Ok Cred Forums, the question is simple but the answer is a bit harder to pin down...

ok Cred Forums, the question is simple but the answer is a bit harder to pin down. How did Christianity get popular on a site like Cred Forums?

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Christianity is a misunderstanding of the hole catholic religion

my theory is after years of viewing the worst debauchery Anons pussied out and couldn't take it anymore. I don't blame them at all. the website became so disgusting at one point the mods didn't/dont want to view it

that's just pathetic

Probably a western culture thing, i doubt many Hindus in India or people who follow Bhudda in the Orient read Cred Forums.

I doubt this. I know many people in psychology community that are frequent Cred Forums viewers, I bet they find it interesting but lurk moar than post. this should worry you as it does me

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It generally provides either a sense of purpose, a reason to hate minorities (especially Jews, read some shit the Church Fathers wrote), or both. Plus pretending to be a crusader.
That being said, there's definitely some devout folks, that's undeniable.

the problem I have with christfags shitting on jews is simple hypocrisy. they literally are basing their lives off jewish propaganda. although effective for some things, Christianity/freemasonry is Judaism for goy, without the benefits of jewry

The problem for the Fathers (and modern Christian antisemites, I suppose, although I'd argue antisemitism, like other forms of racism, is antithetical to Christianity) isn't what the Jews did before Christ, but that the Jews (short for "The Jews that didn't convert to Christianity") didn't convert to Christianity and had the Son of God killed.

4chinz is filled with fact, fiction, banter, discussion and satire.
In the end, after all those factors crashing into eachother, only truth remains.

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Simple, Cred Forums is a den for degenerates. Religious people are the biggest degenerates around, so they fit right in.

How did it get popular at all? One minute we are feeding them to lions and next thing you know they are the official religion in all of Europe, and later America.

It's just random evangelists trying to 'save' degenerates because they think its their job and posting online is easier than getting a door slammed in your face.

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Catholics worship a tween chosen by an autistic peta schitzo to gave birth to his rape baby so his blood could be sacrificed to end the killing of goats, cows, chickens, and humans.

thats what happens when you rename all the traditional holidays and call it a new religion

Opiate of the masses and theres a ton of that needed around here.

>didn't convert to Christianity and had the Son of God killed.

why the fuck are christians salty about that? wasn't jesus getting killed/crucified part of the plan? if it was part of the plan, and it was meant to happen anyway, why be salty about it?

That's not it at all. Of course jews killing Christ was God's plan. It's the fact that the jews literally deny the thing they were asking for for centuries. Jews didn't like what they got and threw a fit. Thats why.

i just started reading the bible a couple days ago.
in the book of genesis, after god destroys sodom and gemorrah and Lott's wife gets turned into a pillar of salt, Lott and his two daughters hide in a cave outside zoar.
Lott's daughters want to preserve their father's seed, so they get him drunk and take turns fucking him for a couple days to impregnate themselves.

i never thought the bible could give a boner.

also, god is kind of a dick. he promised abraham he wouldn't destroy the two cities if there were any lingering innocent souls, yet the angels of destruction only saved lott's family. maybe that's what abraham was getting at when he was bartering with god; that he didn't want his brother to be killed. not sure if any others were saved, that's as far as i got last night.
lott is also kind of a dick for offering his virgin daughters to the crowd of drunks who wanted to kill the angels in his house.

The Bible is full of wild shit.

Read the Song of Solomon, its basically A-tier porn.

Easy, most users are American, Canadian, Britlish, or other Europeans. All of these countries are founded on some form of Christian fundamentalism. So, even though most users probably practicing the religion, they're sense of morality and ideals are Christian in nature. Even if they aren't acutely aware of, or accepting of it

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Book of Mormon

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i have read it, it's boring. not bad at all, just boring.

tbh the real fun is Doctrines & Covenants, I recommend 132

Honestly, I think it all stems back to this strange counter culture that has stemmed as a result of counter culture, twisting it back into what would be traditionally considered the norm — which has been ritualistically shamed by virtually every other popular social media outlet.

This is a den of depravity, sure, but that makes it a much easier place to state your actual opinion — e.g. the opinion a stark number of people actually share but remain quiet about — than the politically correct, filtered down horse shit you’re going to get anywhere else.

that's why i started reading it. the book '48 laws of power' references a lot of biblical stories. some of them blew my mind a little bit.
quick google search says it's the song of songs in the bible. is that right?
i'm gonna read the thing in order, so it might be awhile. thanks for the heads up.
>pic related
i'm not a christfag, nor will i probably ever be one. images like this are nice though. religion or no, sometimes all it takes is for someone/something to tell you that you aren't a lost cause and just that's enough keep you going.

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