttplug supporters!

thought lefties liked gays

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tbh both sides lie about each other constantly, and its a regular shitshow.
It would be funny if it weren't the future of the country we are talking about.

Child, you should have sit this whole round out. You make yourself sound less educated and capable of critical thinking with every word you type. I'm gonna go fuck my beautiful girlfriend while you waste away behind a screen you worthless dolt hahahahaha

Even many of the GOP Senators who voted to acquit admit what he did was wrong.
And while specific statues weren't mentioned in the Articles of Impeachment, that's normal for Impeachments.
But here's a partial list of laws he broke:
52 U.S.C. § 30121 Solicitation of Foreign Influence
18 U.S.C. § 201; U.S. Con. Art II § 4 Bribery
18 U.S.C. § 641 Misappropriation of Funds
18 U.S.C. § 371 Conspiracy
18 U.S.C. §§ 1343, 1346 Honest Services Fraud
18 U.S.C. § 1512 Witness Tampering
18 U.S.C. § 610 Coercion of Political Activity
18 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1521, Obstruction of Justice

Perhaps more importantly than any of this is the "Origination Clause" of the Constitution.

He's dismantling part of the checks and balances system, and is a greater threat to our system of government than any foreign power ever was.

And that's just the laws he broke in relation to the Impeachment.
Then there's the ten counts of obstruction from the Mueller report and his nearly constant violation of the Emoluments clause.
See also:
>Over the course of decades, Donald Trump's companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders....

>The Trump Foundation was in fact found to have committed fraud and misappropriated funds, and was ordered to be shut down.

And waaaay to much other stuff to put in a single post:

He will take your guns and take your liberty


Attached: 3lycrz.jpg (750x500, 71K)

Fake news. Acquitted, bitch!

dog fucker

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You're a racist.

He doesn't have any. He copied this from a "best of" on Reddit.

Does he use the Facebook colors and font to subliminally appeal to Facebook users?

They like their votes.

>In the United States House of Representatives, Democrats made a net gain of 41 seats.[d]
>In the state elections, Democrats gained seven state governorships, control of at least 350 state legislative seats, and control of six state legislative chambers.
>The elections marked the highest voter turnout seen in midterm elections since 1914.
>The elections saw several electoral firsts for women, racial minorities and LGBT candidates, including the election of the first openly gay governor and the first openly bisexual U.S. senator. In various referenda, numerous states voted to expand Medicaid coverage, establish independent redistricting commissions, legalize marijuana, repeal felony disenfranchisement laws and enact other proposals.

Even though Republicans picked up 2 seats in the Senate (including one gained through massive voter suppression in North Dakota), Democratic Senate candidates received 18.4 million more votes than GOP candidates.

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almost as much as they like money

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This must be a midget thread.

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>Fake news. Acquitted, bitch!
>Even many of the GOP Senators who voted to acquit admit what he did was wrong.

Attached: t43ggM.jpg (492x847, 81K)

>muh b-b-but wikipedia's not real

Go chase the citations and references yourself, bitch.

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Weak and predictable.

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>That's not proof.

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We've been over this shitty meme before, user.
Bernie had one opponent in 2016, and 5 his year.
He still won both times, though.
Trump had just one opponent this year, but 5 in 2016.

Not sure if you're stupid or just assume your fellow Trumptards are.

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>Weak and predictable.
>highest voter turnout seen in midterm elections since 1914.

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He won't. And if he has Hilary as his running mate, he DEFINITELY won't.

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Weak sauce, bro. Mini Mike's not paying you enough to do this. Relax, go home, give yourself a relaxing enema, and let your boyfriend plow your ass.

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get a load from this guy.

>I have no argument
>I'll call him a shill
>and a faggot
>that's show him

Attached: GayJesus.jpg (552x550, 51K)

found la creatura

Fake news, except the part about you being a faggot shill.

>that's show him
Go back to school, faggot.

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>Go back to school, faggot.

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English motherfucker. Do you speak it?