Get cozy user. what’s bothering you tonight ? are you upset or angry ? let’s talk about it. are you happy...

get cozy user. what’s bothering you tonight ? are you upset or angry ? let’s talk about it. are you happy ? let’s talk about it. let’s just talk

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how's your night going OP?
i just cleaned my room a little and now am relaxing with a nice rum and coke

it was pretty okay, i was really tired and a bit grouchy. and i went shopping with my mom, we didn’t buy anything. just browsed. it was nice.

I decided to visit b tonight and i regret it

i regretted it to. but i was already here so i decided to talk to some people.


sometimes it's nice just to browse. do you think you were mostly grouchy from being tired?

i sir

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yeah, probably some other stuff too. family stuff. funerals and weddings and shit

im okay, i dont know why ive been thinking my ex lately, we broke up in november 2018 and havent spoke since and i dont know why ive been thinking of her so much lately, i dont love her anymore, well atleast i think i dont. but she has a boyfriend and im happy shes happy

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that sounds stressful, sorry bro

hey man it’s okay, i personally can’t relate to that but it’ll all get better. just stay strong homie :) go outside and take a walk or play some video games to ease your mind

it’s all good :)

help i wanna draw and i looked p gides and loomis and stff bt, idk, idk what to do i jst cant do it. i feel like beng able to do that will be like one of the very few thigns that will make me not hate myself

Hi OP, thank you for a cozy image and a comfy thread. Nothing is really bothering me immediately, but I'm still down over the fact that in the past 60 days A) the front half of my house flooded and B) my classic Datsun (that was my daily driver) was totaled by some dumb cunt ignoring traffic a week ago. I'm actually somewhat happy right now though as I just managed to order almost the entire set of made-in-Japan ceramics (plates and mugs) from the Patlabor anime 30th anniversary last year. Pic related is one of the mugs (not my pic though obviously since they're coming from Japan and I just ordered today).
Hope your evening is a good one, OP.

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can't speak for you, but when I feel that way it's because i miss the companionship
read the stick on /ic/, do the things it tells you to do. also don't be so hard on yourself in the beginning, everyone starts out shit

hey i draw too, just listen to some music and really feel the energy and just draw what you feel. don’t erase mistakes, cause they’re aren’t any. just go with it bro :)

I had a catfish account on kik where I used it to occasionally troll. I use pictures of some random IG guy. I met some girl a few months back and we both started to like each other(we both live in NY), but now i want to just end it because this is all so ridiculous. We exchanged nudes but i never explicitly asked for any. Im just afraid that if i just call it off after talking about liking her she'll think something is up and she'll report me to the police as a catfish and i'll get investigated.

We're both in our 20's. She doesn't know my real name or address or anything. everything she knows is a lie.

I'm pretty worried about this. I know it will hurt her to call it off and i'll be sad as well but i cant keep this charade up.

Do I ghost her and hope she gets over it? try to say im in a relationship and hope she stops talking to me? I really just want to avoid any legal issues. I'm already an asshole.

im very worried about this

im very sorry about the flooding and car and shit :( my grandmas house flooded which had almost all of my stuff and my moms stuff in it, and a lot of it was ruined so i get how you feel. but i hope u have a good evening too :)

hey, honeslty bro, just go ghost. delete the account, completely and block her on all social media. she’ll just assume something bad happened, be angry, then get over it. or option B, you can say you’re in the hospital and you might not make it or something like that, and after a few days, never contact her again. i know these seem like the worst and most fucked up things to do but u gotta do what ya gotta do

I considered ghosting her. She'll never know if i was fake or not then and if she went to the cops with the thought i was a catfish with no proof they wouldnt do shit

yeah bt like, idk how to even start i read the thing and got some books bt like, i cant make something relevant appear on the paper so idk what to do, doodling shit isnt going to help so

thanks for the thread, user.

don't need comfort, need a solution. I keep missing important deadlines because i don't understand the process of keeping them. i don't think in terms of specifics, usually just rules that hold up across "I'm doing this at this time on this date and its going to take this long and I'll need to bring this and watch out for this..." I don't do it.

really bumming me out and I need to figure out how to process that sort of info. thoughts? i need answers

nice trips comfy/b/ro

Cleaning one's bedroom is actually a really great thing to do, user. You always feel much better and satisfied afterward. Nice bedroom is nice.

