Sad boy hours

Sad boy hours.

Tell us why you're sad tonight.

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Girlfriend broke up with me, told me lies and was a shit friend after we decided to stay friends.
Thinking about revenge by telling her strict and religious father about us.

The love of my life is married to another man.

I'm not aging well and it seems like something new hurts or is acting up every month. I'm in my 30s. I fantasize about getting some serious cancer so I can get closer to death faster. I don't want anything more to do with this world. Even a fucker living as strait edge as me gets punished. No happiness here.
I only bitch about it here, because crying about it only stresses my family out. They cannot help me. The fucking doctors cannot help me.
It's just so exhausting and sad Cred Forums. I don't love the idea of death, but I hate this so much.
I wake up and feel this deep emotional burning in my chest of depression and I just hurt all day long. It gets better before bed, but It'll start back up tomorrow.

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We're all alone.
Everyone is using everyone else for their own gains and nobody cares for anyone else.
We mask our true intentions by some convoluted delusions of grandeur plotline where we are the heroes, even from ourselves.
The only ones that will succeed in this new world are going to be psychopaths (and sociopaths as their pets) and autists. The normalniggers are cattle to be taxed and eventually killed off because they're not needed. Power being taken instead of given.

I am sad because now when I see how egoism is pervasive in our society I can see how everyone is just using each other and treating each others as objects.
I am sad because I see how pathetic their games are and how they are easily spun around their own bullshit.
I am sad because I didn't figure out this earlier, wasted so much time on idealistic worldview that doesn't work in practice.

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I've never felt upset because of relationship stuff. Everyone else seems to though. Seriously, does this mean that i'm an autist or something?

Friend is pregnant and I'm not even married

Have you ever been in a relationship? Maybe you didn't have a proper connection to the boys/girls if you did.

It's not worth it. She'll still not give a fuck. Those types of people don't care about anything but themselves.

This girl that I've been going out with keeps flaking me

>We're all alone.
Yeah basically.

I've never related to anyone on here more

She blocked me

Whatever it is about you, cherish it

For the longest time I would talk about a girl in these threads. I used to be so depressed because of it. It's been a year now and it's not painful anymore. Now I don't really feel anything or how I should feel. I mean it's not bad but feeling something would be nice.

I was with a girl that was sort of okay for a couple of years. My heart wasn't in the relationship though. I broke it off.
I've felt sexual attraction to women and sometimes some friendship. I've heard of men that kill themselves over women. I could never imagine that. They aren't worth it.

I wish I was back in 94' I was young and happy, Iw was in middle school and I was just the nostalgia of it all, I remember the good times, Its like just I want to go back to my beanbag in my basement and play some N64 or some other vidia. Its now way later than I expected to live, I do have a life and I am going to school to learn all that but I just want to be back there, playing Mariokart or something on those cool nights where my house was lit by those orange streetlights and the sound and smell of the fields near my house where I made love for the first time. I miss that I miss what I had and now its the end of the west and all I can do is drink and hope for the end to be quick or for my job to finally kill me. sorry for going scitzo but I am just typing form stream of conciseness. God, I remember my trip to cape cod, I lived in a huge, huge cape house for week. I remember having sex in the kitchen because I was stupid and thought they would hear us in my room. It was a festival or something, I forget, it was some of the best memories I have. I remember the time I was washed up in New York and sold cocaine, I remember seeing the pain I caused people, I remember stabbing a crackhead when he came at me, I don't know if he lived, Jesus I remember so much of my youth. I remember the time we got M80s and rolled them down a hill on a tire and we watched it catch on fire in the river, it was fun. I can't go back and Id be ashamed if I go back

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Because the CIA is fuckin givin birds arms

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It's true.
It hurts.

There's no fixing it.
Collapse is the only way and it's taking too long.

I took a shit so big I'm suffering from postpartum depression.