Browsing stores is fun even when not buying anything. Personally, I love department stores, especially the big anchor ones in the mall. I love to look at clothes, wallets, towels. Plus it's a ton better when you're with someone. Did you two get something to eat or drink?

Well there are always worse things one can do to relax and tune out than visit Cred Forums. Just stay away from rekt threads and accept that tonight's YLYL threads are lame.

It happens. Went through that lately with both of mine from the past couple years until A) I ran into one completely at random and she acted like a total cunt to me and B) the other one began dating a special needs (literally) edgelord single father who has a real life neckbeard. Sometimes when you see the type of guy she goes for it makes you realize you dodged a bullet and that she can go fuck herself if she chose that over you. Fow what it's worth, I hope you feel better fren.

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hm, i’ve never had to deal with something like this so i really don’t know. maybe rewards yourself for every time you actually keep up with the date and go out and do it. or set a daily reminder for whatever you’re planning. so if you hear it everyday and ingrain it into your head over a month or a few weeks you’ll eventually do it because it’s been lead up to for so long and you’ll want to do it

what do you define as relevant ?

dunno, probably a drawing produced by an objectively skilled individual

well, i think any drawing/ piece of art can be viewed as relevant, it all depends on how you look at it ya know. unless it’s absolute dogshit, which is hard to do.

i appreciate Cred Forumsros

i feel kinda down about it but what can you do

i just cant shake the feeling of just seeing how she is doing and messaging her but that is the worst possible thing to do,

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well thats were im at right now so idk how to get better, i dont think doin what the books say are gonna help me so kinda wanna kms rn

that's gonna be hard because you're just beginning, you need to embrace the fact that you're trying something new and it isn't going to be perfect

dude just go for it, a lot of people think my drawings are shit but i like them. it’s all about what YOU like. not what these fuckin books are saying is “good”. whatever you like and think is good, is good. just go with it bro

Am I still banned? This is a test

well yeah bt, like if someone handed me a paper and said draw anything i jst wont, theres nothign to be made bt some shitty lines, idk how did yo learn? i dont have sch a desire to do it that i do it no matter what i jst want skill i gess idk

skill requires practice, how long have you been going at this for ?

also you might just be at a huge art block. sometimes it happens and takes a while to get past. i’ve had my fair share

tbh that sounds more like a confidence issue to me. i'd suggest you look at peter han's course called dynamic sketching, i'm pretty sure it's on /ic/ in the video thread. it's a beginner course and he tells you exactly what to draw so you can get comfortable

You’re being a pussy. She won’t do anything.

well ive wanted to draw for awhile bt actual drawing? pretty much nothing.
guess ill try that
nah never had a piece of skill to draw anything to ever enconter the blocc

The last couple days I've been distraught over how much fun I may have missed in college. I'm losing weight after a long period of weight issues (probably related to stress) and mental health problems, and I know I didn't take advantage of all the opportunities I could. It's impossible to change the past, and I know the future will never be as good since I missed out on so many unique things.

First Cred Forums post, hope I did this right. My ex who I was close with as friends blocked me on everything suddenly. She’d been hinting at it for a while. Her new girlfriend (m2f tranny) is super overprotective and evil and is forcing my ex to push everyone away. I brought up my anger to my friends and they say I’m a terrible person and won’t talk to me. It sucks man :(

hey man it’s okay, i’ve missed out on so many fun opportunities, but i still try to make the most of the present. i’m sorry to hear about the mental health problems and weight loss stuff, but it’ll get better dawg :)

Everything has been going too good for me for a long time now. But now things are changing and I feel myself slowly slipping back into depression. I’ve been on an awesome project at work and now it is over and I’m back on some bullshit. My family is really counting on me and it’s adding a lot of stress to me right now, both mentally and financially. And there is a lot of shit that is just starting to really pile up. I’m losing motivation to deal with any of it and just want to ignore everything, but I can’t and I know things are going to get out of hand if I let them.

HAHAHA NEWFAG, kidding lol i’m relatively new as well, but yeah that sounds like a shitty situation. but honestly if she’s such a pushover to the point to where she will block you if someone else tells her to, she must not care that much about you bro. just move on and find your own happiness. i know it’ll be hard but it’s okay

Is it true that life after college can be better than life in college? I've heard that it's all downhill from the mid twenties onward.

well, if you want to draw, go for it. that’s all i can say bro

i haven’t been to college so i don’t know personally, but yeah it can be better as long as you actually try to make it better and don’t just sit back like a fag

I feel trapped with a girl from work. We were really good friends in the beginning and now I feel like she’s taking advantage of me. I give her rides to work everymorning, but she kind of mean to me sometime She’s not really supportive and likes to make jokes about stuff I enjoy doing. If I tell her I don’t want to see her anymore, I’m worried she will tell people I was just a “nice guy” because I did ask her out at one point and she said no :/. So everyday, I have to work with her and put up with the weird put downs / “jokes”. I bought her lunch and she didn’t say thank you either. Sometimes she buys me lunch or coffee, but I’ve bought more for sure. Which I don’t really care as long as the person shows some appreciation

honestly bro i feel ya, on some sort of level at least. i hope it gets better, and i’m sorry to hear about the depression shit. take a walk outside and just enjoy nature. or workout, both are amazing at helping me be happy when i’m upset.

well thanks for the words bt like, go for what? i got nothing i can do rn, try learning more then practice i gess

she sounds like she’s using you for a free ride and free food. user i’m sorry to tell ya but if i were you i’d cut this person out of my life. she seems toxic as fuck

stop trying to learn, i used to go to youtube video after youtube video trying to get information on “how to get better at drawing”. it never worked. just draw anything. some fucking lines, a house, literally anything. and you’ll improve over time

>sketch i did on phone while listening to music

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So take the high ground. If she goes around slandering you to people, just own it and be like "Yeah I was nice to her, she turned bitch on me though so we're just normal friends now." Literally nobody can trash you if you own your shit like you don't give a fuck.

I really hope you’re right. I just deleted my Kik account. I forgot to block her first but I don’t think it matters, the account will be fully gone in a couple of days. Now I just pray that she doesn’t suspect anything or none of her friends do and convince her to talk to the police about it

this is one of the most shitty drawings i’ve ever done but i like it and that’s all that matters

facts ^^

it’ll be all good user, nothing bad will come of it, although i do feel a bit of sorrow for the girl who’s probably very upset right now, it’s all good because ya had to do what u had to do

k gess ill do that then, i jst cant imagine getting better doin that, bt ill do it

I really feel for her. I genuinely liked her so much, dude. I never meant for it to spiral into this. I got just as wrapped up in it and she did. I hate that I had to do this but now I get to live in fear for the next few months that she’ll go to the police and they’ll investigate it

trust me when i tell you this, no girl is ever going to care about you so much to where she calls the police because you ghosted her. especially if you’ve never met up irl

I’m more afraid about her catching on that it was a catfish and going to the police, not about any sort of liking me so much she thinks it’s illegal for me to be an asshole. Catfishing is classified as fraud here in my state

Yeah, it’s really nice having a girl text good morning and send me messages at work and stuff you know? Like, I know it sound lame but, we go to like groceries stores and stuff and it almost feels like a relationship. This is sadly the closest I’ve been to every having this kind of experience, never had any luck dating. So it’s like, I know all that will go away. Don’t get me wrong, we do joke and stuff and it’s not always bad it’s just, sometimes out of nowhere she just says something that just rocks me. Like, I was heading to a job and said buy to hear and she looked and me and ignored me. I said loudly, “wow!” And she blew up and said “I’m busy what do you want from me” it was a long drive and it made me feel like, if this was the last time we saw each other, that was really the last words out of her mouth to me and she was ok with that. It was a long drive across the state so I had a lot of time to think, this was last Friday

just bring it up to her, and ask about it

the police arent gonna care about some girl crying about somebody who may or may not be real

goodnight anons. i had a good time :)

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