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We should all be so lucky

My knee hurts, got something stuck up my ass, and I can't sleep

feel like my life is going nowhere, daily feel like i'm smothering under all this procrastination and repetition, but i also feel i wouldn't be able to do anything else.

i just put on a smile but underneath i want to become so much more, even if someone were to kidnap me and send me to a north korean camp doing forced labor, at least i couldn't blame myself for it! and that'd still be more tolerable than my current life!

I regret not having an n64 growing up. That would have been the tits.

I feel like I'll never accomplish anything in life. Too many factors to list, but it seems everything is in a downward.

I've been working so much it seems so alien, when I'm not working I don't know what to do with my day and I either just watch some tv show or play video games till work the next day I'm in a constant loop.

Collapse will fix nothing and will only amplify the averaged out suffering.
Imagine having to justify your existence everyday by testing death, head on with another egoistical faggot.
Today you can lose your face or couple of dollars, collapse will only make shit riskier.

It is good to feel need for retribution for this unjust society, but be honest with yourself and others around you. Honesty is first step towards the truth.

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I overheard a convo between my sis and mother around Christmas...

She has started collapsing, and I fear she will die... She refuses to see the doctor, and just lets things "Happen by fate", and I feel I can't confront her about it because they had the conversation between themselves...

I am VERY much afraid

How do i know that a women is playing with me bros?

she is waiting for your response

Check to make sure she's a woman, if she is, then she is probably playing with you. Women are like cats playing with a dead mouse.

In a similar position.

Want to study something advanced due to missing out in my younger years, but the time and investment seems like a bad idea.

I'm stuck feeling unfulfilled and wanting to do something more, but I'm not even completely sure as to what.

At this point I just want something drastic and life changing to happen.
I beat myself up and torture myself with indecision and pipe dreams of how all of my problems would be solved if I had a better financial situation, as is likely the case for everyone else... I'm too stubborn to let it go and live with it I guess.

I don't even want millions or excessive material wealth, but just a house and a job that I like.
Enough to pay the mortgage and eat is fine; I want little disposable income.

It just seems impossible to get to.

Seems like, much like everyone else ITT, I just no longer fit in. I'm working hard, trying to make something of myself, but PTSD has been kicking my ass for a few years. The ups and downs are there, but goddamn, I'm down right now.

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Most of the time it's me starting the conversation when we write. But she never starts it. Should i just stop it or wait?So i should go find another one?

don't start convo with her for few days, 4 max
if she doesn't talk back continue on with your life, even if it's day after 4 days of waiting

Ok thanks user

In a week I’ll be going to a wedding and I’m pretty sure the bride will be my “one that got away.”

The bride and I met in college and hit it off, admittedly, as friends right away and became super close. Close enough to where we could have entire conversations just by making facial expressions and other nonverbal cues.

We were both single at the time and both out of state students at our college. We helped each other create dating profiles and would coach each other through dates, be the 911 call to bail them out if a disaster date, and generally lamented at our shitty dating life. At this point we were very close and comfortable. We slept in the same bed when we crashed at one another’s place, changed around the other, etc. We were comfortable with nudity & openly talked about sex/masturbation.

One time I found porn on her laptop which lead to a session of us masturbating to porn together and another masturbating to/for each other before falling asleep. Woke up the next morning in her bed with massive morning wood which she insisted not go to waste. She jerked me for a min but quickly switched to a bj. I signaled I was close and she kept going. Nutted in her mouth to what was one of the best bjs I’ve ever received. I returned the favor and ate her out before we got showered and dressed for classes.

We were fuck buddies from that point on. We only used rubbers for anal,which she loved, since she was on the pill and I hated condoms. No cleanup. Jizz inside every time.

During our last semester in college we both started having more luck on the dating site. We both met people who we are still with today and me and the girl went from best friends with benefits to just best friends.

We moved back home, several states apart respectively but kept the SO we met online. We both got engaged around the same time. Her wedding is next week. Mine is in 3mo. I’m still sure I’ll never be as compatible with my future wife as I was with this girl in college.

There’s still niggers

No one cares

You were fuck bodys thats all. It's over she knows it and you know it and you have to accept it

>fuck bodys